

db <- dbConnect(SQLite(), dbname="test_db.sqlite") ## will make, if not present
dbWriteTable(conn=db, name="your_table", value="testdata.csv", row.names=FALSE, header=TRUE)




  1. 对于每个文件,读取CSV,根据需要格式化/增强/筛选/选择,然后另存为.parquet文件。
    • 可选:在一个或多个可索引(分类/序号)列上进行拆分后,写入多个.parquet文件
  2. 使用arrow::open_datasetdplyr及其惰性评估读取数据。虽然这不允许您一次将整个数据集读取到内存中,但它确实允许您以较小的块访问所有数据,就好像它是一个大数据集一样



  1. 数据集对象ds反映了所有336776行数据,尽管该对象相当小(只是一个引用了文件和元数据的环境)
  2. 上面的初始筛选返回一个惰性引用,而不是数据本身。要获得实际数据,需要添加collect()。不要试图对整个数据执行此操作,除非您知道它可以放入内存
  3. 回想一下,原始对象是data.table(来自fread),而write_parquet保留了帧的几个属性(包括这些属性),所以当我们实现下面的数据时,它将是data.table
  4. 但是 ,虽然collected数据是data.table,但对所收集数据的更改不会迁移回镶木地板文件本身。这意味着,如果您执行类似collect(ds)[, newcol := 1]的操作,那么执行另一个collect(ds)时将不会包含newcol。值得注意的是,parquet文件在写入后是不可变的:它们无法更新或附加到


ind <- sample(1:5, size = nrow(nycflights13::flights), replace = TRUE)
i <- 1L
for (dat in split(nycflights13::flights, ind)) {
fwrite(dat, sprintf("csv/%s.csv", i))
i <- i + 1L
#              size isdir mode               mtime               ctime               atime exe
# csv/1.csv 6274623 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:21:40 2022-09-19 05:21:40 2022-09-19 05:21:54  no
# csv/2.csv 6265804 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:21:40 2022-09-19 05:21:40 2022-09-19 05:21:52  no
# csv/3.csv 6261533 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:21:40 2022-09-19 05:21:40 2022-09-19 05:21:43  no
# csv/4.csv 6260298 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:21:40 2022-09-19 05:21:40 2022-09-19 05:21:49  no
# csv/5.csv 6235815 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:21:40 2022-09-19 05:21:40 2022-09-19 05:21:46  no



for (fn in Sys.glob("csv/*.csv")) {
X <- fread(fn)
arrow::write_parquet(X, file.path("datamart", paste0(basename(fn), ".parquet")))
gc() # optional, might help
#                           size isdir mode               mtime               ctime               atime exe
# datamart/1.csv.parquet 1251629 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:26:28 2022-09-19 05:26:28 2022-09-19 05:35:59  no
# datamart/2.csv.parquet 1249485 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:26:45 2022-09-19 05:26:45 2022-09-19 05:35:59  no
# datamart/3.csv.parquet 1249652 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:26:47 2022-09-19 05:26:47 2022-09-19 05:35:59  no
# datamart/4.csv.parquet 1249772 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:26:48 2022-09-19 05:26:48 2022-09-19 05:35:59  no
# datamart/5.csv.parquet 1245022 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:26:49 2022-09-19 05:26:49 2022-09-19 05:35:59  no


