

hat = Hat(blue=3,red=2,green=6)

该类应该采用可变数量的参数,这些参数指定帽子中每种颜色的球的数量。此处帽子包含3 blue balls, 2 red balls and 6 green balls.


probability = experiment(hat=hat, expected_balls={"blue":2,"green":1}, num_balls_drawn=4, num_experiments=1000)


hat = Hat(blue=3,red=2,green=6)
probability = experiment(hat=hat, expected_balls={"blue":2,"green":1}, num_balls_drawn=4, num_experiments=1000)




import copy
import random
class Hat:

def __init__(self,**ball):
self.contents = list() #holds the balls
ball_and_count = list() #list for colour of ball and its count 
for key, value in ball.items():
ball_and_count.append(f"{key}= {value}")
for i in ball_and_count:
equal_pos = i.find("=")
ball_type = i[:equal_pos] #using string splicing to find ball type
count = int(i[equal_pos+1:])#using string splicing to find the number of balls of that type
c = 0
while c < count:
c = c + 1
def draw(self,num)
self.num = num
c = 0 #used in a while loop
drawed_ball = list() #this is where all the balls that were drawed out from contents will stay
while c < self.num:
c = c + 1
return drawed_ball
return drawed_ball

def experiment(hat, expected_balls,num_balls_drawn, num_experiments):
M = 0
exp_done = 0
while exp_done < num_experiments:
drawn = 0
drawn_balls = list()
while drawn < num_balls_drawn:
dc_contents = copy.deepcopy(hat.contents) # we are creating a deep copy of hat contents so that hat.contents stays the same
drawn_balls.append(dc_contents.pop(random.randint(0,len(dc_contents)-1))) #append to the drawn_balls list
v = 0
for key, val in expected_balls.items():
if key in drawn_balls:
k = drawn_balls.count(key) 
if k >= val:#here we are checking if for one ball type, we are drew the expected number of balls, then we increment the variable v
v = v + 1

if v == len(expected_balls):#we check if we have drawn the expected no. balls for all the balls and types, either we did or we did not, no in between, then we increment the variable M
M = M + 1            

#incrementing the number of balls drawn  
drawn = drawn + 1
exp_done = exp_done + 1 #incrementing the number of experiments drawn

N = num_experiments
prob = M / N
return prob


def experiment(hat, expected_balls, num_balls_drawn, num_experiments):
exp_done = 0
M = 0
while exp_done < num_experiments:
drawn = 0
drawn_balls = list()
dc_contents = copy.deepcopy(
hat.contents)  # we are creating a deep copy of hat contents so that hat.contents stays the same
while drawn < num_balls_drawn:
dc_contents.pop(random.randint(0, len(dc_contents) - 1)))  # append to the drawn_balls list
for key, val in expected_balls.items():
if drawn_balls.count(key) < val:
M += 1
drawn += 1
exp_done += 1  # incrementing the number of experiments drawn
N = num_experiments
prob = M / N
return prob


  • 每次出球后都要重置帽子,deepcopy需要在圈外
  • 只要抽到每一个所需的类型,你的检查程序就会计算成功


import copy
import random
class Hat:
def __init__(self,**ball):
self.contents = list() #holds the balls
ball_and_count = list() #list for colour of ball and its count
for key, value in ball.items():
ball_and_count.append(f"{key}= {value}")
for i in ball_and_count:
equal_pos = i.find("=")
ball_type = i[:equal_pos] #using string splicing to find ball type
count = int(i[equal_pos+1:])#using string splicing to find the number of balls of that type
c = 0
while c < count:
c = c + 1
def draw(self,num):
self.num = num
c = 0 #used in a while loop
drawed_ball = list() #this is where all the balls that were drawed out from contents will stay
while c < self.num:
c = c + 1
return drawed_ball
return drawed_ball

def experiment(hat, expected_balls, num_balls_drawn, num_experiments):
exp_done = 0
M = 0
while exp_done < num_experiments:
drawn = 0
drawn_balls = list()
dc_contents = copy.deepcopy(
hat.contents)  # we are creating a deep copy of hat contents so that hat.contents stays the same
while drawn < num_balls_drawn:
dc_contents.pop(random.randint(0, len(dc_contents) - 1)))  # append to the drawn_balls list
for key, val in expected_balls.items():
if drawn_balls.count(key) < val:
M += 1
drawn += 1
exp_done += 1  # incrementing the number of experiments drawn
N = num_experiments
prob = M / N
return prob

hat = Hat(blue=3,red=2,green=6)
probability = experiment(hat=hat, expected_balls={"blue":2,"green":1}, num_balls_drawn=4, num_experiments=1000)

这会打印像0.288这样的值——对我来说,如何获得像8.0这样的值是个谜,但我很确定这实际上不是你正在运行的代码。(因此,您没有运行代码中给出的解决方案——它仍然有拼写错误,无论如何都不会在def draw(self,num)上运行(


import copy
import random
class Hat:

def __init__(self,**ball):
self.contents = list() #holds the balls
ball_and_count = list() #list for colour of ball and its count 
for key, value in ball.items():
ball_and_count.append(f"{key}= {value}")
for i in ball_and_count:
equal_pos = i.find("=")
ball_type = i[:equal_pos] #using string splicing to find ball type
count = int(i[equal_pos+1:])#using string splicing to find the number of balls of that type
c = 0
while c < count:
c = c + 1

def draw(self,num):
self.num = num
c = 0 #used in a while loop
drawed_ball = list() #this is where all the balls that were drawed out from contents will stay
if self.num <= len(self.contents):
while c < self.num:
c = c + 1
return drawed_ball
drawed_ball = self.contents
return drawed_ball

def experiment(hat, expected_balls, num_balls_drawn, num_experiments):
exp_done = 0
M = 0
while exp_done < num_experiments:
dc_contents = copy.deepcopy(hat)  # we are creating a deep copy of hat contents so that hat.contents stays the same
drawn_balls = dc_contents.draw(num_balls_drawn)

for key,val in expected_balls.items():
if drawn_balls.count(key) < val:

M += 1

exp_done += 1  # incrementing the number of experiments drawn
N = num_experiments
prob = M / N
return prob
