


public Path calculate(PathfinderGoal goal, PathScorer scorer, List<PathRequirement> requirements, int maxNodes) {
PathNode start = toNode(npc.getLocation());
PathNode end = toNode(goal.getLocation());
List<PathNode> open = new ArrayList<>() {{ add(start); }};
List<PathNode> navigated = new ArrayList<>();
start.setF(scorer.computeCost(start, end));
Timer timer = new Timer().start();
while (!open.isEmpty()) {
PathNode current = null;
for (PathNode node : open) {
if (current == null || node.getH() < current.getH()) {
current = node;
if (scorer.computeCost(current, end) < 1 || (navigated.size() >= maxNodes && maxNodes != -1)) {
navigated.add(navigated.size() < maxNodes ? end : current);
return reconstruct(navigated, navigated.size() - 1);
for (PathNode node : current.getNeighbors()) {
if (node.isClosed()) {
double tentG = current.getG() + scorer.computeCost(current, node);
if (!open.contains(node) || tentG < node.getG()) {
boolean requirementsMet = true;
for (PathRequirement requirement : requirements) {
if (!navigated.isEmpty() && !requirement.canMoveToNewNode(navigated.get(navigated.size() - 1), node)) {
requirementsMet = false;
if (!navigated.contains(current)) {
node.setH(scorer.computeCost(node, end));
node.setF(tentG + node.getH());
if (!open.contains(node) && requirementsMet) {
Bukkit.broadcastMessage("Open Set Size: " + open.size());
Bukkit.broadcastMessage(timer.stop() + "ms");
return null;
private Path reconstruct(List<PathNode> navigated, int index) {
final PathNode current = navigated.get(index);
Path withCurrent = new Path(new ArrayList<>() {{ add(current); }});
if (index > 0 && navigated.contains(current)) {
return reconstruct(navigated, index - 1).append(withCurrent);
return withCurrent;


public PathNode(Pathfinder pathfinder, int x, int y, int z) {
this.pathfinder = pathfinder;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (!(other instanceof PathNode otherNode)) {
return false;
return otherNode.x == x && otherNode.y == y && otherNode.z == z;
public List<PathNode> getNeighbors() {
return new ArrayList<>() {
for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++) {
for (int y = -1; y <= 1; y++) {
for (int z = -1; z <= 1; z++) {
add(new PathNode(pathfinder, PathNode.this.x + x, PathNode.this.y + y, PathNode.this.z + z));
public Location getLocation() {
return new Location(pathfinder.getNPC().getLocation().getWorld(), x, y, z);
public double getF() {
return F;
public void setF(double f) {
this.F = f;
public double getG() {
return G;
public void setG(double g) {
this.G = g;
public double getH() {
return H;
public void setH(double h) {
this.H = h;
public boolean isClosed() {
return closed;
public void close() {
this.closed = true;


public class ValidPathRequirement extends PathRequirement {
public boolean canMoveToNewNode(PathNode from, PathNode to) {
Block fromBlock = from.getLocation().getBlock();
Block toBlock = to.getLocation().getBlock();
boolean validHeight = toBlock.getType().isAir() && toBlock.getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getType().isAir(); // checks if is player height
boolean validGround = toBlock.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN).getType().isSolid(); // is there a block underneath that they can stand on?
boolean validFromPrev = toBlock.getLocation().subtract(fromBlock.getLocation()).getY() <= 1; // is it max one block higher than the last one?
// is this one causing issues?
Location fromLocDist = from.getLocation().clone();
Location toLocDist = to.getLocation().clone();
boolean validDistance = fromLocDist.distance(toLocDist) <= 1;
return validHeight && validGround && validFromPrev;