ds <- open_dataset("datamart")
# [1] 336776
object.size(ds) # environment
# 504 bytes
with(ls.objects(envir = ds), sum(Size))
# [1] 145888
ds %>%
filter(month == 1, between(day, 1, 10))
# FileSystemDataset (query)
# year: int32
# month: int32
# day: int32
# dep_time: int32
# sched_dep_time: int32
# dep_delay: int32
# arr_time: int32
# sched_arr_time: int32
# arr_delay: int32
# carrier: string
# flight: int32
# tailnum: string
# origin: string
# dest: string
# air_time: int32
# distance: int32
# hour: int32
# minute: int32
# time_hour: timestamp[us, tz=UTC]
# * Filter: ((month == 1) and ((day >= 1) and (day <= 10)))
# See $.data for the source Arrow object
ds %>%
filter(month == 1, between(day, 1, 10)) %>%
#        year month   day dep_time sched_dep_time dep_delay arr_time sched_arr_time arr_delay carrier flight tailnum origin   dest
#       <int> <int> <int>    <int>          <int>     <int>    <int>          <int>     <int>  <char>  <int>  <char> <char> <char>
#    1:  2013     1     1      554            600        -6      812            837       -25      DL    461  N668DN    LGA    ATL
#    2:  2013     1     1      555            600        -5      913            854        19      B6    507  N516JB    EWR    FLL
#    3:  2013     1     1      557            600        -3      709            723       -14      EV   5708  N829AS    LGA    IAD
#    4:  2013     1     1      558            600        -2      923            937       -14      UA   1124  N53441    EWR    SFO
#    5:  2013     1     1      559            600        -1      941            910        31      AA    707  N3DUAA    LGA    DFW
#    6:  2013     1     1      607            607         0      858            915       -17      UA   1077  N53442    EWR    MIA
#    7:  2013     1     1      613            610         3      925            921         4      B6    135  N635JB    JFK    RSW
#    8:  2013     1     1      615            615         0      833            842        -9      DL    575  N326NB    EWR    ATL
#    9:  2013     1     1      623            610        13      920            915         5      AA   1837  N3EMAA    LGA    MIA
#   10:  2013     1     1      624            630        -6      840            830        10      MQ   4599  N518MQ    LGA    MSP
#   ---                                                                                                                           
# 8823:  2013     1    10     2038           2045        -7     2140           2154       -14      B6   1178  N640JB    EWR    BOS
# 8824:  2013     1    10     2040           2040         0     2351           2357        -6      B6    677  N809JB    JFK    LAX
# 8825:  2013     1    10     2054           2100        -6     2202           2207        -5      US   2144  N952UW    LGA    BOS
# 8826:  2013     1    10     2058           2100        -2     2229           2225         4      WN    530  N443WN    LGA    MDW
# 8827:  2013     1    10     2104           2110        -6     2337           2355       -18      B6    529  N507JB    EWR    MCO
# 8828:  2013     1    10     2129           2130        -1      148            218       -30      B6    701  N193JB    JFK    SJU
# 8829:  2013     1    10     2159           2159         0     2247           2300       -13      EV   4519  N13124    EWR    BWI
# 8830:  2013     1    10     2320           2250        30       16           2354        22      B6   1018  N612JB    JFK    BOS
# 8831:  2013     1    10       NA            635        NA       NA            940        NA      AA    711  N3CDAA    LGA    DFW
# 8832:  2013     1    10       NA            700        NA       NA           1007        NA      UA    719            EWR    DFW
# 5 variables not shown: [air_time <int>, distance <int>, hour <int>, minute <int>, time_hour <POSc>]



  • 原始CSV文件名,如果你想过滤
  • 一个或多个固有分类/序数字段(不连续)


注意:可以使用write_dataset,它与我们上面的open_dataset相对应。它以相同的方式处理partitions=。但是,如果您不确定分区字段中的每个级别对一个文件都是唯一的(例如,在我的示例数据中,我在所有CSV文件中都有month == 1),那么读取的每个CSV文件都会覆盖以前写入的一些数据。在这种情况下,正如我将在这里演示的那样,我将手动写入子目录。

