将Sphinx Autodoc与手动文档相结合

我目前正在编写一份参考文档,该文档最初是用.. class::手动记录的。模块中的所有类都是这样记录的。


我试着简单地用.. autoclass::替换.. class::,但这导致了一个输出,其中手动键入到文档中的描述和参数描述(而不是从文档字符串生成的(不会在输出中呈现。有人能建议如何解决这个问题吗?



.. autoclass:: wagtail.blocks.CharBlock
.. class:: CharBlock
A single-line text input. The following keyword arguments are accepted in addition to the standard ones:
:param required: If true (the default), the field cannot be left blank.
:param max_length: The maximum allowed length of the field.
:param min_length: The minimum allowed length of the field.
:param help_text: Help text to display alongside the field.
:param validators: A list of validation functions for the field (see `Django Validators <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/ref/validators/>`__).
:param form_classname: A value to add to the form field's ``class`` attribute when rendered on the page editing form.





删除.. class::,并确保.. autoclass::行之后的所有行具有相同的缩进。我认为这应该产生你想要的输出。

.. autoclass:: wagtail.blocks.CharBlock
A single-line text input. The following keyword arguments are accepted in addition to the standard ones:
:param required: If true (the default), the field cannot be left blank.
:param max_length: The maximum allowed length of the field.
:param min_length: The minimum allowed length of the field.
:param help_text: Help text to display alongside the field.
:param validators: A list of validation functions for the field (see `Django Validators <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/ref/validators/>`__).
:param form_classname: A value to add to the form field's ``class`` attribute when rendered on the page editing form.


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