

const LinkElement = () => <Link to='/some-redirection-in-the-same-app'>Click here...</Link>
const EyelashGrowthData = [
key:"How does bimatoprost 0.03% ophthalmic solution work?",
data:`It is believed the growth cycle (anagen) phase is increased of your eyelash hair cycle. Anagen is the
growth phase of all hair. The increase in the length of the anagen phase therefore increases the
number of hairs in this growth phase.`   
key:"Is a doctor’s consultation and prescription required for this treatment?",
data:`Yes, this is a prescription-only medication to grow the eyelashes longer, fuller and darker, indicated
for people with inadequate or not enough lashes. This treatment needs to be prescribed by a doctor
to assure the proper treatment and use. Complete the ${LinkElement} now.`   

EyelashGrowthData被进一步传递到道具中的某个组件并成为以下组件的CCD_ 2道具并以此方式服务data可能有很多变体,它们可能没有超链接但其中一些有超链接,应该在那里。


export ({data}) => {
data.map(item => { 
return (
//this should render a ${LinkElement} in {item.data}, which will work perfectly as a link
......many other thing


const LinkElement = () => <Link to='/some-redirection-in-the-same-app'>Click here...</Link>
const EyelashGrowthData = [
key:"How does bimatoprost 0.03% ophthalmic solution work?",
data: () => `It is believed the growth cycle (anagen) phase is increased of your eyelash hair cycle. Anagen is the
growth phase of all hair. The increase in the length of the anagen phase therefore increases the
number of hairs in this growth phase.`   
key:"Is a doctor’s consultation and prescription required for this treatment?",
data: () => <> Yes, this is a prescription-only medication to grow the eyelashes longer, fuller and darker, indicated
for people with inadequate or not enough lashes. This treatment needs to be prescribed by a doctor
to assure the proper treatment and use. Complete the <LinkElement/> now.</>  

然后,您可以从第二个组件中简单地调用数据函数。您还可以处理字符串以及{typeof item.data === 'function' ? item.data() : item.data }等函数。

