如何优化"Find all possible triangles without duplicates"代码

我有一个C程序,它可以找到所有可能的三角形(例如3 3 4 4 5 5=>20个三角形,7个没有重复(。我通过连接a、b、c将所有三角形存储为abc格式来实现这一点,但我的程序太慢了。我发现查找所有三角形的函数对于1000个数字需要1.68秒,uniq((函数也是如此。(限制为2s(:

int getTriangles(const int nosniky[], int N, int trojuhelniky[]) {
int count = 0;
tcount = 0;
// The last triangle found
int TEMP = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < N; j++) {
for (int m = j + 1; m < N; m++) {
int a = nosniky[i];
int b = nosniky[j];
int c = nosniky[m];
if (a + b > c && a + c > b && c + b > a) {
// Order a,b,c so that a<b<c
order(&a, &b);
order(&a, &c);
order(&b, &c);
// Triangle will be stored as abc, so we need to join all ints into
// one (3,3,4 => 334)
int temp = joinInts(a, b);
if (i == 0 && j == 1 && m == 2) {
// first triangle, for example a=3,b=3,c=4 => 334
TEMP = joinInts(temp, c);
trojuhelniky[tcount - 1] = joinInts(temp, c);
} else if (joinInts(temp, c) == TEMP) {
// This is a duplicate, ignoring this one
} else {
trojuhelniky[tcount - 1] = joinInts(temp, c);
// TEMP = the new last found triangle
TEMP = joinInts(temp, c);
// Remove remaining duplicates, 1.68s as well
int newcount = uniq(trojuhelniky, tcount);
return newcount;



最好的情况是在3 for循环中实时删除重复,但我不知道如何做到这一点,所以我现在最好的办法是尝试优化我不太好的代码:D

编辑:由";三角形";,我的意思是a+b>c、 b+c>c和a+c>b、 所以对于输入3 3 4 4 5 5,我应该找到20个可能的组合来满足这个要求。删除重复项后,结果应为7(3,3,4与4,3,3相同(。


int uniq(int *a, size_t len) {
size_t i, j;
qsort(a, len, sizeof(int), icmp);
for (i = j = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (a[i] == 0) {
if (a[i] != a[j]) a[++j] = a[i];
return (int) j + 1;

输入2 9 18 4 1 5 19 6 3 1 2 8的输出应该是27。

首先注意,如果您保证输入数组排序,而您维护i < j < m,则永远不会得到(3,4,3(的组合。正在进行

int a = nosniky[i];
int b = nosniky[j];
int c = nosniky[m];

将使CCD_ 3成为非递减序列。所以这根本不是问题。


为了避免这种情况,你只需要以一种聪明的方式递增i、j、m来跳过重复:如果是nosniky[1] == 4nosniky[2] == 4,你不应该将j从1递增到2,而是一直递增,直到你发现nosniky[j]nosniky[j-1]不同(或者你达到j == N(。

int count = 0;
.....  // sort nosniky[] in ascending order here

for (int i = 0; i < N;) {
int a = nosniky[i];
for (int j = i + 1; j < N;) {
int b = nosniky[j];
for (int m = j + 1; m < N;) {
int c = nosniky[m];
if (a + b > c && a + c > b && c + b > a) {
int temp = jointInts(joinInts(a, b), c);
trojuhelniky[count] = temp;
count ++;
while (++m < N && nosniky[m] == c)
; // skip duplicates of the third edge
while (++j < N && nosniky[j] == b)
; // skip duplicates of the second edge
while (++i < N && nosniky[i] == a)
; // skip duplicates of the first edge
return count;


if (a + b > c) {
int temp = jointInts(joinInts(a, b), c);
trojuhelniky[count] = temp;
count ++;


for (int m = j + 1; m < N;) {
int c = nosniky[m];
if (a + b > c) {
count ++;
while (++m < N && nosniky[m] == c)
; // skip duplicates of the third edge

