


Num1      Acct      Amt         Type1       Type2        AmtX     AmtY    AcctBadInd
X12       111       90           X          1            NULL     NULL    NULL
X12       222       -90          X          1            NULL     NULL    NULL
X12       333       90           X          1            NULL     NULL    NULL
Y33       111       75           Y          1            NULL     NULL    NULL
Y33       444       -75          Y          1            NULL     NULL    NULL
Z44       111       55           Y          1            NULL     NULL    NULL
Z44       111       55           Y          0            NULL     NULL    NULL
Z44       444       -65          Y          1            NULL     NULL    NULL


  1. 验证所有Type2=1记录的ABS(AMT)是否相同。如果所有3条记录都具有相同的AMT,则该Num1的SET AMTX=ABS(AMT)。或者,如果Type1 was Y for X12-那么我们将更新AmtY = ABS(AMT)

  2. Num1 = Y33-在这种情况下,我们再次希望验证ABS(AMT)Type2=1相同。如果它们相等,那么由于Type1=Y,我们将设置AmtY =75

  3. Num1=Z44——在这种情况下,再次验证ABS(AMT(与Type2=1相同。如果它们不相等,则不要更新AmtY,而是设置AcctBadInd = 1


Num1      Acct      Amt         Type1       Type2        AmtX     AmtY    AcctBadInd
X12       111       90           X          1            90     NULL    NULL
X12       222       -90          X          1            90     NULL    NULL
X12       333       90           X          1            90     NULL    NULL
Y33       111       75           Y          1            NULL     75    NULL
Y33       444       -75          Y          1            NULL     75    NULL
Z44       111       55           Y          1            NULL     NULL    1
Z44       444       -65          Y          1            NULL     NULL    1
Z44       111       55           Y          0            NULL     NULL    NULL



with cte as (
select * , type2, max(abs(Amt)) minAmt, min(abs(Amt)) maxAmt, count(*) cnt 
from table 
group by Num1 , type2
update t1
set   AmtX = case when cnt> 1 and Type2=1 and t1.type1 = 'X' and minAmt = maxAmt then minAmt end
, AmtY = case when cnt> 1 and Type2=1 and t1.type1 = 'Y' and minAmt = maxAmt then minAmt end
, AcctBadInd = case when cnt> 1 and Type2=1 and minAmt <> maxAmt then 1 end
from table t1 
join cte on t1.Num1 = cte.Num1
and t1.type2 = cte.type2


with t as (
select *,
AmtXnew = case when min(ABS(AMT)) over(partition by Num1, Type2) = max(ABS(AMT)) over(partition by Num1, Type2) 
and Type2 = 1 and Type1 ='X' then ABS(AMT) 
else NULL end,
AmtYnew = case when min(ABS(AMT)) over(partition by Num1, Type2) = max(ABS(AMT)) over(partition by Num1, Type2) 
and Type2 = 1 and Type1 ='Y' then ABS(AMT) 
else NULL end,
AcctBadIndnew = case when min(ABS(AMT)) over(partition by Num1, Type2) <> max(ABS(AMT)) over(partition by Num1, Type2) 
and Type2 = 1 then 1 else NULL end
from tbl
update t set AmtX = AmtXnew,AmtY = AmtYnew, AcctBadInd = AcctBadIndnew;
