

parcel = int(input("How many parcels do you want to send?"))
i = 1
while i < parcel+1:
print("State the weight for parcel",i,":")
weight = int(input())
if (i == parcel):
i += 1
if weight < 2:
price = 30
elif weight == 2 or weight < 6:
price = 28
elif weight == 6 or weight < 12:
price = 25
elif weight >= 12:
price = 23
tot_price = 
print("The total price will be:",tot_price)
# All prices of each parcel
list_of_prices = []
# Ask the user to input the number of parcels
parcel_count = int(input("How many parcels do you want to send? "))
count = 1
# Loop through the number of parcels, asking for the weight of each
while count <= parcel_count+1:
weight = int(input(f"Please input the weight for parcel {count}: "))
if weight < 2:
price = 30
elif 2 <= weight < 6:
price = 28
elif 6 <= weight < 12:
price = 25
elif weight >= 12:
price = 23
list_of_prices.append(int(price))      # add the price to the list
count += 1
# sum() adds up all the numbers in the list of prices
total_price = sum(list_of_prices)
print("The total price will be:", total_price)


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