

Dim dsac As Worksheet
Dim dsvs As Worksheet
Dim tcrng As Range
Dim tkrng As Range
Dim arng As Range
Dim arng2 As Range
Dim arng3 As Range
Dim arng4 As Range
Dim rn As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Set dsac = Worksheets("DownSweep Alpha Calculation")
Set dsvs = Worksheets("Down Sweep Viscosity Shear-Rate")
Set tcrng = dsac.Range(dsac.Range("A2"), dsac.Range("A2").End(xlDown))
rn = tcrng.Rows.Count
dsac.Range("I2").Formula = "=A2+273.15"
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("I2:I" & rn + 1), Type:=xlFillDefault
dsac.Range("J2").Formula = "=$C$2*'Down Sweep Viscosity Shear-Rate'!C11^($B$2-1)"
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("J2:CZ2"), Type:=xlFillDefault
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("J2:CZ" & rn + 1), Type:=xlFillDefault
i = 1
Set arng = dsac.Range("J101")
Set arng2 = dsvs.Range("C201")
Set arng3 = dsac.Range("J2")
Set arng4 = dsac.Range("I2")

For i = 1 To 95
arng.Formula = "= (Ln(" & arng2 & " / " & arng3 & ")) / ((1 / (" & arng4 & "- $D$2)) - (1 / ($E$2 - $D$2)))"""
arng = arng.Offset(0, 1)
arng2 = arng2.Offset(0, 1)
arng3 = arng3.Offset(0, 1)
Next i



Dim dsac As Worksheet
Set dsac = Worksheets("DownSweep Alpha Calculation")
Dim dsvs As Worksheet
Set dsvs = Worksheets("Down Sweep Viscosity Shear-Rate")
Dim rn As Long
rn = dsac.Cells(dsac.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
dsac.Range("I2:I" & rn).Formula = "=A2+273.15"
dsac.Range("J2:CZ" & rn).Formula = "=$C$2*'Down Sweep Viscosity Shear-Rate'!C11^($B$2-1)"
dsac.Range("J101:J195").Formula = "=(Ln(Down Sweep Viscosity Shear-Rate!C201 / J2)) / ((1 / ($I$2- $D$2)) - (1 / ($E$2 - $D$2)))"
  • 避免.select,因为这是一种资源密集的方法
  • 不要在搜索最后一行时使用xlDown,因为如果数据集中有空行,这会中断
  • 如果计算量很大,公式会降低工作簿的速度。如果你不需要它们,这里有一个适合你的解决方案

Sub test()
Dim dsac As Worksheet: Set dsac = Worksheets("DownSweep Alpha Calculation")
Dim dsvs As Worksheet: Set dsvs = Worksheets("Down Sweep Viscosity Shear-Rate")
Dim i As Integer
Dim lrow As Long
lrow = dsac.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To lrow
dsac.Cells(i, 9).Value = dsac.Cells(2, 1) * 273.15
Next i
For i = 10 To 104 '104 is column CZ 
dsac.Cells(2, i).Value = dsac.Cells(2, 3) * dsvs.Cells(11, i) ^ dsvs.Cells(2, 2) - 1
Next i
For i = 10 To 85 'you had 95, but this starts at 10 so reduced to 85
dsac.Cells(101, i).Value = WorksheetFunction.Ln((dsvs.Cells(201, i - 7) / dsac.Cells(2, 10)) / ((1 / (dsac.Cells(2, 9) - dsac.Cells(2, 4)))) - ((1 / (dsac.Cells(2, 5) - dsac.Cells(2, 4)))))
Next i
End Sub
