


import pandas as pd
import re
# Sample dataframe with the municipality and string column
data1 = {'municipality': ['Urk','Utrecht','Almere','Utrecht','Huizen'],
'text': ["I'm going to Plantage, Pollux and Oostvaardersdiep","Tomorrow I'm going to Hoog Catharijne", 
"I'm not going to the Balijelaan","I'm not going to Socrateshof today",
"Next week I'll be going to Socrateshof"]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data1, columns = ['municipality','text'])


municipality                                               text
0          Urk  I'm going to Plantage, Pollux and Oostvaarders...
1      Utrecht              Tomorrow I'm going to Hoog Catharijne
2       Almere                    I'm not going to the Balijelaan
3      Utrecht                 I'm not going to Socrateshof today
4       Huizen             Next week I'll be going to Socrateshof
# Sample dataframe with the municipality and street 
data2 = {'municipality': ['Urk','Urk','Utrecht','Almere','Almere','Huizen'],
'street_name': ['Plantage','Pollux','Balijelaan','Oostvaardersdiep','Catharijne','Socrateshof']}
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data2, columns = ['municipality','street_name'])


municipality       street_name
0          Urk          Plantage
1          Urk            Pollux
2      Utrecht        Balijelaan
3       Almere  Oostvaardersdiep
4       Almere        Catharijne
5       Huizen       Socrateshof


# Function
street = []
def extract_street(txt):
mun_list_filter = df['municipality'] # I want the streets for this municipality
df_bag_filter_mun = df2[df2['municipality'].isin(mun_list_filter)] # Filter second df on the wanted municipality
street_list_mun = list(df_bag_filter_mun['street_name'].unique()) # Select all unique streets for the specific municipality
st = re.findall(r"b|".join(street_list_mun), txt) # Find all the streets in the string column 'tekst'
street.append(st) # Append to empty street list
return street # As you can see it keeps iterating over all municipalities 
# Call function by iterating over rows in string column
for txt in df['text']:
# Add street list to df
df = df.assign(**{'street_match': street})
df['street_match'] = [', '.join(map(str, l)) for l in df['street_match']]


municipality text                                                street_match
0   Urk          I'm going to Plantage, Pollux and Oostvaardersdiep  Plantage, Pollux, Oostvaardersdiep
1   Utrecht      Tomorrow I'm going to Hoog Catharijne               Catharijne
2   Almere       I'm not going to the Balijelaan                     Balijelaan
3   Utrecht      I'm not going to Socrateshof today                  Socrateshof
4   Huizen       Next week I'll be going to Socrateshof              Socrateshof

如您所见,在第一行的城市"Urk"中,函数添加了街道"Oostvaardersdiep",尽管只有在第一行的城市是"Almere"时才应该匹配这条街道。只有最后一行是正确的,因为' socrates '实际上在'Huizen'市。


municipality text                                                street_match
0   Urk          I'm going to Plantage, Pollux and Oostvaardersdiep  Plantage, Pollux
1   Utrecht      Tomorrow I'm going to Hoog Catharijne              
2   Almere       I'm not going to the Balijelaan                    
3   Utrecht      I'm not going to Socrateshof today                 
4   Huizen       Next week I'll be going to Socrateshof              Socrateshof




def extract_street(row):
street_list_mun = df2.loc[df2['municipality'] == row['municipality'], 'street_name'].unique()
streets_regex = r'b(' + '|'.join(street_list_mun) + r')b'
streets_found = set(re.findall(streets_regex, row['text']))
return ', '.join(streets_found)
## or if you want this to return a list of streets
# return list(streets_found)
df['street_match'] = df.apply(extract_street, axis=1)


municipality                                                text      street_match
0          Urk  I'm going to Plantage, Pollux and Oostvaardersdiep  Plantage, Pollux
1      Utrecht               Tomorrow I'm going to Hoog Catharijne                  
2       Almere                     I'm not going to the Balijelaan                  
3      Utrecht                  I'm not going to Socrateshof today                  
4       Huizen              Next week I'll be going to Socrateshof       Socrateshof