# ensures .parquet files are additive
addfile <- function(dat, base, by) {
thisdir <- do.call(file.path, as.list(c(base, paste(names(by), unname(by), sep = "="))))
dir.create(thisdir, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
existing <- list.files(thisdir)
thisfile <- sprintf("%i.parquet", length(existing) + 1)
arrow::write_parquet(dat, file.path(thisdir, thisfile))
for (fn in Sys.glob("csv/*.csv")) {
X <- fread(fn)
X[, addfile(.SD, "datamart2", by = .BY), by = .(year, month)]
gc() # optional
#                                          size isdir mode               mtime               ctime               atime exe
# datamart2/year=2013/month=1/1.parquet  133469 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:25 2022-09-19 05:53:25 2022-09-19 05:53:25  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=1/2.parquet  132760 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:26 2022-09-19 05:53:26 2022-09-19 05:53:26  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=1/3.parquet  134069 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:28 2022-09-19 05:53:28 2022-09-19 05:53:28  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=1/4.parquet  132404 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:29 2022-09-19 05:53:29 2022-09-19 05:53:29  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=1/5.parquet  136424 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:30 2022-09-19 05:53:30 2022-09-19 05:53:30  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=10/1.parquet 140490 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:25 2022-09-19 05:53:25 2022-09-19 05:53:25  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=10/2.parquet 139362 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:26 2022-09-19 05:53:26 2022-09-19 05:53:26  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=10/3.parquet 138570 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:28 2022-09-19 05:53:28 2022-09-19 05:53:28  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=10/4.parquet 137501 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:29 2022-09-19 05:53:29 2022-09-19 05:53:29  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=10/5.parquet 137426 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:30 2022-09-19 05:53:30 2022-09-19 05:53:30  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=11/1.parquet 133714 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:25 2022-09-19 05:53:25 2022-09-19 05:53:25  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=11/2.parquet 134291 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:26 2022-09-19 05:53:26 2022-09-19 05:53:26  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=11/3.parquet 133199 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:28 2022-09-19 05:53:28 2022-09-19 05:53:28  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=11/4.parquet 136152 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:29 2022-09-19 05:53:29 2022-09-19 05:53:29  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=11/5.parquet 133310 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:30 2022-09-19 05:53:30 2022-09-19 05:53:30  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=12/1.parquet 141743 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:25 2022-09-19 05:53:25 2022-09-19 05:53:25  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=12/2.parquet 142030 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:26 2022-09-19 05:53:26 2022-09-19 05:53:26  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=12/3.parquet 139573 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:28 2022-09-19 05:53:28 2022-09-19 05:53:28  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=12/4.parquet 140515 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:29 2022-09-19 05:53:29 2022-09-19 05:53:29  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=12/5.parquet 140059 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:30 2022-09-19 05:53:30 2022-09-19 05:53:30  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=2/1.parquet  126203 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:25 2022-09-19 05:53:25 2022-09-19 05:53:25  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=2/2.parquet  126481 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:26 2022-09-19 05:53:26 2022-09-19 05:53:26  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=2/3.parquet  126348 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:28 2022-09-19 05:53:28 2022-09-19 05:53:28  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=2/4.parquet  126618 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:29 2022-09-19 05:53:29 2022-09-19 05:53:29  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=2/5.parquet  123947 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:30 2022-09-19 05:53:30 2022-09-19 05:53:30  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=3/1.parquet  140691 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:25 2022-09-19 05:53:25 2022-09-19 05:53:25  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=3/2.parquet  142811 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:26 2022-09-19 05:53:26 2022-09-19 05:53:26  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=3/3.parquet  142415 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:28 2022-09-19 05:53:28 2022-09-19 05:53:28  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=3/4.parquet  140573 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:29 2022-09-19 05:53:29 2022-09-19 05:53:29  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=3/5.parquet  138510 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:30 2022-09-19 05:53:30 2022-09-19 05:53:30  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=4/1.parquet  140734 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:25 2022-09-19 05:53:25 2022-09-19 05:53:25  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=4/2.parquet  140707 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:26 2022-09-19 05:53:26 2022-09-19 05:53:26  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=4/3.parquet  140507 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:28 2022-09-19 05:53:28 2022-09-19 05:53:28  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=4/4.parquet  141896 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:29 2022-09-19 05:53:29 2022-09-19 05:53:29  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=4/5.parquet  141182 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:30 2022-09-19 05:53:30 2022-09-19 05:53:30  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=5/1.parquet  139517 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:25 2022-09-19 05:53:25 2022-09-19 05:53:25  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=5/2.parquet  140546 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:26 2022-09-19 05:53:26 2022-09-19 05:53:26  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=5/3.parquet  143193 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:28 2022-09-19 05:53:28 2022-09-19 05:53:28  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=5/4.parquet  139979 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:29 2022-09-19 05:53:29 2022-09-19 05:53:29  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=5/5.parquet  141259 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:30 2022-09-19 05:53:30 2022-09-19 05:53:30  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=6/1.parquet  143405 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:25 2022-09-19 05:53:25 2022-09-19 05:53:25  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=6/2.parquet  142591 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:26 2022-09-19 05:53:26 2022-09-19 05:53:26  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=6/3.parquet  142106 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:28 2022-09-19 05:53:28 2022-09-19 05:53:28  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=6/4.parquet  143012 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:29 2022-09-19 05:53:29 2022-09-19 05:53:29  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=6/5.parquet  141489 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:30 2022-09-19 05:53:30 2022-09-19 05:53:30  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=7/1.parquet  145064 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:25 2022-09-19 05:53:25 2022-09-19 05:53:25  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=7/2.parquet  143898 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:26 2022-09-19 05:53:26 2022-09-19 05:53:26  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=7/3.parquet  144104 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:28 2022-09-19 05:53:28 2022-09-19 05:53:28  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=7/4.parquet  146099 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:29 2022-09-19 05:53:29 2022-09-19 05:53:29  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=7/5.parquet  146616 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:30 2022-09-19 05:53:30 2022-09-19 05:53:30  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=8/1.parquet  145155 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:25 2022-09-19 05:53:25 2022-09-19 05:53:25  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=8/2.parquet  143314 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:26 2022-09-19 05:53:26 2022-09-19 05:53:26  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=8/3.parquet  145334 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:28 2022-09-19 05:53:28 2022-09-19 05:53:28  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=8/4.parquet  144581 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:29 2022-09-19 05:53:29 2022-09-19 05:53:29  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=8/5.parquet  145998 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:30 2022-09-19 05:53:30 2022-09-19 05:53:30  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=9/1.parquet  135902 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:25 2022-09-19 05:53:25 2022-09-19 05:53:25  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=9/2.parquet  135525 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:26 2022-09-19 05:53:26 2022-09-19 05:53:26  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=9/3.parquet  136012 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:28 2022-09-19 05:53:28 2022-09-19 05:53:28  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=9/4.parquet  137506 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:29 2022-09-19 05:53:29 2022-09-19 05:53:29  no
# datamart2/year=2013/month=9/5.parquet  133894 FALSE  666 2022-09-19 05:53:30 2022-09-19 05:53:30 2022-09-19 05:53:30  no


