


How I tried fix:每当我使用white-space: nowrap属性时,我都能够让各节坐在水平滚动旁边,然而,这会导致部分内部的文本离开该部分,这是不可取的。文本应该包含在500px宽度内,我只需要这些部分在一行中彼此相邻。



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<title>5th Grade Team | Weekly Lesson Plans</title>
<div id='title' class='centered'> <span>Week 2</span> </div>
<div id='lessonPlan'>
<div id='container'>
<div class='weekday'>Mon, Aug 23rd</div>
<div class='alignment'>
<span class='title'>Standards:</span>
<ul><li class='standard'><span class='oas'>(1.R.3)</span> I can work with others to discuss topics and texts.</li>
<div class='objective'>
<span class='title'>Objective:</span>
<ul><li>1. Students will complete the Buckle Down assessment. </li><li>2. Students will learn about agricultural practices. </li>
<div class='materials'>
<span class='title'>Materials:</span>
<ul><li>Complete Buckle Down Assessment</li><li>Plant Tobacco </li>
<div class='weekday'>Tue, Aug 24th</div>
<div class='alignment'>
<span class='title'>Standards:</span>
<ul><li class='standard'><span class='oas'>(SS.1.1)</span> I can summarize the reasons settlers came to the Americas.</li>
<div class='objective'>
<span class='title'>Objective:</span>
<ul><li>1. Students will look through the Jamestown Fort Project and begin to make a plan.</li>
<div class='materials'>
<span class='title'>Materials:</span>
<ul><li><a target='_blank' href='https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gv-uFx_H7GoE86GQ2KQrcuv0FOIJNNNk/view?usp=sharing'>📎 Susan Constant</a></li><li><a target='_blank' href='https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MuXSxHtJgOhFM4bb6QT3cfArcH5Uae4s/view?usp=sharing'>📎 Jamestown Anticipation</a></li>
<div class='weekday'>Wed, Aug 25th</div>
<div class='alignment'>
<span class='title'>Standards:</span>
<ul><li class='standard'><span class='oas'>(SS.1.2)</span> I can explain the economic/political reasons for establishing Jamestown.</li><li class='standard'><span class='oas'>(6.R.1)</span> I can create research questions to find information.</li>
<div class='objective'>
<span class='title'>Objective:</span>
<ul><li>1. Students will examine primary sources and draw conclusions from what they find. </li>
<div class='materials'>
<span class='title'>Materials:</span>
<ul><li><a target='_blank' href='https://www.nps.gov/jame/learn/historyculture/the-first-residents-of-jamestown.htm'>📎 Jamestown Residents </a></li><li>Gentlemen POV Writing Activity</li><li><a target='_blank' href='https://youtu.be/y6AZac_u8Sk?t=89'>📎 Virginia Colony Pt. 1</a></li>
<div class='weekday'>Thu, Aug 26th</div>
<div class='alignment'>
<span class='title'>Standards:</span>
<ul><li class='standard'><span class='oas'>(SS.1.4)</span> I can explain the successes and challenges that happened at Jamestown. </li><li class='standard'><span class='oas'>(2.R.2)</span> I can determine the genre of what I am reading. </li>
<div class='objective'>
<span class='title'>Objective:</span>
<ul><li>1. Students will identify elements of a biography. </li>
<div class='materials'>
<span class='title'>Materials:</span>
<ul><li><a target='_blank' href='https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dAYXTwYR9RtPpBbKx9kV-1w9br_L5Dae/view?usp=sharing'>📎 Biography of John Smith</a></li><li><a target='_blank' href='https://youtu.be/y6AZac_u8Sk?t=237'>📎 Virginia Colony Pt. 2</a></li>
<div class='weekday'>Fri, Aug 27th</div>
<div class='alignment'>
<span class='title'>Standards:</span>
<ul><li class='standard'><span class='oas'>(SS.1.1)</span> I can summarize the reasons settlers came to the Americas.</li><li class='standard'><span class='oas'>(2.R.1)</span> I can summarize what I have read.</li>
<div class='objective'>
<span class='title'>Objective:</span>
<ul><li>1. Students can summarize information from a text on their own.</li>
<div class='materials'>
<span class='title'>Materials:</span>
<ul><li>Powhatan Trade Sort</li>
</section>      </div>
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<option value='1' >Mr. Teacher</option>
<option value='2'  disabled>Mrs. Teacher</option>
<option value='3'  disabled>Mrs. Teacher</option>
<option value='4'  disabled>Ms. Teacher</option>
<select name='week'>
<option value='2' >Week 2</option><option value='1' selected>Week 1</option><option value='0' >Week 0</option>        </select>
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