Haskell:尝试让tapyclasses成为FSM的Rust dyn Trait

我是一个Haskell初学者,我正在尝试用Haskell制作一个有限状态机,就像Rob Pike在他关于Lexing和Go的会议上展示的那样。槽锈样dyn性状


pub struct Something {
something: bool,
pub trait Saladable {
fn next(&self, state: Something) -> (Box<dyn Saladable>, Something);
struct A;
struct B;
impl Saladable for A {
fn next(&self, state: Something) -> (Box<dyn Saladable>, Something) {
match state.something {
true => (Box::new(A {}), Something { something: false }),
false => (Box::new(B {}), Something { something: false }),
impl Saladable for B {
fn next(&self, _state: Something) -> (Box<dyn Saladable>, Something) {
(Box::new(A {}), Something { something: true })


{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
module Main where
main = undefined
data Something = Something Bool
class Saladable m where
next :: Saladable f => Something -> (Something, f)
data A = A
data B = B
instance Saladable A where
next (Something True) = (Something False, A)
next (Something False) = (Something False, B)
instance Saladable B where
next _ = (Something True, A)


Test.hs:15:45: error:
• Couldn't match expected type ‘f’ with actual type ‘A’
‘f’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for:
next :: forall f. Saladable f => Something -> (Something, f)
at Test.hs:15:3-6
• In the expression: A
In the expression: (Something False, A)
In an equation for ‘next’:
next (Something True) = (Something False, A)
• Relevant bindings include
next :: Something -> (Something, f) (bound at Test.hs:15:3)
15 |   next (Something True) = (Something False, A)
|                                             ^
Test.hs:19:29: error:
• Couldn't match expected type ‘f’ with actual type ‘A’
‘f’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for:
next :: forall f. Saladable f => Something -> (Something, f)
at Test.hs:19:3-6
• In the expression: A
In the expression: (Something True, A)
In an equation for ‘next’: next _ = (Something True, A)
• Relevant bindings include
next :: Something -> (Something, f) (bound at Test.hs:19:3)
19 |   next _ = (Something True, A)



{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
data Something = Something Bool
data SomeSaladable = forall a. Saladable a => SomeSaladable a
class Saladable a where
next :: (a, Something) -> (SomeSaladable, Something)
data A = A
data B = B
instance Saladable A where
next (_, Something True) = (SomeSaladable A, Something False)
next (_, Something False) = (SomeSaladable B, Something False)
instance Saladable B where
next _ = (SomeSaladable A, Something True)




data Something = Something Bool
data Saladable = Saladable (Something -> (Saladable, Something))
next :: (Saladable, Something) -> (Saladable, Something)
next (Saladable f, x) = f x
a, b :: Saladable
a = Saladable ((Something x) ->
case x of
False -> (a, Something False)
True -> (b, Something False))
b = Saladable (_ -> (a, Something True))
