

class myClass {
constructor(pathOrSize, isPublic) {
// Receive an file path
if (typeof pathOrSize === 'string') {
if (isPublic) {
// Read public key file
this.public = ...
} else {
// Read private key file, and then generate public key instance
this.private = ...
this.public = ...
} else if (typeof pathOrSize === 'number') {
// Create a new key pair based on the given size
this.private = ...
this.public = ...
} else {
// Throw an error
// Use this.public (or this.private, if provided) to encrypt/decrypt message







class MyClass {
static fromFile(path, isPublic=true) {
// read key file
const content = ...
// Pass the appropriate arguments to constructor
return isPublic ? new this(null, content) : new this(content);
static fromSize(size) {
// Create new key pairs based on the given size
const privateKey = ...
const publicKey = ...
return new this(privateKey, publicKey);
// Constructor is dumb: it has little logic
constructor(privateKey, publicKey) {
// If no public key is given, produce it from the private key
if (publicKey === undefined) {
if (privateKey === undefined) throw Error("must provide at least one key");
// Generate public key instance from private key
publicKey = ...
this.privateKey = privateKey ?? null; // turn undefined into null
this.publicKey = publicKey;
// Example calls:
let x = MyClass.fromFile("/testPublic.key");
let y = MyClass.fromSize(5);
let z = new MyClass("a", "b");
