%define ARRAY_SIZE 5
%define ELEMENT_SIZE 4
%define EOF -1
segment .data
inputPrompt: db "Enter int value (ctrl-d to stop): ",0
intFormat: db "%d",0
output: db "Array[%d] = %d",10,0
dbout: db 10, 10,"[%d]",10,10,0 ; This is just for debugging output
newline: db 10,0 ; For whenever we need a newline
numElements: db "Number of elements: %d",10,0
outputSum: db "sum of elements: %d",10,0
minValue: db "Min value: %d",10,0
maxValue: db "Max value: %d",10,0
segment .bss
arrayPtr: resq 1 ; pointer to our array
intInput: resd 1
segment .text
global asm_main
extern printf, scanf, calloc
mov rdi, [arrayPtr]
mov rsi, ARRAY_SIZE
add rsi, rsi ; Double the array size
call calloc
mov rbx, [arrayPtr] ; Move the old array elements to the new array
mov rcx, ARRAY_SIZE
rep movsd
mov [arrayPtr], rax ; Save the new array pointer
enter 0,0
;; Get memory for our array
;; Give calloc() number of element and element size
;; and calloc returns a pointer to zerioized memory
mov rdi, ARRAY_SIZE
call calloc
mov [arrayPtr], rax
mov rdi, [arrayPtr] ; Will use RDI and stosd to write the array
mov rcx, ARRAY_SIZE
mov r15, 0 ; R15 counts how many elements in our array
push rcx ; Save RCX and RDI across printf/scanf calls
push rdi
mov rdi, inputPrompt
call printf
mov rdi, intFormat
mov rsi, intInput
call scanf
cmp eax, EOF ; Did scanf() return -1 (didn't read anything?)
je inputDone
inc r15 ; O/w count another element & store it
cmp r15, ARRAY_SIZE ; Check if we've filled up the current array
jl arrayNotFull ; O/w, create a new array
call createNewArray
mov rdi, [arrayPtr] ; Update the pointers and sizes
mov rcx, r15
xor rax, rax ; Clear out RAX for stosd to write array to mem
mov eax, [intInput]
pop rdi ; Restore RDI for stosd
pop rcx ; Restore RCS for loop instruction
loop inputLoop
inputDone: ; Let's get ready to print
mov rdi, newline
call printf
mov rsi, [arrayPtr] ; Will use RSI and lodsd to read the array
mov rcx, r15 ; Store actual array size to RCX
mov rbx, 0
xor rax, rax
xor rdx, rdx
push rcx ; Save RCX and RSI across printf call
push rsi
mov rdi, output
mov rsi, rbx
movsx rdx, eax
call printf
inc rbx
pop rsi ; Restore RCX and RSI
pop rcx
loop printLoop
je printStats
mov rdi, newline
call printf
mov rdi, numElements
mov rsi, r15
call printf
mov rax, 0 ; Initialize the sum to zero
mov rsi, [arrayPtr] ; Get the address of the array
mov rcx, r15 ; Store actual array size to RCX
xor rdx, rdx ; Clear out RDX for the first add instruction
mov rax, 0 ; Initialize the sum to zero
mov rsi, [arrayPtr] ; Get the address of the array
mov rcx, r15 ; Store actual array size to RCX
lodsd ; Load the next element of the array into EAX
add rax, r8 ; Add the current sum to EAX
mov r8, rax ; Store the updated sum in R8
loop sumLoop
mov rdi, outputSum
mov rsi, r8
call printf
; Find the minimum value in the array
mov rax, [arrayPtr] ; Load the base address of the array into RAX
mov ebx, [rax] ; Load the first element of the array into EBX
mov rcx, r15 ; Loop counter will be the number of elements
dec rcx ; Decrement RCX since we've already loaded the first element
mov rsi, [rax] ; Initialize RSI to the first element
add rax, ELEMENT_SIZE ; Move the pointer to the next element
cmp [rax], ebx ; Compare the value at the current pointer to the minimum value
jge loopEnd ; If the value is greater than or equal to the minimum, skip to the end of the loop
mov ebx, [rax] ; Otherwise, update the minimum value
mov rsi, rax ; and store the address of the minimum value in RSI
loop loopStart ; Repeat for the remaining elements of the array
mov rdi, minValue
mov rsi, rbx
call printf
; Find the maximum value in the array
mov rax, [arrayPtr] ; Load the base address of the array into RAX
mov ebx, [rax] ; Load the first element of the array into EBX
mov rcx, r15 ; Loop counter will be the number of elements
dec rcx ; Decrement RCX since we've already loaded the first element
mov rsi, [rax] ; Initialize RSI to the first element
add rax, ELEMENT_SIZE ; Move the pointer to the next element
cmp [rax], ebx ; Compare the value at the current pointer to the maximum value
jle loopEndd ; If the value is less than or equal to the maximum, skip to the end of the loop
mov ebx, [rax] ; O/w, update the maximum value to the current value
mov rsi, rax ; Store the address of the current maximum value
loop loopStartd
mov rdi, maxValue
mov rsi, rbx
call printf
mov rax, 0
我试图保存新的数组指针[arrayPtr], rax,但它似乎没有做任何事情或我做错了什么,任何帮助将是伟大的。
mov rdi, ARRAY_SIZE mov rsi, ELEMENT_SIZE call calloc ; -> RAX
mov rdi, [arrayPtr] mov rsi, ARRAY_SIZE add rsi, rsi ; Double the array size mov rdx, ELEMENT_SIZE call calloc ; -> RAX
之后的rep movsd
mov rbx, [arrayPtr] ; Move the old array elements to the new array mov rcx, ARRAY_SIZE cld rep movsd mov [arrayPtr], rax ; Save the new array pointer
在inputLoop你调用createNewArray甚至在第一个数组中存储第五个数组元素之前。这是你上面提到的rep movsd
mov eax, [intInput]
pop rdi ; Restore RDI for stosd
mov [rdi + ELEMENT_SIZE * ARRAYSIZE], eax ; Store in 2nd array
stosd ; Store in 1st array