import pdb
class Config(pdb.DefaultConfig):
sticky_by_default = True
正如@Patrick的回答所提到的,以及@bartekbrak对他的回答的评论,由于pdb++ (pdbpp
# ~/.pdbrc.py
# https://pypi.org/project/pdbpp/
# pip install pdbpp
# import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
import pdb
class Config(pdb.DefaultConfig):
# The prompt to show when in interactive mode.
prompt = '(Pdb++) '
# Highlight line numbers and the current line when showing the longlist of a function or when in sticky mode.
highlight = True
# File encoding.
# Useful when there are international characters in your string literals or comments.
encoding = 'utf-8'
# Determine whether pdb++ starts in sticky mode or not.
sticky_by_default = False
# The color to use for line numbers.
line_number_color = pdb.Color.turquoise
# The color to use for file names when printing the stack entries.
filename_color = pdb.Color.yellow
# The SGR parameters for the ANSI escape sequence to highlight the current line.
# This is set inside the SGR escape sequence e[%sm where e is the ESC character and %s the given value. See SGR parameters.
# The following means "reset all colors" (0), set foreground color to 18 (48;5;18), and background to 21.
# The default uses the default foreground (39) and background (49) colors, inversed (7).
current_line_color = "39;49;7"
# If pygments is installed and highlight == True, apply syntax highlight to the source code when showing the longlist of a function or when in sticky mode.
use_pygments = True
# Passed directly to the pygments.formatters.TerminalFormatter constructor.
# Selects the color scheme to use, depending on the background color of your terminal.
# If you have a light background color, try to set it to 'light'.
bg = 'dark'
# Passed directly to the pygments.formatters.TerminalFormatter constructor.
# It expects a dictionary that maps token types to (lightbg, darkbg) color names or None (default: None = use builtin colorscheme).
colorscheme = None
# The command to invoke when using the edit command.
# By default, it uses $EDITOR if set, else vi.
# The command must support the standard notation COMMAND +n filename to open filename at line n.
editor = '${EDITOR:-vi}'
# Truncate lines which exceed the terminal width.
truncate_long_lines = True
# Shell command to execute when starting the pdb prompt and the terminal window is not focused.
# Useful to e.g. play a sound to alert the user that the execution of the program stopped. It requires the wmctrl module.
exec_if_unfocused = None
# Old versions of pytest crash when you execute pdb.set_trace() in a test, but the standard output is captured (i.e., without the -s option, which is the default behavior).
# When this option is on, the stdout capturing is automatically disabled before showing the interactive prompt.
disable_pytest_capturing = False
# Certain frames can be hidden by default.
# If enabled, the commands hf_unhide, hf_hide, and hf_list can be used to control display of them.
enable_hidden_frames = True
# If enable_hidden_frames is True this controls if the number of hidden frames gets displayed.
show_hidden_frames_count = True
# This method is called during the initialization of the Pdb class.
# Useful to do complex setup.
def setup(self, pdb):
# Display tracebacks for errors via Pdb.error, that come from Pdb.default (i.e. the execution of an unrecognized pdb command),
# and are not a direct cause of the expression itself (e.g. NameError with a command like doesnotexist).
# With this option disabled only *** exception string gets printed, which often misses useful context.
show_traceback_on_error = True
# This option sets the limit to be used with traceback.format_exception, when show_traceback_on_error is enabled.
show_traceback_on_error_limit = None