
我有一个Log df,其中df有Description列。看起来像。

Machine x : Turn off
Another action here
Another action here
Machine y : Turn off
Machine x : Turn on
Another action here



Description               Machine           Action
Machine x : Turn off      Machine x         Turn off
Another action here
Another action here
Machine y : Turn off      Machine y         Turn off
Machine x : Turn on       Machine x         Turn on
Another action here


s = df["Description"].apply(lambda x:x.split(":"))
df["Action"] = s.apply(lambda x: x[1])
df["Machine"] = s.apply(lambda x: x[0])



df[['Machine', 'Action']] = df.Description.str.extract('(.*) : (.*)',expand=True)
>>> df
Description    Machine    Action
0  Machine x : Turn off  Machine x  Turn off
1   Another action here        NaN       NaN
2   Another action here        NaN       NaN
3  Machine y : Turn off  Machine y  Turn off
4   Machine x : Turn on  Machine x   Turn on
5   Another action here        NaN       NaN
# df[['Machine', 'Action']] = df.Description.str.extract('(.*) : (.*)',expand=True).fillna('')


>>> df
0  Machine x : Turn off
1   Another action here
2   Another action here
3  Machine y : Turn off
4   Machine x : Turn on
5   Another action here

我会通过Series.str.split(splitter, expand=True)来处理这个问题。

>>> has_colon = df['Description'].str.contains(':')
>>> df[['Machine', 'Action']] = df.loc[has_colon, 'Description'].str.split('s*:s*', expand=True)
>>> df
Description    Machine    Action
0  Machine x : Turn off  Machine x  Turn off
1   Another action here        NaN       NaN
2   Another action here        NaN       NaN
3  Machine y : Turn off  Machine y  Turn off
4   Machine x : Turn on  Machine x   Turn on
5   Another action here        NaN       NaN


>>> df.fillna('')
Description    Machine    Action
0  Machine x : Turn off  Machine x  Turn off
1   Another action here                     
2   Another action here                     
3  Machine y : Turn off  Machine y  Turn off
4   Machine x : Turn on  Machine x   Turn on
5   Another action here 


df[['Machine', 'Action']] =df.Description.str.split(':',expand=True).dropna()
Description     Machine     Action
0  Machine x : Turn off  Machine x    Turn off
1   Another action here         NaN        NaN
2   Another action here         NaN        NaN
3  Machine y : Turn off  Machine y    Turn off
4   Machine x : Turn on  Machine x     Turn on
5   Another action here         NaN        NaN


In [491]: df
0  Machine x : Turn off
1   Another action here
2   Another action here
3  Machine y : Turn off
4   Machine x : Turn on
5   Another action here
In [492]: pd.concat([df, df.Description.str.extract('(?P<Machine>[^:]+)s+:s+(?P<Action>[^:]+)').fillna('')], axis=1)
Description    Machine    Action
0  Machine x : Turn off  Machine x  Turn off
1   Another action here                     
2   Another action here                     
3  Machine y : Turn off  Machine y  Turn off
4   Machine x : Turn on  Machine x   Turn on
5   Another action here                     



df[['Machine', 'Action']] = pd.DataFrame([x.split(':') for x in df.Description]).dropna()


df = pd.concat([df]*1000)
%timeit pd.DataFrame([x.split(':') for x in df.Description]).dropna()
4.47 ms ± 252 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
%timeit df.Description.str.split(':',expand=True).dropna()
14.9 ms ± 323 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
%timeit df.Description.str.extract('(.*) : (.*)',expand=True)
16.6 ms ± 393 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
%timeit pd.concat([df, df.Description.str.extract('(?P<Machine>[^:]+)s+:s+(?P<Action>[^:]+)').fillna('')], axis=1)
22.5 ms ± 448 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)


msk = df.Description.str.contains(':')
df[['Machine', 'Action']] = df.Description.str.split(':', 1, expand=True).where(msk, '')


