使用Oracle 9i,我如何从字符串中提取第一个数字?

我需要提取在数据库列中找到的第一个整数。不幸的是,我被困在使用Oracle 9i数据库的数据,它不支持正则表达式。


'Count 1,2,3...' should return '1' 
'3.1415 is pi' should return '3' 
'I saw 11 Olds 442s today' should return '11' 
'Part number 12,345' should return '12' 
'Order 5 100 piece kits' should return '5'
'ABcdEFg' should return ''

我不知道如何使用Oracle 9i从这些字符串中提取这些数字。

在Oracle 10g+中,我可以使用REGEXP_SUBSTR(my_data, '([0-9]+)'),如下所示:

SELECT name, REGEXP(address, '([0-9]+)') as street_num FROM people;




SQL> create or replace function f_digit (par_string in varchar2)
2    return varchar2
3  is
4    l_chr  varchar2(1);
5    retval varchar2(200);
6  begin
7    for i in 1 .. length(par_string) loop
8      l_chr := substr(par_string, i, 1);
10      if ascii(l_chr) between 48 and 57 then
11         retval := retval || l_chr;
12      end if;
14      if retval is not null and ascii(l_chr) not between 48 and 57 then
15         exit;
16      end if;
17    end loop;
18    return retval;
19  end;
20  /
Function created.


SQL> select col, f_digit(col) result
2  from (select 'count 1,2,3...' col        from dual union all
3        select '3.1415 is pi'              from dual union all
4        select 'I saw 11 Olds 442s today'  from dual union all
5        select 'Part number 12,345'        from dual union all
6        select 'Order 5 100 piece kits'    from dual union all
7        select 'ABcdEFg'                   from dual
8       );
COL                      RESULT
------------------------ ----------
count 1,2,3...           1
3.1415 is pi             3
I saw 11 Olds 442s today 11
Part number 12,345       12
Order 5 100 piece kits   5
6 rows selected.
