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"score": 4651,
"meta": {
"url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhC7sdYe-Jg",
"title": "How a Compiler Works in ~1 minute - YouTube",
"description": "A quick video explaining what a compiler does and how it works. The simple compiler I wrote is available in GitHub: http://www.github.com/charles-l/koona.Red...",
"keywords": "tutorial, Compiler (Software Genre), compiler, computer, code, language, programming language, clang, gcc, lexer, parser, generator, ruby, how to write a compiler"
"id": "59c42e9f27efc9eea64b25d31d8146d1",
"score": 4224,
"meta": {
"url": "https://dev.to/ksingh7/golang-automatic-code-formatting-code-like-a-pro-205a",
"title": "Golang automatic code formatting : Code like a Pro - DEV Community",
"description": "Why Format your code?   Everyone loves clean readable and beautifully organized code using... Tagged with go, formatting, vscode.",
"keywords": "go, formatting, vscode, software, coding, development, engineering, inclusive, community"



由于您没有共享索引映射和设置,并且主要使用默认分析器(standard(,该分析器不会删除英文stop worlds,如thisishow等,即在您的情况下不重要的术语。要解决这个问题,您需要使用english分析器,它将在索引和查询时删除这些术语,并为第二个文档提供更好的分数。



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  1. 为两个样本文档编制索引。

  2. 同样的搜索为我产生了下面的结果。

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"_score": 10.55508,
"_source": {
"title": "Golang automatic code formatting : Code like a Pro - DEV Community",
"description": "Why Format your code?   Everyone loves clean readable and beautifully organized code using... Tagged with go, formatting, vscode.",
"keywords": "go, formatting, vscode, software, coding, development, engineering, inclusive, community"
"_index": "71413449",
"_type": "_doc",
"_id": "1",
"_score": 5.1878767,
"_source": {
"title": "How a Compiler Works in ~1 minute - YouTube",
"description": "A quick video explaining what a compiler does and how it works. The simple compiler I wrote is available in GitHub: http://www.github.com/charles-l/koona.Red...",
"keywords": "tutorial, Compiler (Software Genre), compiler, computer, code, language, programming language, clang, gcc, lexer, parser, generator, ruby, how to write a compiler"

