

只允许使用最小的标准堆栈操作,如pop, push, size和top。




Current output:  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Expected Output: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



#include <initializer_list>
#include <iostream>
// Node class for a minimum singly linked list
struct Node {
int data{};     // Data part 
Node* next{};   // Link
// Stack, implemented as singly linked list with only minimum necessary functions
class Stack {
Node* head{};               // Head of singly linked list
int numberOfElements{};     // Housekeeping. Stack size
Stack() {};                 // Default constructor. Do nothing
// Convenience function. Build stack from initailizer list
Stack(const std::initializer_list<int>& il) { for (const int i : il) push(i); }
// And destructor, will release memory
~Stack() {
Node* temp = head;          // Start with the head
while (temp) {              // Iterate along the list
Node* toDelete = temp;  // Remember Node that must be deleted
temp = temp->next;      // Goto next element
delete toDelete;        // Delete Remebered Element
void push(const int value) {    // Push a new element onto the stack. Insert at  beginning
Node* temp = new Node;      // Allocate memory for a new node
temp->data = value;         // Assign data part to new Node
temp->next = head;          // This will be the new head, so, next will point to previous head
head = temp;                // Set head pointer to new Node
++numberOfElements;         // Bookkeeping, incremenent size
void pop() {                    // Simply dlete the first element in the linked list
if (head) {                 // If there is something in the list at all
Node* temp = head;      // Remember current head Node
head = head->next;      // New head will be the current heads next node
delete temp;            // Delete old head
--numberOfElements;     // Bookkeeping, decremenent size
int top() const { return head ? head->data : 0; }   // Simply retun data from head node
int size() const { return numberOfElements; }       // expose size to outside world 
void print() {                          // Helper for printing debug output
Node* temp = head;                  // We will iterate over the list beginning at the head
while (temp) {                      // As long as we are not at the end of the list
std::cout << temp->data << ' '; // Show data
temp = temp->next;              // And continue with next node
std::cout << 'n';
// This is the function that needs to be done
void mergeSortedStacks(Stack& s1, Stack& s2, Stack& merged) {

// As long as there are elements in s1 or in s1
while (s1.size() or s2.size()) {
// If there are elements in both s1 and s2
if (s1.size() and s2.size()) {
// Which top element is smaller?
if (s1.top() < s2.top()) {
// S1 top is smaller. push on resulting output stack
else {
// S2 top is smaller. push on resulting output stack
// Only s1 has still some elements
else if (s1.size()) {
// Copy them to other stack
// Only s2 has still some elements
else if (s2.size()) {
// Test
int main() {
Stack s1{ 10, 8, 6, 4 ,2 };
Stack s2{ 9, 7, 5, 3, 1};
Stack m{};
mergeSortedStacks(s1, s2, m);





#include <initializer_list>
#include <iostream>
// Node class for a minimum singly linked list
struct Node {
int data{};     // Data part 
Node* next{};   // Link
// Stack, implemented as singly linked list with only minimum necessary functions
class Stack {
Node* head{};               // Head of singly linked list
int numberOfElements{};     // Housekeeping. Stack size
Stack() {};                 // Default constructor. Do nothing
// Convenience function. Build stack from initailizer list
Stack(const std::initializer_list<int>& il) { for (const int i : il) push(i); }
// And destructor, will release memory
~Stack() {
Node* temp = head;          // Start with the head
while (temp) {              // Iterate along the list
Node* toDelete = temp;  // Remember Node that must be deleted
temp = temp->next;      // Goto next element
delete toDelete;        // Delete Remebered Element
void push(const int value) {    // Push a new element onto the stack. Insert at  beginning
Node* temp = new Node;      // Allocate memory for a new node
temp->data = value;         // Assign data part to new Node
temp->next = head;          // This will be the new head, so, next will point to previous head
head = temp;                // Set head pointer to new Node
++numberOfElements;         // Bookkeeping, incremenent size
void pop() {                    // Simply dlete the first element in the linked list
if (head) {                 // If there is something in the list at all
Node* temp = head;      // Remember current head Node
head = head->next;      // New head will be the current heads next node
delete temp;            // Delete old head
--numberOfElements;     // Bookkeeping, decremenent size
int top() const { return head ? head->data : 0; }   // Simply retun data from head node
int size() const { return numberOfElements; }       // expose size to outside world 
void print() {                          // Helper for printing debug output
Node* temp = head;                  // We will iterate over the list beginning at the head
while (temp) {                      // As long as we are not at the end of the list
std::cout << temp->data << ' '; // Show data
temp = temp->next;              // And continue with next node
std::cout << 'n';

void mergeSortedStacks(Stack& s1, Stack& s2, Stack& merged) {

Stack tempStack{};  // ****** New
// As long as there are elements in s1 or in s1
while (s1.size() or s2.size()) {
// If there are elements in both s1 and s2
if (s1.size() and s2.size()) {
// Which top element is smaller?
if (s1.top() < s2.top()) {
// S1 top is smaller. push on resulting output stack
else {
// S2 top is smaller. push on resulting output stack
// Only s1 has still some elements
else if (s1.size()) {
// Copy them to other stack
// Only s2 has still some elements
else if (s2.size()) {
// Reverse stack *****
const int stacksize = tempStack.size();
for (int i = 0; i < stacksize; ++i) {
// Test
int main() {
Stack s1{ 10, 8, 6, 4 ,2 };
Stack s2{ 9, 7, 5, 3, 1};
Stack m{};
mergeSortedStacks(s1, s2, m);
