

title: This is a title
description: Shorter text in one line
image: https://www.example.com
title: This is another title : with colon
description: Longer text that potentially
could span over several new lines,
even three or more
image: https://www.example.com

title: This is another title, where the blank lines above are two
description: Another description
image: https://www.example.com


title: "This is a title",
description: "Shorter text in one line",
image: "https://www.example.com"
title: "This is another title : with colon",
description: "Longer text that potentially could span over several new lines, even three or more",
image: "https://www.example.com"
title: "This is another title, where the blank lines above are two",
description: "Another description",
image: "https://www.example.com"


  1. 如果在值中使用冒号,则不应拆分它们。不知何故,我需要通过第一次出现的冒号进行拆分,然后忽略值中的其他冒号。目前的结果如下:
// Input:
//     title: This is another title : with colon
//     image: https://www.example.com
image: " https",
title: " This is another title "
  1. 有些行可能包含一个跨越多行的值。值中的换行符应连接成一行,而不应被视为新键/值对的分隔符。目前的结果如下:
// Input:
//     description: Longer text that potentially
//     could span over several new lines,
//     even three or more
could span over several new lines,: undefined,
description: " Longer text that potentially",
even three or more: undefined



var input = `title: This is a title
description: Shorter text in one line
image: https://www.example.com
title: This is another title : with colon
description: Longer text that potentially
could span over several new lines,
even three or more
image: https://www.example.com

title: This is another title, where the blank lines above are two
description: Another description
image: https://www.example.com`;
var finalArray = [];
var first = input.split(/ns*n/);
console.log("Array with sections split:", first);
first.forEach(function (section) {
var result = section.split("n").reduce(function (o, pair) {
pair = pair.split(":");
return (o[pair.shift()] = pair.join(':')), o;
}, {});
console.log("Array of sections as objects:", finalArray);





const data = `title: This is a title
description: Shorter text in one line
image: https://www.example.com
title: This is another title : with colon
description: Longer text that potentially
could span over several new lines,
even three or more
image: https://www.example.com

title: This is another title, where the blank lines above are two
description: Another description
image: https://www.example.com`;
const bloks = data.split(/ns*n/);
result = bloks.map((blok) => {
const title = blok.match(/(?<=title:)([Ss]*n?)(?=description:)/gm).join(' ').trim();
const description = blok.match(/(?<=description:)([Ss]*n?)(?=image:)/gm).join(' ').replaceAll('n', ' ').trim();
const image = blok.match(/(?<=image:)([Ss]*n?)(?=)/gm).join(' ').trim();
return { title, description, image };
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
