


在以下情况下,数字输入的连续流为:12, 19, 82, 92, 26, ...。在这种情况下,预期输出为:

Rand. val:  12
above_threshold returns False
Rand. val:  19
above_threshold returns False
Rand. val:  82
above_threshold returns True 
Threshold has been reached! 
Comparison function above_threshold shouldn't be called any more.
Rand. val: 92
Rand. val: 26

然而目前CCD_ 2在每个循环中都被调用;"关断";使用decorator的函数。

import time 
import random 
threshold = 75
def run_until_first_true_reached(f):
Decorator that runs the function f until it first returns True. 
After returning True once, it will stop running the wrapped function again.
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
# If f is False
if not f(*args, **kwargs):
return f(*args, **kwargs)
# If f is True
print("Threshold has been reached!")
print("Comparison function above_threshold shouldn't be called any more.")
# tried an empty "return" in this line but didn't solve the issue
return wrapper 
def above_threshold(value, threshold): 
if value > threshold:
print("above_threshold returns True")
return True 
print("above_threshold returns False")
return False
# Modelling the continuous stream of inputs 
for _ in range(100): 
rand_val = random.randint(1,100)
print("Rand. val: ", rand_val)
above_threshold(rand_val, threshold)


import time 
import random 
threshold = 75
def run_until_first_true_reached(f):
Decorator that runs the function f until it first returns True. 
After returning True once, it will stop running the wrapped function again.
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
if not wrapper.reached:
v = f(*args, **kwargs)
# If f is False
if not v:
return v
# If f is True
print("Threshold has been reached!")
print("Comparison function above_threshold shouldn't be called any more.")
wrapper.reached = True
return None   #  ? or wahtever we want to return once the threshold is reached
wrapper.reached = False
return wrapper 
def above_threshold(value, threshold): 
if value > threshold:
print("above_threshold returns True")
return True 
print("above_threshold returns False")
return False
# Modelling the continuous stream of inputs 
for _ in range(100): 
rand_val = random.randint(1,100)
print("Rand. val: ", rand_val)
above_threshold(rand_val, threshold)


Rand. val:  12
above_threshold returns False
Rand. val:  19
above_threshold returns False
Rand. val:  82
above_threshold returns True
Threshold has been reached!
Comparison function above_threshold shouldn't be called any more.
Rand. val:  92
Rand. val:  26
Rand. val:  18
Rand. val:  55




import time 
import random 
threshold = 75
def run_until_first_true_reached(f):
Decorator that runs the function f until it first returns True. 
After returning True once, it will stop running the wrapped function again.
switch_on = True
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
nonlocal switch_on
if switch_on:
threshold_reached = f(*args, **kwargs)
if threshold_reached:
print("Threshold has been reached!")
print("Comparison function above_threshold shouldn't be called any more.")
switch_on = False
return wrapper 
def above_threshold(value, threshold): 
if value > threshold:
print("above_threshold returns True")
return True 
print("above_threshold returns False")
return False


Rand. val:  12
above_threshold returns False
Rand. val:  19
above_threshold returns False
Rand. val:  82
above_threshold returns True
Threshold has been reached!
Comparison function above_threshold shouldn't be called any more.
Rand. val:  92
Rand. val:  26
Rand. val:  18
Rand. val:  55
