

bread = ['italian', 'wheat', 'honey oat']
bprice = [1, 2, 3]
meat = ['roastbeef', 'ham', 'turkey', 'steak']
mprice = [3, 1, 2, 4]
vegetable = ['lettuce', 'onions', 'tomatoes', 'pickles']
vprice = [1, 4, 2, 3]



Combinations                Total
italian, ham, onions, pickles           9
italian, turkey, onions, pickles       ...
wheat, ham, onions, pickles            ...



import pandas as pd #To display the results
from itertools import combinations, product
# Create bread dictionary 
bread = ['italian', 'wheat', 'honey oat']
bprice = [1, 2, 3]
breaddict = dict(zip(bread, bprice))
# Create meat dictionary
meat = ['roastbeef', 'ham', 'turkey', 'steak']
mprice = [3, 1, 2, 4]
meatdict= dict(zip(meat,mprice))
# Create veggie dictionary
vegetable = ['lettuce', 'onions', 'tomatoes', 'pickles']
vprice = [1, 4, 2, 3]
vegdict=dict(zip(vegetable, vprice))
# The real work is done here
# Create combinations of two veggies
# Then use that combination with bread and meat to calculate a product of sandwiches
sandwiches = product(bread,meat,combinations(vegetable,2))
# Create empty dataframe for storage and display
# Iterate through sandwiches 
# and use unpacking tuple and map with dictionary to populate dataframe
for b, m, v in sandwiches:
df=df.append(pd.concat([pd.Series(', '.join([b, m, *v])).rename('Combinations'),
*map(vegdict.get, v)])).rename('Total')], 


Combinations  Total
0     italian, roastbeef, lettuce, onions      9
1   italian, roastbeef, lettuce, tomatoes      7
2    italian, roastbeef, lettuce, pickles      8
3    italian, roastbeef, onions, tomatoes     10
4     italian, roastbeef, onions, pickles     11
..                                    ...    ...
67    honey oat, steak, lettuce, tomatoes     10
68     honey oat, steak, lettuce, pickles     11
69     honey oat, steak, onions, tomatoes     13
70      honey oat, steak, onions, pickles     14
71    honey oat, steak, tomatoes, pickles     12
[72 rows x 2 columns]


from itertools import combinations, product
bread = ['italian', 'wheat', 'honey oat']
bprice = [1, 2, 3]
breaddict = dict(zip(bread, bprice))
# Create meat dictionary
meat = ['roastbeef', 'ham', 'turkey', 'steak']
mprice = [3, 1, 2, 4]
meatdict= dict(zip(meat,mprice))
# Create veggie dictionary
vegetable = ['lettuce', 'onions', 'tomatoes', 'pickles']
vprice = [1, 4, 2, 3]
vegdict=dict(zip(vegetable, vprice))
# The real work is done here
# Create combinations of two veggies
# Then use that combination with bread and meat to calculate a product of sandwiches
sandwiches = product(bread,meat,combinations(vegetable,2))
sandwiches_with_price = [[b,m,*v], 
sum([breaddict[b], meatdict[m], *map(vegdict.get, v)])) for b, m, v in sandwiches]


