在一次查询中从带有Prisma MySQL参数的子表中搜索能力


Customer Model(父表)

model business {
id                Int       @id @default(autoincrement())
customer_id       Int
registered_no     String?
business_name     String?   @unique
subscription_name String?   @db.VarChar(100)
name_of_plan      String?
name_of_plaza     String?   @db.Text
state             String?   @db.VarChar(35)
city              String?
street_name       String?
street_no         String?
lga               String?
area              String?
location          String?   @db.VarChar(55)
is_coverage       Boolean   @default(false)
created_at        DateTime  @default(now())
updated_at        DateTime  @default(now())

customer          customer @relation(fields: [customer_id], references: [id])
@@index([customer_id, registered_no])


model customer {
id                Int         @id @default(autoincrement())
unique_identifier String?     @unique @db.VarChar(155)
od_id           String?     @db.VarChar(10)
surname           String?     @db.VarChar(55)
firstname         String?     @db.VarChar(55)
middlename        String?     @db.VarChar(55)
othernames        String?     @db.VarChar(55)
phone             String      @db.VarChar(13)
mobile            String?     @db.VarChar(13)
email_address     String      @unique @db.VarChar(155)
home_address      String      @db.Text
state             String?     @db.VarChar(35)
city              String?
street_name       String?
street_no         String?
lga               String?
area              String?
location          String?     @db.VarChar(55)
status            Int?
customer_type     String?     @db.VarChar(9)
country_code      String?     @db.MediumText
date_of_birth     String?     @db.VarChar(15)
how_did_you_hear  String?     @db.VarChar(55)
created_at        DateTime    @default(now())
updated_at        DateTime    @default(now())
business          business[]
@@index([unique_identifier, phone, mobile])



async getAllCustomers (req, res) {
const records_per_page = Number(req.query.records_per_page) || 20;
const current_page = Math.max(Number(req.query.page_number || 1), 1)
let recordCount
const options = {
take: records_per_page, //total number of items on a pge
skip: (current_page - 1) * records_per_page,
orderBy: { id: 'desc' },
options.select =  {
subscription_name: true,
business_name: true,
name_of_plan: true,
customer: {
select: {
id: true,
unique_identifier: true,
phone: true,
mobile: true,
email_address: true,
home_address: true
const countOptions = {}
const filter = req.query.filter     
if(filter === "business_internet"){
options.where = { 
subscription_name: { in: [ BusinessCategories.DualPlay, BusinessCategories.TriplePlay, BusinessCategories.TriplePlayX ] } 

}else if(filter === "business_wifi"){
options.where = {
subscription_name: { equals: BusinessCategories.BusinessWifi }
countOptions.where = options.where
**//I know there is something wrong here but I can't seems to find what exactly**
options.select = {
customer: {
where: {
email_address: { contains: req.query.search }
// options.where = {
//     OR: [
//         { email_address: { contains: req.query.search }},
//         { surname: { contains: req.query.search }},
//         { firstname: { contains: req.query.search }},
//         { state: { contains: req.query.search }},
//     ],
// }
// countOptions.where = options.where
let customers = await prisma.business.findMany(options)
recordCount = await prisma.business.count(countOptions)
res.status(200).json({data: customers ,
pagination: {
current_page: current_page,
totalCount: recordCount,
pageCount: Math.ceil(recordCount / records_per_page)



options.where = {
customer: {
OR: [
{phone: {contains: req.query.search }},
{surname: { contains: req.query.search }},
{email_address: { contains: req.query.search }},
countOptions.where = options.where

