

|OrderID|             Product|Quantity| Price|          OrderDate|        StoreAddress|         City|State|Month|Hour|
| 295665|  Macbook Pro Laptop|       1|1700.0|2019-12-30 00:01:00|136 Church St, Ne...|New York City|   NY|   12|   0|
| 295666|  LG Washing Machine|       1| 600.0|2019-12-29 07:03:00|562 2nd St, New Y...|New York City|   NY|   12|   7|
| 295667|USB-C Charging Cable|       1| 11.95|2019-12-12 18:21:00|277 Main St, New ...|New York City|   NY|   12|  18|
| 295670|AA Batteries (4-p...|       1|  3.84|2019-12-31 22:58:00|200 Jefferson St,...|New York City|   NY|   12|  22|
| 295698|     Vareebadd Phone|       1| 400.0|2019-12-13 14:32:00|175 1st St, New Y...|New York City|   NY|   12|  14|
| 295698|USB-C Charging Cable|       2| 11.95|2019-12-13 14:32:00|175 1st St, New Y...|New York City|   NY|   12|  14|
| 295700|Bose SoundSport H...|       1| 99.99|2019-12-25 19:02:00|363 Hickory St, N...|New York City|   NY|   12|  19|
| 295704|    Wired Headphones|       1| 11.99|2019-12-12 00:20:00|457 8th St, New Y...|New York City|   NY|   12|   0|
| 295705|    Wired Headphones|       1| 11.99|2019-12-25 10:41:00|133 Jackson St, N...|New York City|   NY|   12|  10|
| 295712|  Macbook Pro Laptop|       1|1700.0|2019-12-10 20:02:00|331 Madison St, N...|New York City|   NY|   12|  20|
| 295713|Bose SoundSport H...|       1| 99.99|2019-12-24 07:55:00|490 Spruce St, Ne...|New York City|   NY|   12|   7|
| 295720|AA Batteries (4-p...|       1|  3.84|2019-12-17 22:52:00|298 Ridge St, New...|New York City|   NY|   12|  22|
| 295728|    27in FHD Monitor|       1|149.99|2019-12-21 19:21:00|366 Washington St...|New York City|   NY|   12|  19|
| 295735|              iPhone|       1| 700.0|2019-12-22 18:25:00|374 Lincoln St, N...|New York City|   NY|   12|  18|
| 295735|Apple Airpods Hea...|       1| 150.0|2019-12-22 18:25:00|374 Lincoln St, N...|New York City|   NY|   12|  18|
| 295735|    Wired Headphones|       1| 11.99|2019-12-22 18:25:00|374 Lincoln St, N...|New York City|   NY|   12|  18|
| 295740|USB-C Charging Cable|       1| 11.95|2019-12-01 20:36:00|102 Cedar St, New...|New York City|   NY|   12|  20|
| 295742|Apple Airpods Hea...|       1| 150.0|2019-12-09 23:45:00|368 Sunset St, Ne...|New York City|   NY|   12|  23|
| 295743|USB-C Charging Cable|       1| 11.95|2019-12-03 11:52:00|346 South St, New...|New York City|   NY|   12|  11|
| 295745|       Flatscreen TV|       1| 300.0|2019-12-24 10:38:00|124 Lakeview St, ...|New York City|   NY|   12|  10|



from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, collect_list, size, hour
spark = (SparkSession.builder.appName('SalesAnalytics').getOrCreate())
### This is the local path to my data:
file_path = './data/output/sales/ReportYear=2019'
sales_raw_df = (spark.read.format('parquet')
.option('header', 'True')
.option('inferSchema', 'True')
sales_raw_df = sales_raw_df.withColumn('Hour', hour(sales_raw_df.OrderDate))
sales_NY = (sales_raw_df.where(col('State') == 'NY'))

