为什么 std::totally_ordered<float> 返回 true?

cpp引用(https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/concepts/totally_ordered)表示std::totally_ordered<T>仅当给定const std::remove_reference_t<T>:类型的左值a、b和c时才建模

  • bool(a < b)bool(a > b)bool(a == b)中恰好有一个为真
  • 如果bool(a < b)bool(b < c)都为真,则bool(a < c)为真
  • bool(a > b) == bool(b < a)
  • bool(a >= b) == !bool(a < b)
  • bool(a <= b) == !bool(b < a)

所以我考虑了NaN,发现float与句子bool(a > b) == bool(b < a)不符。但std::totally_ordered<float>true。我做错什么了吗?



#define NAN        ((float)(INFINITY * 0.0F))


#include <iostream>
#include <concepts>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
1) std::totally_ordered<T> is modeled only if, given lvalues a, b and c of type const std::remove_reference_t<T>:
Exactly one of bool(a < b), bool(a > b) and bool(a == b) is true;
If bool(a < b) and bool(b < c) are both true, then bool(a < c) is true;
bool(a > b) == bool(b < a)
bool(a >= b) == !bool(a < b)
bool(a <= b) == !bool(b < a)
constexpr bool b = totally_ordered<float>; // true
cout << typeid(NAN).name() << endl;        // float
cout << NAN << endl;
cout << b << endl;
cout << "Exactly one of bool(a < b), bool(a > b) and bool(a == b) is true;" << endl;
cout << (NAN < NAN) << endl;
cout << (NAN > NAN) << endl;
cout << (NAN == NAN) << endl;
cout << " If bool(a < b) and bool(b < c) are both true, then bool(a < c) is true;" << endl;
cout << (1.f < 2.f) << endl;
cout << (2.f < NAN) << endl;
cout << (1.f < NAN) << endl;
cout << "bool(a > b) == bool(b < a)" << endl; ////// IT IS FALSE //////
cout << (NAN > 1.f) << endl;
cout << (1.f < NAN) << endl;
cout << "bool(a >= b) == !bool(a < b)" << endl;
cout << (NAN >= 1.f) << endl;
cout << (NAN < 1.f) << endl;
cout << "bool(a <= b) == !bool(b < a)" << endl;
cout << (NAN <= 1.f) << endl;
cout << (NAN > 1.f) << endl;
cout << endl;

概念有语法要求,即存在一些表达式集,并且是提供特定行为的类型。C++20的CCD_ 18特性可以检测到这些。




