

import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
public class Method
static double getSides() 
double sides;
System.out.print("Input sides here: ");
sides = input.nextDouble();
return sides;
static double getRadius() 
double radius;
System.out.print("Input radius here: ");
radius = input.nextDouble();
return radius;
static double getBase() 
double base1;
System.out.print("Input base 1: ");
base1 = input.nextDouble();
return base1;
static double getUpperBase() 
double base2;
System.out.print("Input base 2: ");
base2 = input.nextDouble();
return base2;
static double getHeight() {
double height;
System.out.print("Input height: ");
height = input.nextDouble ();
return height;
static double AREA(double sides){
return(sides * sides);
static double AREA(double radius){
return (Math.PI * radius * radius);
static double AREA(double base1, double height){
return (0.5 * base1 * height);
static double AREA(double base1, double base2, double height){
return (0.5 * (base1+base2)* height);
static Scanner input = new Scanner (System.in);
public static void main(String[] args) {
double sides, radius, base1, base2, height;
sides = getSides ();
radius = getRadius ();
base1 = getBase ();
base2 = getUpperBase ();
height = getHeight ();
System.out.printf ("nThe area of the square is: %.4f", AREA(sides));
System.out.printf ("nThe area of the circle is: %.4f", AREA(radius));
System.out.printf ("nThe area of the triangle is: %.4f", AREA(base1,
System.out.printf ("nThe area of the trrapezoid
is: %.4f", AREA(base1,
base2, height));


static double AREA(double sides){
return(sides * sides);
static double AREA(double radius){
return (Math.PI * radius * radius);


  1. 不同数量的参数
  2. 更改的参数顺序
  3. 方法参数的不同数据类型可以在尝试实现方法重载时区分两种方法

