



// Writing Psudo Code for a JS Function to create (or validate) a checksum ID variable from a list of input characters:
// Setup:
// Take in a list of possible alpha characters:

// Make sure all are letters, no numbers or symbols. Throw error.
// /^[a-zA-Z]+$/ or maybe /[wа-яА-Я]+/ig
// Now calculate the length (num of characters), n:
function NumberOfValidInputCharacters () { 
return charset.length;
// Create a string of 5 random characters from the list.
function makeid() {
var text = '';
// Note:change 4 to the desired length of the ID. Since it starts at 0, 4 means an actual length of 5.
for (var i = 0; i <= 4; i++)
text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
return text;

// Assign each character a value from 1 to n: value1 - value5
//**I think in order to do this I'll have to set the return to an array, as JS doesn't allow multiple returns.

// Math Ops:
function makechecksum() {
// Separate out the characters into 5 separate vars: char1 - char5

// Map to values from setup.

// Run some math ops on the 5 values as follows:
// 2*value1
var val1 = 2*value1
// value2*value2
var val2 = value2**2
// (value3 +1)*value4
var val3 = (value3 +1)*value4
// (value5^3) - 1
var val4 = (value5**3) - 1
// Place the results into an array
var ArrayValue = [val1, val2, val3, val4]
// Sum the results
var addend = sum(ArrayValue)

// Divide the result by charset.length, capture the remainder.
var final_digit = (addend % charset.length);

// Assign the remainder to it's corresponding character from previous step, label as char6.

// Create id code by concatenating char1 - char6. Return.
var full_id = text.concat(final_digit);
//Validate ID code (Take a code entered and validate it.)
// Duplicate variable, remove char6, 
testString = testString.toUpperCase();
var testString = text.substring(0,4)
// Now run the rest of string of new vars characters through value assignment and Math Ops.

// Compare origial variable to newly created one. If unequal throw error.

//Stuff newly generated Checksum ID into the blank
inputs.stu_id.addEventListener('change', function() { 
if (inputs.student_id.value == '') 
inputs.student_id.value = codePoint()

我已经尝试了算法的第一部分,但我不确定makeID()的结果是字符串还是数字数组。我带着绳子去了。使用为字符指定一个数值https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/charCodeAt和https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/fromCharCode相反。问题是,您的数学运算产生的大值不符合String.fromCharCode()0 - 65535范围。结果,您将看到";问号";unicode符号。

const numSampledChars = 5;
const makeID = (str) => {
const charCodes = Array.from(str.substr(0, numSampledChars)).map(char => char.charCodeAt(0));
console.log('charCodes:', charCodes);
charCodes[0] = charCodes[0] * 2;
charCodes[1] = charCodes[1] * charCodes[1];
charCodes[2] = (charCodes[2] + 1) * charCodes[3];
charCodes[3] = (charCodes[4] ** 3) - 1;
console.log('charCodes after math:', charCodes);
const sumCharCodes = charCodes.reduce((result, code) => result + code, 0);
console.log('sumCharCodes:', sumCharCodes);
const charCodeToAppend = sumCharCodes % charset.length;
console.log('charCodeToAppend:', charCodeToAppend);
return charCodes.concat([charCodeToAppend]).map(code => String.fromCharCode(code)).join('');
console.log('makeID result:', makeID(inputStr));


charCodes: [ 1052, 1053, 1054, 1055, 1056 ]
charCodes after math: [ 2104, 1108809, 1113025, 1177583615, 1056 ]
sumCharCodes: 1179808609
charCodeToAppend: 11
makeID result: ࠸﯁翿Р