ds <- open_dataset("datamart2")
# [1] 336776
object.size(ds) # environment
# 504 bytes
with(ls.objects(envir = ds), sum(Size))
# [1] 155896
ds %>%
filter(month == 1, between(day, 1, 10))
# FileSystemDataset (query)
# day: int32
# dep_time: int32
# sched_dep_time: int32
# dep_delay: int32
# arr_time: int32
# sched_arr_time: int32
# arr_delay: int32
# carrier: string
# flight: int32
# tailnum: string
# origin: string
# dest: string
# air_time: int32
# distance: int32
# hour: int32
# minute: int32
# time_hour: timestamp[us, tz=UTC]
# year: int32
# month: int32
# * Filter: ((month == 1) and ((day >= 1) and (day <= 10)))
# See $.data for the source Arrow object
ds %>%
filter(month == 1, between(day, 1, 10)) %>%
#         day dep_time sched_dep_time dep_delay arr_time sched_arr_time arr_delay carrier flight tailnum origin   dest air_time
#       <int>    <int>          <int>     <int>    <int>          <int>     <int>  <char>  <int>  <char> <char> <char>    <int>
#    1:     1      517            515         2      830            819        11      UA   1545  N14228    EWR    IAH      227
#    2:     1      542            540         2      923            850        33      AA   1141  N619AA    JFK    MIA      160
#    3:     1      544            545        -1     1004           1022       -18      B6    725  N804JB    JFK    BQN      183
#    4:     1      557            600        -3      838            846        -8      B6     79  N593JB    JFK    MCO      140
#    5:     1      558            600        -2      849            851        -2      B6     49  N793JB    JFK    PBI      149
#    6:     1      559            600        -1      854            902        -8      UA   1187  N76515    EWR    LAS      337
#    7:     1      600            600         0      851            858        -7      B6    371  N595JB    LGA    FLL      152
#    8:     1      615            615         0     1039           1100       -21      B6    709  N794JB    JFK    SJU      182
#    9:     1      635            635         0     1028            940        48      AA    711  N3GKAA    LGA    DFW      248
#   10:     1      655            655         0     1021           1030        -9      DL   1415  N3763D    JFK    SLC      294
#   ---                                                                                                                        
# 8823:    10     2038           2045        -7     2140           2154       -14      B6   1178  N640JB    EWR    BOS       40
# 8824:    10     2040           2040         0     2351           2357        -6      B6    677  N809JB    JFK    LAX      343
# 8825:    10     2054           2100        -6     2202           2207        -5      US   2144  N952UW    LGA    BOS       34
# 8826:    10     2058           2100        -2     2229           2225         4      WN    530  N443WN    LGA    MDW      117
# 8827:    10     2104           2110        -6     2337           2355       -18      B6    529  N507JB    EWR    MCO      127
# 8828:    10     2129           2130        -1      148            218       -30      B6    701  N193JB    JFK    SJU      186
# 8829:    10     2159           2159         0     2247           2300       -13      EV   4519  N13124    EWR    BWI       33
# 8830:    10     2320           2250        30       16           2354        22      B6   1018  N612JB    JFK    BOS       35
# 8831:    10       NA            635        NA       NA            940        NA      AA    711  N3CDAA    LGA    DFW       NA
# 8832:    10       NA            700        NA       NA           1007        NA      UA    719            EWR    DFW       NA
# 6 variables not shown: [distance <int>, hour <int>, minute <int>, time_hour <POSc>, year <int>, month <int>]


  • 如果您的系统能够负担得起,那么在每个year=?/month=?子目录上迭代并将所有数据组合到一个文件中可能是值得的。还记得我提到的";文件多,open_dataset慢;?合并同级.parquet文件可能有助于解决此问题。同样,只有当您一次可以将所有一个子磁盘集读取到内存中时,这才有可能。这可能没有必要,交给你
  • 我用了一个";蜂箱";分区/子目录方案,其中year=隐式创建可索引列。(如果您读取其中一个1.parquet目录,您会注意到其中没有yearmonth。)如果不需要这样做,您可以创建更简单的路径名(例如2013/12/1.parquet)并使用open_dataset("datamart2", partitions=c("year","month"))



DT <- rbindlist(future_lapply(files, yourfunc))