根据Michael Dorgan的评论建议,您可以通过提前终止对c长度的搜索来节省一些时间,这些长度已知太大:

for (int m = j + 1; m < N;) {
int c = nosniky[m];
if (c >= a + b)    // too large
break;           // skip the rest
if (a + b > c) {
count ++;
while (++m < N && nosniky[m] == c)
; // skip duplicates of the third edge


for (int m = j + 1; m < N;) {
int c = nosniky[m];
if (c >= a + b)    // too large
break;           // skip the rest
count ++;
while (++m < N && nosniky[m] == c)
; // skip duplicates of the third edge


int c_minimal = b - a;
// do binary search for c_minimal
// between indices j+1 (inclusive) and N (exclusive)
int initial_m = search(nosniky, j+1, N, c_minimal);
// start from the first value big enough
for (int m = initial_m; m < N;) {
int c = nosniky[m];
if (c >= a + b)   // too large
break;          // skip the rest
count ++;
while (++m < N && nosniky[m] == c)
; // skip duplicates of the third edge









20:55:49 ph: STARTUP 11/19/20-20:55:49
20:55:49 ph: CMD ./main
main: VSHF hashinc=00000001 VLIM=000003E8 vshf=0
main: VSHF hashinc=00000002 VLIM=000003E8 vshf=1
main: VSHF hashinc=00000004 VLIM=000003E8 vshf=2
main: VSHF hashinc=00000008 VLIM=000003E8 vshf=3
main: VSHF hashinc=00000010 VLIM=000003E8 vshf=4
main: VSHF hashinc=00000020 VLIM=000003E8 vshf=5
main: VSHF hashinc=00000040 VLIM=000003E8 vshf=6
main: VSHF hashinc=00000080 VLIM=000003E8 vshf=7
main: VSHF hashinc=00000100 VLIM=000003E8 vshf=8
main: VSHF hashinc=00000200 VLIM=000003E8 vshf=9
main: VSHF hashinc=00000400 VLIM=000003E8 vshf=10
main: HASH i=0 hashnew=000FFFFF hashold=000003FF hashinc=000003FF
main: HASH old64=00000000000003FF new64=00000000000FFFFF
main: HASH i=1 hashnew=3FFFFFFF hashold=000FFFFF hashinc=000003FF
main: HASH old64=00000000000FFFFF new64=000000003FFFFFFF
main: HASH i=2 hashnew=FFFFFFFFFF hashold=3FFFFFFF hashinc=000003FF
main: HASH old64=000000003FFFFFFF new64=000000FFFFFFFFFF
xrealloc: len=24 totlen=24 -- tstvec
xrealloc: len=24 totlen=48 -- tstshuf
xrealloc: len=24 totlen=72 -- tstrand
xrealloc: len=48000000 totlen=48000072 -- tstrst
0.000002584 uniq:7 dup:4 1.000x -- getTriangles / Etoile's original
0.000002584 uniq:7 dup:4 1.000x -- getFix1 / orig + pmg 2 fixes
0.000002584 uniq:7 dup:4 1.000x -- getFix2 / + Michael's fix
0.000002026 uniq:7 dup:0 1.275x -- getFix3 / CiaPan's first -- no uniq
0.000001257 uniq:7 dup:0 2.056x -- getFix4 / CiaPan w/o trojuhelniky
xrealloc: len=48 totlen=48 -- tstvec
xrealloc: len=48 totlen=96 -- tstshuf
xrealloc: len=48 totlen=144 -- tstrand
xrealloc: len=96000000 totlen=96000144 -- tstrst
0.000005447 uniq:27 dup:6 1.000x -- getTriangles / Etoile's original
0.000004819 uniq:27 dup:6 1.130x -- getFix1 / orig + pmg 2 fixes
0.000004400 uniq:27 dup:6 1.238x -- getFix2 / + Michael's fix
0.000002235 uniq:27 dup:0 2.437x -- getFix3 / CiaPan's first -- no uniq
0.000002305 uniq:27 dup:0 2.363x -- getFix4 / CiaPan w/o trojuhelniky
dorand: N 541
xrealloc: len=2164 totlen=2164 -- tstvec
xrealloc: len=2164 totlen=4328 -- tstshuf
xrealloc: len=2164 totlen=6492 -- tstrand
xrealloc: len=4328000000 totlen=4328006492 -- tstrst
3.202697770 uniq:5784912 dup:6465629 1.000x -- getTriangles / Etoile's original
1.157011824 uniq:5784912 dup:3694551 2.768x -- getFix1 / orig + pmg 2 fixes
1.136350066 uniq:5784912 dup:3694551 2.818x -- getFix2 / + Michael's fix
0.055532664 uniq:5784912 dup:0 57.672x -- getFix3 / CiaPan's first -- no uniq
0.046850154 uniq:5784912 dup:0 68.360x -- getFix4 / CiaPan w/o trojuhelniky
dorand: N 156
0.054916311 uniq:235073 dup:54517 1.000x -- getTriangles / Etoile's original
0.023576459 uniq:235073 dup:39138 2.329x -- getFix1 / orig + pmg 2 fixes
0.022960595 uniq:235073 dup:39138 2.392x -- getFix2 / + Michael's fix
0.001602867 uniq:235073 dup:0 34.261x -- getFix3 / CiaPan's first -- no uniq
0.001270071 uniq:235073 dup:0 43.239x -- getFix4 / CiaPan w/o trojuhelniky
dorand: N 268
0.366441886 uniq:1121119 dup:539276 1.000x -- getTriangles / Etoile's original
0.150401844 uniq:1121119 dup:340122 2.436x -- getFix1 / orig + pmg 2 fixes
0.147924908 uniq:1121119 dup:340122 2.477x -- getFix2 / + Michael's fix
0.008634109 uniq:1121119 dup:0 42.441x -- getFix3 / CiaPan's first -- no uniq
0.006991432 uniq:1121119 dup:0 52.413x -- getFix4 / CiaPan w/o trojuhelniky
20:56:21 ph: complete (ELAPSED: 00:00:32.196043730)


