

If I am at a particular node, I considered the following cases.
Case 1: The maximum path is somewhere inside the left subtree (not including the current node)
Case 2: The maximum path is somewhere inside the right subtree (not including the current node)
Case 3: The maximum path starts from the current node and ends somewhere in the left subtree
Case 4: The maximum path starts from the current node and ends somewhere in the right subtree
Case 5: The maximum path is the current node itself.
Case 6: The maximum path starts somewhere in the left subtree, goes through the current node, and ends somewhere in the right subtree.


var maxPathSum = function(root) {
if (root.left === null && root.right === null) {
return root.val;

// Case 1: Max sum is in the left subtree (not including the root)
let leftPathSum = 0;
if (root.left) {
leftPathSum = maxPathSum(root.left);
// Case 2: Max sum is in the right subtree (not including the root)
let rightPathSum = 0;
if (root.right) {
rightPathSum = maxPathSum(root.right);

// Case 3: root + leftPathSum
let leftSumWithRoot = leftPathSum + root.val; 
// Case 4: root + rightPathSum
let rightSumWithRoot = rightPathSum + root.val; 

let maxWithRoot = Math.max(leftSumWithRoot, rightSumWithRoot); 
let maxWithoutRoot = Math.max(leftPathSum, rightPathSum); 

let maxSoFar = Math.max(maxWithRoot, maxWithoutRoot); 

// Case 5: Root with alone
maxSoFar = Math.max(maxSoFar, root.val); 

// Case 6: Max path goes through the root
let maxThroughRoot = leftSumWithRoot + rightSumWithRoot - root.val;

return Math.max(maxThroughRoot, maxSoFar);






所以let maxWithoutRoot = Math.max(leftPathSum, rightPathSum);等于0。那么maxSoFar将为0,所以最终输出为0。如果我组织你的代码:

var maxPathSum = function(root) {
let res=root.val
function dfs(node){
if (node===null){
return 0
let left=dfs(node.left)
let right=dfs(node.right)
// ignoring negatives. looking for max, so if left or right is negative, do not add it
let leftMax=Math.max(left,0)
let rightMax=Math.max(right,0)
return node.val+Math.max(leftMax,rightMax)
return res


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