


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define STRSIZE 75
struct student GetData();
int print_info (struct student *STU, int i);
struct company
char Co_Intern[STRSIZE];
long int Co_Tel; ///this variable has wrong output
struct student
long int ID; ///this variable has wrong output
char name[STRSIZE];
long int Tel; ///this variable has wrong output
struct company COE;
int Tot_days;
struct Date
int dd;
int mm;
int yyyy;
int main()
struct student *STU;
int i, n;
printf("Enter the number of students: ");
scanf("%d", &n);
STU = (struct student*) malloc(n * sizeof(struct student));
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
STU[i]= GetData(); //calling a struct function to scan data
printf("nDisplaying Information:n==============================nn");
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
print_info (STU, i);  //calling a function to print data
return 0;
struct student GetData() ///struct function to scan data
struct student info_s;
printf("nEnter student's information:n");
printf("Student ID:t");
scanf("%li", &info_s.ID);
printf("Student's name:t");
printf("Student Telephone number:t");
scanf("%li", &info_s.Tel); 
printf("nEnter student's internship company date and information:n");
printf("Student's Company of internship:t");
scanf("%s", info_s.COE.Co_Intern);
printf("Company's Telephone:t");
scanf("%li", &info_s.COE.Co_Tel); 
printf("Beginning date: dd-mm-yyyy:t");
scanf("%d%d%d", &info_s.doj.dd, &info_s.doj.mm, &info_s.doj.yyyy);
printf("Total days of internship:t");
scanf("%d", &info_s.Tot_days);
int print_info (struct student *STU, int i)
printf("nnStudent ID:ttttt%li", STU[i].ID);
printf("nnStudent's name:ttttt%s", STU[i].name);
printf("nnStudent Telephone number:ttt%li", STU[i].Tel);
//here is the problem
printf("nnStudent's Company of internship:tt%s", STU[i].COE.Co_Intern);
printf("nnCompany's Telephone:tttt%li", STU[i].COE.Co_Tel);
//here is the problem
printf("nnBeginning date: dd-mm-yyyy:ttt%d%d%d", STU[i].doj.dd, STU[i].doj.mm, STU[i].doj.yyyy);
printf("nnTotal days of internship:ttt%d", STU[i].Tot_days);


Enter the number of students: 2
Enter student's information:
Student ID:     1234567890
Student's name: xxxx xxxx
Student Telephone number:       987654321
Enter student's internship company date and information:
Student's Company of internship:        aaaa
Company's Telephone:    5554443330
Beginning date: dd-mm-yyyy:     22-10-2020
Total days of internship:       365
Enter student's information:
Student ID:     1112223330
Student's name: nnnn ssss
Student Telephone number:       9998887770
Enter student's internship company date and information:
Student's Company of internship:        name
Company's Telephone:    3333344444
Beginning date: dd-mm-yyyy:     20-10-2020
Total days of internship:       365
Displaying Information:

Student ID:                                     1234567890
Student's name:                                 xxxx xxxx
Student Telephone number:                       987654321
Student's Company of internship:                aaaa
Company's Telephone:                            1259476034
Beginning date: dd-mm-yyyy:                     22-10-2020
Total days of internship:                       365

Student ID:                                     1112223330
Student's name:                                 nnnn ssss
Student Telephone number:                       1408953178
Student's Company of internship:                name
Company's Telephone:                            -961622852
Beginning date: dd-mm-yyyy:                     20-10-2020
Total days of internship:                       365


Company's Telephone: -961622852

Student Telephone number: 1408953178

Company's Telephone: 1259476034


if( 3 != scanf("%d/%d/%d", &info_s.doj.dd, &info_s.doj.mm, &info_s.doj.yyyy) ){
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid inputn");