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
int opt_v;
int dupcnt;
typedef unsigned long long u64;
#define VLIM        1000
int vshf;
#if 0
typedef unsigned int hash_t;
typedef u64 hash_t;
icmp(const void *a,const void *b)
const int *ia = a;
const int *ib = b;
return *ia - *ib;
uniq(hash_t *a, size_t len)
size_t i, j;
qsort(a, len, sizeof(*a), icmp);
for (i = j = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (a[i] == 0) {
if (a[i] != a[j])
a[++j] = a[i];
dupcnt += 1;
return (int) j + 1;
static inline void
order(int *a,int *b)
int tmp = *a;
if (tmp > *b) {
*a = *b;
*b = tmp;
static inline hash_t
joinInts(hash_t a,hash_t b)
a <<= vshf;
a |= b;
return a;
getTriangles(int *nosniky, int N, hash_t *trojuhelniky)
int count = 0;
int tcount = 0;
// The last triangle found
hash_t TEMP = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < N; j++) {
for (int m = j + 1; m < N; m++) {
int a = nosniky[i];
int b = nosniky[j];
int c = nosniky[m];
if (a + b > c && a + c > b && c + b > a) {
// Order a,b,c so that a<b<c
order(&a, &b);
order(&a, &c);
order(&b, &c);
// Triangle will be stored as abc, so we need to join all ints into
// one (3,3,4 => 334)
hash_t temp = joinInts(a, b);
if (i == 0 && j == 1 && m == 2) {
// first triangle, for example a=3,b=3,c=4 => 334
TEMP = joinInts(temp, c);
trojuhelniky[tcount - 1] = joinInts(temp, c);
} else if (joinInts(temp, c) == TEMP) {
// This is a duplicate, ignoring this one
else {
trojuhelniky[tcount - 1] = joinInts(temp, c);
// TEMP = the new last found triangle
TEMP = joinInts(temp, c);
// Remove remaining duplicates, 1.68s as well
int newcount = uniq(trojuhelniky, tcount);
return newcount;
getFix1(int *nosniky, int N, hash_t *trojuhelniky)
int count = 0;
int tcount = 0;
qsort(nosniky, N, sizeof(int), icmp);
// The last triangle found
hash_t TEMP = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
int a = nosniky[i];
for (int j = i + 1; j < N; j++) {
int b = nosniky[j];
for (int m = j + 1; m < N; m++) {
int c = nosniky[m];
if (a + b > c) {
// Order a,b,c so that a<b<c
#if 0
order(&a, &b);
order(&a, &c);
order(&b, &c);
// Triangle will be stored as abc, so we need to join all ints into
// one (3,3,4 => 334)
hash_t temp = joinInts(a, b);
if (TEMP == 0) {
// first triangle, for example a=3,b=3,c=4 => 334
TEMP = joinInts(temp, c);
trojuhelniky[tcount++] = joinInts(temp, c);
} else if (joinInts(temp, c) == TEMP) {
// This is a duplicate, ignoring this one
else {
trojuhelniky[tcount++] = joinInts(temp, c);
// TEMP = the new last found triangle
TEMP = joinInts(temp, c);
// Remove remaining duplicates, 1.68s as well
int newcount = uniq(trojuhelniky, tcount);
return newcount;
getFix2(int *nosniky, int N, hash_t *trojuhelniky)
int count = 0;
int tcount = 0;
qsort(nosniky, N, sizeof(int), icmp);
// The last triangle found
hash_t TEMP = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