现在我可以遵循2个不同版本的解决方案,我认为这是完全等效的,但输出略有不同。两个版本的不同之处在于,第二个版本使用orderBy('OrderID', 'State')增加了一个中间步骤。


sales_q4_df = (sales_NY.groupBy('OrderID', 'State')
sales_q4_df = (sales_q4_df.withColumn('ProductListSize', size('ProductList')))
### discards the orders with a single product (the OrderID just appears once)
sales_q4_df = sales_q4_df.filter(col('ProductListSize') > 1).orderBy('ProductList', ascending=True)
most_prods_together = sales_q4_df.groupBy('ProductList').count().orderBy('count', ascending=False).show(10, False)


|ProductList                                           |count|
|[iPhone, Lightning Charging Cable]                    |126  |
|[Google Phone, USB-C Charging Cable]                  |124  |
|[Google Phone, Wired Headphones]                      |52   |
|[Vareebadd Phone, USB-C Charging Cable]               |49   |
|[iPhone, Wired Headphones]                            |46   |
|[iPhone, Apple Airpods Headphones]                    |43   |
|[Google Phone, Bose SoundSport Headphones]            |23   |
|[Vareebadd Phone, Wired Headphones]                   |17   |
|[Apple Airpods Headphones, Wired Headphones]          |12   |
|[Google Phone, USB-C Charging Cable, Wired Headphones]|11   |


sales_q4_df = (sales_NY.orderBy('OrderID', 'Product')
.groupBy('OrderID', 'State')
sales_q4_df = (sales_q4_df.withColumn('ProductListSize', size('ProductList')))
### discards the orders with a single product (the OrderID just appears once)
sales_q4_df = sales_q4_df.filter(col('ProductListSize') > 1).orderBy('ProductList', ascending=True)
most_prods_together = sales_q4_df.groupBy('ProductList').count().orderBy('count', ascending=False).show(10, False)


|ProductList                                      |count|
|[Google Phone, USB-C Charging Cable]             |127  |
|[Lightning Charging Cable, iPhone]               |126  |
|[Google Phone, Wired Headphones]                 |53   |
|[USB-C Charging Cable, Vareebadd Phone]          |50   |
|[Wired Headphones, iPhone]                       |46   |
|[Apple Airpods Headphones, iPhone]               |45   |
|[Bose SoundSport Headphones, Google Phone]       |24   |
|[Apple Airpods Headphones, Wired Headphones]     |19   |
|[Vareebadd Phone, Wired Headphones]              |17   |
|[AA Batteries (4-pack), Lightning Charging Cable]|16   |


我正在使用jupyterlab v.3.4.2, PySpark v.3.0.1和Java v.15的笔记本电脑。


正如Emma提到的,对随机顺序的列表列使用group_by可能会返回奇怪的结果。[a, b]和[' b ', ' ')是两种不同的价值观。


也就是说,列表中的group_by并不是回答最常一起销售的产品是什么这个问题的最准确的方法。['iphone', 'iphone充电器','口香糖']和['iphone', 'iphone充电器']是两个不同的行在你的结果数据框,但iphone和iphone充电器之间的关联可能是你正在寻找的。

你可以使用pyspark.ml.fpm FP-Grow,它可以返回通常一起返回的关联规则和成对的项(或其他大小)。

from pyspark.ml.fpm import FPGrowth
from pyspark.sql.functions import size, col
df = spark.createDataFrame(
[1, ["tomato", "cucumber", "onion"]],
[2, ["cucumber", "avocado", "tomato", "olive oil"]],
[3, ["cucumber", "tomato", "lettuce", "onion"]],
[4, ["lettuce", "onion"]],
[5, ["olive oil", "bread"]],
[6, ["onion", "olive oil", "lettuce"]]
], ["order_id", "products"]
fpGrowth = FPGrowth(itemsCol="products", minSupport=0.2, minConfidence=0.75)
model = fpGrowth.fit(df)
model.freqItemsets.filter(size("items") > 1).orderBy(col("freq").desc()).show()
|               items|freq|
|    [lettuce, onion]|   3|
|  [tomato, cucumber]|   3|
|   [cucumber, onion]|   2|
|[tomato, cucumber...|   2|
|     [tomato, onion]|   2|




sales_q4_df = (sales_NY.groupBy('OrderID', 'State')

在版本1[Google Phone, Bose SoundSport Headphones]的列表中检查这一项,"google"出现在"google"之前,计数为23。

我猜你有一个条目[Bose SoundSport Headphones, Google Phone]计数1,如果你删除>1过滤。

在版本2中,您添加了.orderBy('OrderID', 'Product'),现在使查询具有确定性,并且您正在用24计算[Bose SoundSport Headphones, Google Phone]的正确集合。


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