


有(至少(两种方法可以做到这一点——一种是将调查数据与(更长的(温度数据结合起来,然后以某种方式细分或确定哪些日期在调查日期之前的12个月内。另一种是从调查数据开始,尝试将温度数据与每一行的矩阵列配对——我尝试使用CCD_ 1和CCD_;滞后;按区域分组时的正确值。



对于这一行,我想要生成的新列中的值(ref_match(应该是NA;日期在CCD_ 6之前365天以上。

region           date        year month month_year ref_year                temperature     
<chr>            <date>     <dbl> <dbl> <chr>      <chr>                         <dbl>
1 aleutian_islands 1982-06-09  1982     6 6-1982     aleutian_islands-5-1983           0   


region           date        year month month_year ref_year                temperature
<chr>            <date>     <dbl> <dbl> <chr>      <chr>                         <dbl>
1 aleutian_islands 2013-07-22  2013     7 7-2013     aleutian_islands-5-2014       0.998


# load packages
# make survey dfs
ai_dat <- data.frame("year" = c(1983, 1986, 1991, 1994, 1997), "region" = "aleutian_islands", "startmonth" = 5)
ebs_dat <- data.frame("year" = seq(1983, 1999, 1), "region" = "eastern_bering_sea", "startmonth" = 5)
# join and create what will become ref_year column
surv_dat <- rbind(ai_dat, ebs_dat) %>% 
mutate(month_year = paste0(startmonth,"-",year)) %>%
select(region, month_year) %>%
distinct() %>%
mutate(region_month_year = paste0(region,"-",month_year))
# expand out to all possible month*year combinations for joining with temperature
surv_dat_exploded <- expand.grid(month=seq(1, 12, 1), year=seq(1982, 2000, 1), region=c('aleutian_islands','eastern_bering_sea')) %>% # get a factorial combo of every possible month*year; have to start in 1982 even though we can't use surveys before 1983 because we need to match to temperature data from 1982
mutate(region_month_year = paste0(region,"-",month,"-",year)) %>% # create unique identifier
mutate(ref_year = ifelse(region_month_year %in% surv_dat$region_month_year, region_month_year, NA),
month_year = paste0(month,"-",year)) %>% 
select(region, month_year, ref_year) %>% 
distinct() %>% 
group_by(region) %>% 
fill(ref_year, .direction="up") %>%  # fill in each region with the survey to which env data from each month*year should correspond
# make temperature dataset and join in survey ref_year column 
temp_dat <- data.frame(expand.grid(date=seq(ymd("1982-01-01"), ymd("1999-12-31"), "days"), region=c('aleutian_islands','eastern_bering_sea'))) %>% 
mutate(temperature = rnorm(nrow(.), 10, 5),  # fill in with fake data
year = year(date),
month = month(date),
month_year = paste0(month,"-",year)) %>% 
left_join(surv_dat_exploded, by=c('region','month_year')) %>% 
filter(!is.na(ref_year))# get rid of dates that are after any ref_year


# make survey dfs
ai_dat = data.table(year = c(1983, 1986, 1991, 1994, 1997), 
region = "aleutian_islands", "startmonth" = 5)
ebs_dat = data.table(year = seq(1983, 1999, 1), 
region = "eastern_bering_sea", "startmonth" = 5)
# bind together and create date (and cutoffdate) vars
surv_dat = rbind(ai_dat, ebs_dat)
surv_dat[, startdate := as.IDate(paste(year, startmonth, '01', sep = '-'))
][, cutoffdate := startdate - 365L]
# make temperature df
temp_dat = CJ(date=seq(as.IDate("1982-01-01"), as.IDate("1999-12-31"), "days"), 
# add temperature var
temp_dat$temp = rnorm(nrow(temp_dat))
# create duplicate date variable (will make post-join processing easier)
temp_dat[, matchdate := date]
# Optional: Set keys for better join performance
setkey(surv_dat, region, startdate)
setkey(temp_dat, region, matchdate)
# Where the magic happens: Non-equi join
surv_dat = temp_dat[surv_dat, on = .(region == region, 
matchdate <= startdate, 
matchdate >= cutoffdate)]
# Optional: get rid of unneeded columns
surv_dat[, c('matchdate', 'matchdate.1') := NULL][]
#>             date             region       temp year startmonth
#>    1: 1982-05-01   aleutian_islands  0.3680810 1983          5
#>    2: 1982-05-02   aleutian_islands  0.8349334 1983          5
#>    3: 1982-05-03   aleutian_islands -1.3622227 1983          5
#>    4: 1982-05-04   aleutian_islands  1.4327587 1983          5
#>    5: 1982-05-05   aleutian_islands  0.5068226 1983          5
#>   ---                                                         
#> 8048: 1999-04-27 eastern_bering_sea -1.2924594 1999          5
#> 8049: 1999-04-28 eastern_bering_sea  0.7519078 1999          5
#> 8050: 1999-04-29 eastern_bering_sea -1.0185174 1999          5
#> 8051: 1999-04-30 eastern_bering_sea -1.4322252 1999          5
#> 8052: 1999-05-01 eastern_bering_sea -1.0412836 1999          5




# load packages
# make survey dfs
ai_dat <- data.frame("year" = c(1983, 1986, 1991, 1994, 1997), "region" = "aleutian_islands", "startmonth" = 5)
ebs_dat <- data.frame("year" = seq(1983, 1999, 1), "region" = "eastern_bering_sea", "startmonth" = 5)
# join and create what will become ref_year column
surv_dat <-
rbind(ai_dat, ebs_dat) %>% 
mutate(year_month = paste0(year,"-",startmonth),
region_year_month = paste0(region,"-",year,"-",startmonth)) 

# expand out to all possible month*year combinations for joining with temperature
surv_dat_exploded <-
expand.grid(month=seq(01, 12, 1), year=seq(1982, 2000, 1), region=c('aleutian_islands','eastern_bering_sea')) %>% # get a factorial combo of every possible month*year; have to start in 1982 even though we can't use surveys before 1983 because we need to match to temperature data from 1982
mutate(year_month = paste0(year,"-",month)) %>%
mutate(region_year_month = paste0(region,"-",year,"-",month)) %>% 
mutate(ref_year = ifelse(region_year_month %in% surv_dat$region_year_month, region_year_month,NA)) %>%
group_by(region) %>% 
fill(ref_year, .direction="up") %>%  # fill in each region with the survey to which env data from each month*year should correspond
# make temperature dataset and join in survey ref_year column 
temp_dat <- data.frame(expand.grid(date=seq(ymd("1982-01-01"), ymd("1999-12-31"), "days"), region=c('aleutian_islands','eastern_bering_sea'))) %>% 
mutate(temperature = rnorm(nrow(.), 10, 5),  # fill in with fake data
year = year(date),
month = month(date),
year_month = paste0(year,"-",month))
final_df <- 
left_join(temp_dat, surv_dat_exploded, by=c('region','year_month')) %>% 
#split ref_column in ref_year and ref_region
separate(ref_year, c("ref_region","ref_year"), "-", extra="merge") %>%
#convert ref_year into date
mutate_at("ref_year", as.Date, format= "%Y-%M") %>% 
#round it down to be in the first day of the month (not needed if the day matters)
mutate_at("ref_year", floor_date, "month" ) %>% 
#difference between observed and the reference
mutate(diff_days = date - ref_year) %>% 
# ifelse statement for capturing values of interest
mutate(temp_valid = ifelse(between(diff_days, -365, 0),temperature,NA))