int a = nosniky[i];
for (int j = i + 1; j < N; j++) {
int b = nosniky[j];
hash_t temp_ab = joinInts(a, b);
for (int m = j + 1; m < N; m++) {
int c = nosniky[m];
if (a + b <= c)
hash_t temp_abc = joinInts(temp_ab,c);
// first triangle, for example a=3,b=3,c=4 => 334
if (TEMP == 0) {
TEMP = temp_abc;
trojuhelniky[tcount++] = temp_abc;
// This is a duplicate, ignoring this one
if (temp_abc == TEMP)
trojuhelniky[tcount++] = temp_abc;
// TEMP = the new last found triangle
TEMP = temp_abc;
// Remove remaining duplicates, 1.68s as well
int newcount = uniq(trojuhelniky, tcount);
return newcount;
getFix3(int *nosniky, int N, hash_t *trojuhelniky)
int count = 0;
int tcount = 0;
qsort(nosniky, N, sizeof(int), icmp);
// The last triangle found
hash_t TEMP = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N;) {
int a = nosniky[i];
for (int j = i + 1; j < N;) {
int b = nosniky[j];
hash_t temp_ab = joinInts(a, b);
for (int m = j + 1; m < N;) {
int c = nosniky[m];
if (a + b <= c)
hash_t temp_abc = joinInts(temp_ab,c);
do {
// first triangle, for example a=3,b=3,c=4 => 334
if (TEMP == 0) {
TEMP = temp_abc;
trojuhelniky[tcount++] = temp_abc;
// This is a duplicate, ignoring this one
if (temp_abc == TEMP)
trojuhelniky[tcount++] = temp_abc;
TEMP = temp_abc;
} while (0);
// skip duplicates of the third edge
while (++m < N && nosniky[m] == c);
// skip duplicates of the second edge
while (++j < N && nosniky[j] == b);
// skip duplicates of the first edge
while (++i < N && nosniky[i] == a);
// Remove remaining duplicates, 1.68s as well
#if 0
int newcount = uniq(trojuhelniky, tcount);
int newcount = tcount;
return newcount;
getFix4(int *nosniky, int N, hash_t *trojuhelniky)
int tcount = 0;
qsort(nosniky, N, sizeof(int), icmp);
for (int i = 0; i < N;) {
int a = nosniky[i];
for (int j = i + 1; j < N;) {
int b = nosniky[j];
for (int m = j + 1; m < N;) {
int c = nosniky[m];
if (a + b <= c)
// skip duplicates of the third edge
while (++m < N && nosniky[m] == c);
// skip duplicates of the second edge
while (++j < N && nosniky[j] == b);
// skip duplicates of the first edge
while (++i < N && nosniky[i] == a);
// Remove remaining duplicates, 1.68s as well
#if 0
int newcount = uniq(trojuhelniky, tcount);
int newcount = tcount;
return newcount;
typedef long long tsc_t;
int *tstvec;
hash_t *tstrst;
int *tstshuf;
int *tstrand;
int maxN;
tsc_t tsczero;
struct timespec ts;
tsc_t tsc;
tsc = ts.tv_sec;
tsc *= 1000000000;
tsc += ts.tv_nsec;
tsc -= tsczero;
return tsc;
tscsec(tsc_t tsc)
double sec;
sec = tsc;
sec /= 1e9;
return sec;
int itermax = 100;
tsc_t tscbase;
dofnc(int N,int (*fnc)(int *,int,hash_t *),const char *tag)
tsc_t tscbeg;
tsc_t tscend;
tsc_t tscbest;
int expval;
tscbest = 1LL << 62;
expval = 0;
for (int itercur = 1;  itercur <= itermax;  ++itercur) {
for (int i = 0;  i < N;  ++i)
tstvec[i] = tstshuf[i];
