id | 标准日期 | 金额||
C1 | 2020年1月 | 90||
C2 | 2020 | 100||
C3 | 2020年3月 | 60 |
delimiter //
drop table if exists n_table//
create table n_table (id varchar(5), stdate date, enddt date, amt int)//
drop procedure if exists divide_row//
CREATE PROCEDURE divide_row (o_id varchar(5),end_date date)
declare counter int default 0;
declare d_diff int;
declare c_id varchar(5);
declare c_stdate date;
declare c_amount int;
select id into c_id from o_table where id=o_id;
select stdate into c_stdate from o_table where id=o_id;
select amount into c_amount from o_table where id=o_id;
set d_diff=datediff(end_date,c_stdate);
if d_diff<0 then
select 'The end_date specified must not be older than the start_date !!' as warning;
lp : loop
if counter>d_diff then
leave lp;
end if;
insert n_table values (c_id, adddate(c_stdate,counter),end_date, c_amount/(d_diff+1));
set counter=counter+1;
end loop lp;
end if;
END //