[(['italian', 'roastbeef', 'lettuce', 'onions'], 9),
(['italian', 'roastbeef', 'lettuce', 'tomatoes'], 7),
(['italian', 'roastbeef', 'lettuce', 'pickles'], 8),
(['italian', 'roastbeef', 'onions', 'tomatoes'], 10),
(['italian', 'roastbeef', 'onions', 'pickles'], 11),
(['italian', 'roastbeef', 'tomatoes', 'pickles'], 9),
(['italian', 'ham', 'lettuce', 'onions'], 7),
(['italian', 'ham', 'lettuce', 'tomatoes'], 5),
(['italian', 'ham', 'lettuce', 'pickles'], 6),
(['italian', 'ham', 'onions', 'tomatoes'], 8),
(['italian', 'ham', 'onions', 'pickles'], 9),
(['italian', 'ham', 'tomatoes', 'pickles'], 7),
(['italian', 'turkey', 'lettuce', 'onions'], 8),
(['italian', 'turkey', 'lettuce', 'tomatoes'], 6),
(['italian', 'turkey', 'lettuce', 'pickles'], 7),
(['italian', 'turkey', 'onions', 'tomatoes'], 9),
(['italian', 'turkey', 'onions', 'pickles'], 10),
(['italian', 'turkey', 'tomatoes', 'pickles'], 8),
(['italian', 'steak', 'lettuce', 'onions'], 10),
(['italian', 'steak', 'lettuce', 'tomatoes'], 8),
(['italian', 'steak', 'lettuce', 'pickles'], 9),
(['italian', 'steak', 'onions', 'tomatoes'], 11),
(['italian', 'steak', 'onions', 'pickles'], 12),
(['italian', 'steak', 'tomatoes', 'pickles'], 10),
(['wheat', 'roastbeef', 'lettuce', 'onions'], 10),
(['wheat', 'roastbeef', 'lettuce', 'tomatoes'], 8),
(['wheat', 'roastbeef', 'lettuce', 'pickles'], 9),
(['wheat', 'roastbeef', 'onions', 'tomatoes'], 11),
(['wheat', 'roastbeef', 'onions', 'pickles'], 12),
(['wheat', 'roastbeef', 'tomatoes', 'pickles'], 10),
(['wheat', 'ham', 'lettuce', 'onions'], 8),
(['wheat', 'ham', 'lettuce', 'tomatoes'], 6),
(['wheat', 'ham', 'lettuce', 'pickles'], 7),
(['wheat', 'ham', 'onions', 'tomatoes'], 9),
(['wheat', 'ham', 'onions', 'pickles'], 10),
(['wheat', 'ham', 'tomatoes', 'pickles'], 8),
(['wheat', 'turkey', 'lettuce', 'onions'], 9),
(['wheat', 'turkey', 'lettuce', 'tomatoes'], 7),
(['wheat', 'turkey', 'lettuce', 'pickles'], 8),
(['wheat', 'turkey', 'onions', 'tomatoes'], 10),
(['wheat', 'turkey', 'onions', 'pickles'], 11),
(['wheat', 'turkey', 'tomatoes', 'pickles'], 9),
(['wheat', 'steak', 'lettuce', 'onions'], 11),
(['wheat', 'steak', 'lettuce', 'tomatoes'], 9),
(['wheat', 'steak', 'lettuce', 'pickles'], 10),
(['wheat', 'steak', 'onions', 'tomatoes'], 12),
(['wheat', 'steak', 'onions', 'pickles'], 13),
(['wheat', 'steak', 'tomatoes', 'pickles'], 11),
(['honey oat', 'roastbeef', 'lettuce', 'onions'], 11),
(['honey oat', 'roastbeef', 'lettuce', 'tomatoes'], 9),
(['honey oat', 'roastbeef', 'lettuce', 'pickles'], 10),
(['honey oat', 'roastbeef', 'onions', 'tomatoes'], 12),
(['honey oat', 'roastbeef', 'onions', 'pickles'], 13),
(['honey oat', 'roastbeef', 'tomatoes', 'pickles'], 11),
(['honey oat', 'ham', 'lettuce', 'onions'], 9),
(['honey oat', 'ham', 'lettuce', 'tomatoes'], 7),
(['honey oat', 'ham', 'lettuce', 'pickles'], 8),
(['honey oat', 'ham', 'onions', 'tomatoes'], 10),
(['honey oat', 'ham', 'onions', 'pickles'], 11),
(['honey oat', 'ham', 'tomatoes', 'pickles'], 9),
(['honey oat', 'turkey', 'lettuce', 'onions'], 10),
(['honey oat', 'turkey', 'lettuce', 'tomatoes'], 8),
(['honey oat', 'turkey', 'lettuce', 'pickles'], 9),
(['honey oat', 'turkey', 'onions', 'tomatoes'], 11),
(['honey oat', 'turkey', 'onions', 'pickles'], 12),
(['honey oat', 'turkey', 'tomatoes', 'pickles'], 10),
(['honey oat', 'steak', 'lettuce', 'onions'], 12),
(['honey oat', 'steak', 'lettuce', 'tomatoes'], 10),
(['honey oat', 'steak', 'lettuce', 'pickles'], 11),
(['honey oat', 'steak', 'onions', 'tomatoes'], 13),
(['honey oat', 'steak', 'onions', 'pickles'], 14),
(['honey oat', 'steak', 'tomatoes', 'pickles'], 12)]


bread = ['italian', 'wheat', 'honey oat']
bprice = [1, 2, 3]
meat = ['roastbeef', 'ham', 'turkey', 'steak']
mprice = [3, 1, 2, 4]
vegetable = ['lettuce', 'onions', 'tomatoes', 'pickles']
vprice = [1, 4, 2, 3]
# prices are easier to manage in a dict, let's do that.
prices = {x:y for x,y in zip(bread, bprice)}
prices.update({x:y for x,y in zip(meat, mprice)})
prices.update({x:y for x,y in zip(vegetable, vprice)})

#now let's make all the vegetable combinations:
combveg = [ sorted((x ,y)) for x in vegetable for y in vegetable if len(set([x,y])) == 2 ]
# remove duplicates
combveg = list(set([tuple(x) for x in combveg]))
# now calculate all the sandwich possibilities
sandwiches = [[b, m] + list(vgs) for b in bread for m in meat for vgs in combveg]
# just have to build their prices now
sandwiches_with_price = [(sandwich, sum([prices[item] for item in sandwich])) for sandwich in sandwiches]



from operator import itemgetter
from itertools import product, combinations
bread = ['italian', 'wheat', 'honey oat']
bprice = [1, 2, 3]
meat = ['roastbeef', 'ham', 'turkey', 'steak']
mprice = [3, 1, 2, 4]
vegetable = ['lettuce', 'onions', 'tomatoes', 'pickles']
vprice = [1, 4, 2, 3]
d = dict()
d.update(zip(bread, bprice))
d.update(zip(meat, mprice))
d.update(zip(vegetable, vprice))
for p in product(bread, meat, combinations(vegetable, 2)):
# make 1 tuple from list and tuple (from combinations)
p = p[0:2] + p[2]
print('{:<40} = {}'.format(', '.join(p), sum(itemgetter(*p)(d))))

它使用物品的产品(Scott Boston使用(





p = p[0:2] + p[2]

这很难,但我不知道如何将combinations(vegetable, 2)生成的元组转换为单个项,而不是它生成的元组。


italian, roastbeef, lettuce, onions      = 9
italian, roastbeef, lettuce, tomatoes    = 7
italian, roastbeef, lettuce, pickles     = 8
italian, roastbeef, onions, tomatoes     = 10
italian, roastbeef, onions, pickles      = 11
italian, roastbeef, tomatoes, pickles    = 9
italian, ham, lettuce, onions            = 7
. . .
honey oat, steak, lettuce, tomatoes      = 10
honey oat, steak, lettuce, pickles       = 11
honey oat, steak, onions, tomatoes       = 13
honey oat, steak, onions, pickles        = 14
honey oat, steak, tomatoes, pickles      = 12
