


  1. 获取未知数量的房地产经纪人销售的4套房子和1套公寓。
  2. 将这些数字写入文件。
  3. 从文件中读取数据
  4. 计算各代理商的总销售额和平均销售额。
  5. 查找公司平均销售额
  6. 查找销售额最高的代理商。
  7. 显示步骤4-6.


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
double hSale, aSale, totalSales, companySale = 0.0, avgSales, companyAvg;
int numAgents = 0;
const int HOME_SALES = 4, APPT_SALE = 1;
char go = 'Y';
string fileName, agentName, highAgent;
ofstream outputFile;
cout << "nEnter the file name: ";
getline(cin, fileName);
while (go == 'Y' || go == 'y')                      
cout << "nEnter the agent's name: ";
cin >> agentName;
outputFile << agentName << "n";                

for (int a = 0; a < HOME_SALES; a++)            
cout << "nEnter a house sale : $";
cin >> hSale;
while (hSale < 0 || hSale > 200)                
cout << "nThe sale must be between $0.00 and $200.00. Please try again: ";
cin >> hSale;
outputFile << hSale << " n";
for (int b = 0; b < APPT_SALE; b++)             
cout << "nEnter an appartment sale: $";
cin >> aSale;

while (aSale < 0 || aSale > 200)                
cout << "nThe sale must be between $0.00 and $200.00. Please try again: ";
cin >> aSale;
outputFile << aSale << " n";

cout << "nEnter another agent's sales? Y for yes, N for no:     ";
cin >> go;
while (go != 'Y' && go != 'y' && go != 'N' && go != 'n')
cout << "nError. You must enter Y or N. Please re-    enter: ";
cin >> go;


ifstream textFileIn;                                        
if (textFileIn.fail())                                  
cout << "nError. File not found. Ending program.";
cout << endl << endl;
return 0;
double higestSale = 0.0;
while (textFileIn >> agentName)
totalSales = 0.0;
for (int s = 0; s < HOME_SALES; s++)
textFileIn >> hSale;
totalSales += hSale;

if (totalSales > higestSale)
higestSale = totalSales;
highAgent = agentName;
companySale += totalSales;
avgSales = totalSales / HOME_SALES;
companyAvg = companySale / numAgents;

cout << setprecision(2) << fixed << endl << endl;
cout << "nAgent " << agentName << "'s total sales were $" << totalSales << " and average sales were $" << avgSales;
cout << "nThe company average sales are $" << companyAvg;
cout << "nAgent " << highAgent << " had the higest sales of $" << higestSale;

cout << endl << endl;
return 0;


  1. 在写入文件后读取文件时,不读取公寓数据。尽管在计算中不需要这些数据,但它存在于文件中,需要在转到下一个代理之前读取或跳过。

  2. 在读循环中打印摘要。在循环完成并处理完所有代理之前,不要打印该信息。将循环的最后两行移动到循环之后的