

In which movie does Michael J. Fox play a time-travelling teenager?    Back to the Future
In 'Old School', what song does Frank try and sing at Blue's funeral.  Dust In The Wind
What hiphop heroes joined forces with Aerosmith for a new version of Walk This Way?    Run DMC
What singer's February 6 birthday is a national holiday in Jamaica?    Bob Marley
What year did Steven Page leave BNL?   2009
What is a group of turtles known as?   A pod


$fileHandler = fopen('triviaQuestions.txt', 'r');
if ($fileHandler) {
while (($line = fgets($fileHandler)) != false) {
$line = explode("t", $line);
echo $line[0];


In which movie does Michael J. Fox play a time-travelling teenager?In 'Old School', what song does Frank try and sing at Blue's funeral.What hiphop heroes joined forces with Aerosmith for a new version of Walk This Way?What singer's February 6 birthday is a national holiday in Jamaica?What year did Steven Page leave BNL?What is a group of turtles known as?


$fileHandler = fopen('triviaQuestions.txt', 'r');
if ($fileHandler) {
$ques = [];
$ans = [];
while (($line = fgets($fileHandler)) !== false) {
$line = explode("   ", $line);
// Not each anwser is seperated from its question with a tab.
// For example:
// In 'Old School', what song does Frank try and sing at Blue's funeral.  Dust In The Wind
if (!isset($line[1])) {
$line = explode("  ", $line[0]);
$ques[] = $line[0];
$ans[] = $line[1];
$counter = 0;
$str = "";
foreach ($ques as $que) {
$answer = $ans[$counter];
$counter += 1;
$str .= "Q: " . $que;
$str .= "<br />";
$str .= "A: " . $answer;
$str .= "<br />";
$str .= "<hr />";
echo $str;