dupcnt = 0;
tscbeg = tscget();
expval = fnc(tstvec,N,tstrst);
tscend = tscget();
tscend -= tscbeg;
if (tscend < tscbest)
tscbest = tscend;
if (tscbase == 0)
tscbase = tscbest;
double ratio = tscbase;
ratio /= tscbest;
printf("%12.9f uniq:%d dup:%d %.3fx -- %sn",
return expval;
showvec(int *vec,int N)
int totlen = 0;
if (! opt_v)
for (int i = 0;  i < N;  ++i) {
if (totlen == 0)
totlen = printf("showvec:");
int curlen = printf(" %d",vec[i]);
totlen += curlen;
if (totlen > 60) {
totlen = 0;
if (totlen > 0)
size_t totalloc;
void *
xrealloc(void *ptr,size_t len,const char *tag)
void *tmp;
tmp = realloc(ptr,len);
if (tmp == NULL) {
printf("xrealloc: error ptr=%p len=%zu tag='%s' -- %sn",
totalloc += len;
printf("xrealloc: len=%zu totlen=%zu -- %sn",len,totalloc,tag);
return tmp;
#define XREALLOC(_vec,_N) 
_vec = xrealloc(_vec,sizeof(*_vec) * (_N),#_vec)
allocvec(int N)
if (N > maxN) {
totalloc = 0;
XREALLOC(tstrst,1000000L * N);
maxN = N;
#define DOFNC(_fnc,_reason) 
do { 
tryval = dofnc(N,_fnc,#_fnc " / " _reason); 
if (expval < 0) 
expval = tryval; 
if (tryval != expval) 
} while (0)
dotest(int exparg,const int *dft,int N)
int tryval;
int expval = exparg;
for (int i = 0;  i < N;  ++i)
tstshuf[i] = dft[i];
// shuffle
for (int isrc = N - 1;  isrc > 0;  --isrc) {
int idst = rand();
idst %= isrc;
int tmp = tstshuf[isrc];
tstshuf[isrc] = tstshuf[idst];
tstshuf[idst] = tmp;
tscbase = 0;
DOFNC(getTriangles,"Etoile's original");
DOFNC(getFix1,"orig + pmg 2 fixes");
DOFNC(getFix2,"+ Michael's fix");
DOFNC(getFix3,"CiaPan's first -- no uniq");
DOFNC(getFix4,"CiaPan w/o trojuhelniky");
#if 0
if (actval != expval)
// 20 7
const int tst_345[] = { 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5 };
//-1 27
const int tst_27[] = { 2, 9, 18, 4, 1, 5, 19, 6, 3, 1, 2, 8 };
#define countof(_vec)       (sizeof(_vec) / sizeof(_vec[0]))
int N;
N = rand();
N %= 1000;
N += 1;
printf("dorand: N %dn",N);
for (int i = 0;  i < N;  ++i) {
int val = (rand() % (VLIM - 1)) + 1;
tstrand[i] = val;
hash_t hashinc;
for (vshf = 0;  vshf < 64;  ++vshf) {
hashinc = 1;
hashinc <<= vshf;
printf("main: VSHF hashinc=%8.8llX VLIM=%8.8X vshf=%dn",
if (hashinc >= VLIM)
hashinc -= 1;
hash_t hashold = hashinc;
u64 old64 = hashinc;
hash_t hashnew;
u64 new64;
for (int i = 0;  i < 3;  ++i) {
hashnew = joinInts(hashold,hashinc);
new64 = old64;
new64 <<= vshf;
new64 |= hashinc;
printf("main: HASH i=%d hashnew=%8.8llX hashold=%8.8llX hashinc=%8.8llX n",
printf("main: HASH old64=%16.16llX new64=%16.16llXn",
if (hashnew < hashold)
if (hashnew < new64)
if (hashnew < old64)
hashold = hashnew;
old64 = new64;
main(int argc,char **argv)
for (;  argc > 0;  --argc, ++argv) {
char *cp = *argv;
if (*cp != '-')
cp += 2;
switch (cp[-1]) {
case 'v':
opt_v = ! opt_v;
tsczero = tscget();
itermax = 100;
itermax = 5;
for (int i = 1;  i <= 3;  ++i)
return 0;