  1. 您的正则表达式有一个问题-表达式的join部分生成字符串,如Plantageb|Pollux。如果(a)街道的最后一个名字在另一个单词的开头,或者(b)街道的最后一个名字在另一个单词的末尾:"我要去NotPlantage, Polluxsss和Oostvaardersdiep"两条街都能匹配,但不应该匹配。相反,单词边界b应该位于选项列表的末尾,并用括号分隔它们。它应该生成如下字符串:b(Plantage|Pollux)b。这与"polluxss"不匹配。或";NotPlantage"。我已经在上面的代码中做了修改。

  2. 我使用set来获得街道匹配的唯一列表。如果台词是"我要去波鲁克斯,波鲁克斯,波鲁克斯"它会给出3次结果,而不是一次。


# String column
data1 = {'text': ["Today I'm going to Utrecht","Tomorrow I'm going to Utrecht and Urk", 
"Next week I'll be going to the Amsterdamsestraatweg"]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data1, columns = ['text'])
# City column in other df
data2 = {'city': ['Urk','Utrecht','Almere','Huizen','Amsterdam','Urk']}
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data2, columns = ['city'])
# I create a list of all the unique cities in df2
city_list = list(df2['city'].unique())
# Extract the words if there is an exact match 
df['city_match'] = df['text'].str.findall(r'b(' + '|'.join(city_list) + r')b')
df['city_match'] = [', '.join(map(str, l)) for l in df['city_match']]
# Output
text    city_match
0                         Today I'm going to Utrecht       Utrecht
1              Tomorrow I'm going to Utrecht and Urk  Utrecht, Urk
2  Next week I'll be going to the Amsterdamsestra...      

正如你所看到的,它是有效的。"amsterdam straatweg"不是完全匹配的,所以不匹配。奇怪的是,在我的大df中,我得到一堆元组和空字符串作为输出,如下所示:

0                        ('Wijk bij Duurstede', '', '')
6                                   ('Utrecht', '', '')
7     ('Huizen', '', ''), ('Huizen', '', ''), ('Huiz...
9     ('Utrecht', '', ''), ('Utrecht', '', ''), ('Ut...
10                     ('Urk', '', ''), ('Urk', '', '')
11    ('Amersfoort', '', ''), ('Amersfoort', '', '')...
12                                 ('Lelystad', '', '')
13             ('Utrecht', '', ''), ('Utrecht', '', '')
16    ('Hilversum', '', ''), ('Hilversum', '', ''), ...
18             ('De Bilt', '', ''), ('De Bilt', '', '')
19                                      ('Urk', '', '')




  1. muntxt一起传递到extract_street()
  2. mun_list_filter应该使用mun而不是所有的直辖市
street = []
def extract_street(txt, mun):  # Pass in municipality
df_bag_filter_mun = df2[df2['municipality'] == mun]
### everything below is COPY-PASTED from your question
street_list_mun = list(df_bag_filter_mun['street_name'].unique()) # Select all unique streets for the specific municipality
st = re.findall(r"b|".join(street_list_mun), txt) # Find all the streets in the string column 'tekst'
street.append(st) # Append to empty street list
return street # As you can see it keeps iterating over all municipalities 
# add the 'municipality' for the extract loop
for txt, mun in zip(df['text'], df['municipality']):  
extract_street(txt, mun)
# Add street list to df
df = df.assign(**{'street_match': street})


municipality                                                text        street_match
0          Urk  I'm going to Plantage, Pollux and Oostvaardersdiep  [Plantage, Pollux]
1      Utrecht               Tomorrow I'm going to Hoog Catharijne                  []
2       Almere                     I'm not going to the Balijelaan                  []
3      Utrecht                  I'm not going to Socrateshof today                  []
4       Huizen              Next week I'll be going to Socrateshof       [Socrateshof]


df['street_match'] = df['street_match'].str.join(', ')


municipality                                                text      street_match
0          Urk  I'm going to Plantage, Pollux and Oostvaardersdiep  Plantage, Pollux
1      Utrecht               Tomorrow I'm going to Hoog Catharijne                  
2       Almere                     I'm not going to the Balijelaan                  
3      Utrecht                  I'm not going to Socrateshof today                  
4       Huizen              Next week I'll be going to Socrateshof       Socrateshof
