
在非托管端,我有short* m_pLevels[4],我需要获得指向C#端的指针数组,这样我就可以使用每个点从非托管端复制到托管数组



  1. 最有效的方法是将非托管数据传递给C#并按原样使用。

    unsafe void HandleNativeData(sbyte* pData, int dataLen)
    // ...
  2. 最安全的方法是将非托管内存封送为托管内存

    unsafe void HandleNativeData(sbyte* pData, int dataLen)
    byte[] DataManagedBuf = new byte[dataLen];
    Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)pData, DataManagedBuf, 0, dataLen);
    // At this point DataManagedBuf is a proper managed buffer,
    //  containing the data that was passed from native C++.


// this function pre-supposes that everyone knows there are always
// exactly 4 buffers of data. that's pretty rare for IRL interop.
// normally you'd use a struct with fixed length arrays, but the 
// question explicitly states short*[].
[DllImport("UnmanagedCode.dll", EntryPoint = "NameOfUnmanagedCodeFunction"]
private static extern void GetUnmanagedBuffers(IntPtr[] shortPtrs, int[] lengths);
// this function will call the unmanaged function and then
// marshal over the pointers into managed arrays
public List<short[]> GetBuffers()
var managedArrays = new List<short[]>(4);
// the unmanaged DLL fills in the buffer addresses for us
var shortPtrs = new IntPtr[4];
// and the lengths of each buffer
var lengths = new int[4];

GetUnmanagedBuffers(shortPtrs, lengths);
// input validation/exception handling omitted for brevity    
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
var length = bufferLengths[i];
// create the array and add it to the return values
managedArrays.Add(new short[length]);
// the overload of Marshal.Copy that works with int16[]
Marshal.Copy(bufferPtrs[i],    //source pointer
managedArrays[i], //destination array
0,                //starting index into dest
length)           //number of int16 to copy
// often you'd see another PInvoke here telling the unmanaged 
// code that you're done with the buffers so they can be freed.
return managedArrays;
