



const http = require('http');
const hostname = '';
const port = 3000;
const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
res.statusCode = 200;
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
res.end('Hello, World!n');
server.listen(port, hostname, () => {
console.log(`Server running at http://${hostname}:${port}/`);


WIB Jun  9 14:51:07] error    : 'selva-dev1' failed protocol test [HTTP] at [localhost]:3000 [TCP/IP] -- Connection refused
[WIB Jun  9 14:51:07] info     : 'selva-dev1' trying to restart
[WIB Jun  9 14:51:07] info     : 'selva-dev1' start: '/usr/bin/node /home/selva/tools/testnode/hello-world.js'

[WIB Jun  9 14:52:07] error    : 'selva-dev1' failed to start (exit status -1) -- '/usr/bin/node /home/selva/tools/testnode/hello-world.js': Program timed out -- Server running at
[WIB Jun  9 14:52:22] error    : 'selva-dev1' failed protocol test [HTTP] at [localhost]:3000 [TCP/IP] -- Connection refused
[WIB Jun  9 14:52:22] info     : 'selva-dev1' trying to restart
[WIB Jun  9 14:52:22] info     : 'selva-dev1' start: '/usr/bin/node /home/selva/tools/testnode/hello-world.js'
[WIB Jun  9 14:53:23] error    : 'selva-dev1' failed to start (exit status -1) -- '/usr/bin/node /home/selva/tools/testnode/hello-world.js': Program timed out -- Server running at
[WIB Jun  9 14:53:38] error    : 'selva-dev1' failed protocol test [HTTP] at [localhost]:3000 [TCP/IP] -- Connection refused
[WIB Jun  9 14:53:38] info     : 'selva-dev1' trying to restart
[WIB Jun  9 14:53:38] info     : 'selva-dev1' start: '/usr/bin/node /home/selva/tools/testnode/hello-world.js'
[WIB Jun  9 14:54:38] error    : 'selva-dev1' failed to start (exit status -1) -- '/usr/bin/node /home/selva/tools/testnode/hello-world.js': Program timed out -- Server running at


check host selva-dev1 with address localhost
start program = "/usr/bin/node /home/selva/tools/testnode/hello-world.js " with timeout 60 seconds
if failed port 3000 with protocol http with timeout 15 seconds then restart




var http = require('http');
var uc = require('upper-case');
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
/*Use our upper-case module to upper case a string:*/
res.write(uc.upperCase("Hello World!"));


[WIB Jun  9 15:53:54] error    : 'selva-dev1' failed to start (exit status -1) -- Program '/usr/bin/node /home/selva/tools/testnode/uppercase.js' timed out after 1 m
[WIB Jun  9 15:54:09] error    : 'selva-dev1' failed protocol test [HTTP] at [selva-dev]:8080 [TCP/IP] -- Connection refused
[WIB Jun  9 15:54:09] info     : 'selva-dev1' trying to restart
[WIB Jun  9 15:54:09] info     : 'selva-dev1' start: '/usr/bin/node /home/selva/tools/testnode/uppercase.js'
[WIB Jun  9 15:55:09] error    : 'selva-dev1' failed to start (exit status -1) -- Program '/usr/bin/node /home/selva/tools/testnode/uppercase.js' timed out after 1 m
[WIB Jun  9 15:55:24] error    : 'selva-dev1' failed protocol test [HTTP] at [selva-dev]:8080 [TCP/IP] -- Connection refused
[WIB Jun  9 15:55:24] info     : 'selva-dev1' trying to restart
[WIB Jun  9 15:55:24] info     : 'selva-dev1' start: '/usr/bin/node /home/selva/tools/testnode/uppercase.js'
[WIB Jun  9 15:56:24] error    : 'selva-dev1' failed to start (exit status -1) -- Program '/usr/bin/node /home/selva/tools/testnode/uppercase.js' timed out after 1 m
[WIB Jun  9 15:56:39] error    : 'selva-dev1' failed protocol test [HTTP] at [selva-dev]:8080 [TCP/IP] -- Connection refused
[WIB Jun  9 15:56:39] info     : 'selva-dev1' trying to restart
[WIB Jun  9 15:56:39] info     : 'selva-dev1' start: '/usr/bin/node /home/selva/tools/testnode/uppercase.js'


check host selva-dev1 with address selva-dev
start program = "/usr/bin/node /home/selva/tools/testnode/uppercase.js"  with timeout 60 seconds
if failed port 8080 with protocol http with timeout 15 seconds then restart


check host Helloworld with address localhost
start program "/bin/bash -c '/usr/local/bin/node /Users/lutz/node/helloworld.js >/dev/null 2>&1 &'" with timeout 60 seconds
stop program "/bin/bash -c 'pkill -TERM helloworld.js'"
if failed port 3000 with protocol http with timeout 15 seconds then restart
