RX和RY - 32位寄存器内存-包含原始字节码
的以小端序排列的字节数组。mov RX, memory[RY] -读取内存中接下来的4个字节(从RY开始),右移这些字节并将它们连接到RX中。mov内存[RX], RY -逆操作。读取RY中的值,左移字节以小端序排列。
在C代码中,这些指令是(考虑到R和mem是全局的):// mov RX, mem[RY]
void movRxMemRy(unsigned char x, unsigned char y) {
if (R[y]+3 > 128) endExecution = 1;
else R[x] = mem[R[y]+3] << 24 | mem[R[y]+2] << 16 | mem[R[y]+1] << 8 | mem[R[y]];
// mov mem[RX], RY
void movMemRxRy(unsigned char x, unsigned char y) {
if (R[x]+3 > 128) {
endExecution = 1;
} else {
mem[R[x]] = (R[y]);
mem[R[x]+1] = (R[y]) >> 8;
mem[R[x]+2] = (R[y]) >> 16;
mem[R[x]+3] = (R[y]) >> 24;
mov R0, 0x006C
mov R1, 0x0001
mov R2, [R0] # start of huge the loop. [R0] contains the loop counter
cmp R15, R2 # R15 = 0
je 0x0030 # ends the loop execution
mov R14, R2
add R13, R14
sub R2, R1 # decrements the loop counter by 1
mov [R0], R2 # saves the loop counter
jmp 0xFFC8 # returns to the start of the loop
void add(unsigned char opcode, unsigned char x, unsigned char y) {
start = c;
// 0x09 - add rx, ry
// mov r14d, [r15+4*y]
machine[c++] = 0x45;
machine[c++] = 0x8b;
machine[c++] = 0x77;
machine[c++] = 4*y;
// add [r15+4x], r14d
machine[c++] = 0x45;
machine[c++] = 0x01;
machine[c++] = 0x77;
machine[c++] = 4*x;
end = c;
for (k= 0; k < (88 - (end-start)); k++) {
machine[c++] = 0x90;
end = c;
// mov RX, mem[RY]
void movRxMemRy(unsigned char opcode, unsigned char x, unsigned char y) {
// xor r14, r14
machine[c++] = 0x4d;
machine[c++] = 0x31;
machine[c++] = 0xf6;
// xor r13, r13
machine[c++] = 0x4d;
machine[c++] = 0x31;
machine[c++] = 0xed;
// xor r12, r12
machine[c++] = 0x4d;
machine[c++] = 0x31;
machine[c++] = 0xe4;
// mov r12d,DWORD PTR [r15+4*Y]
machine[c++] = 0x45;
machine[c++] = 0x8b;
machine[c++] = 0x67;
machine[c++] = 0x4*y;
// mov r13b,BYTE PTR [rbx+r12*1+0x3]
machine[c++] = 0x46;
machine[c++] = 0x8a;
machine[c++] = 0x6c;
machine[c++] = 0x23;
machine[c++] = 0x03;
// shl r13,0x18
machine[c++] = 0x49;
machine[c++] = 0xc1;
machine[c++] = 0xe5;
machine[c++] = 0x18;
// or r14,r13
machine[c++] = 0x4d;
machine[c++] = 0x09;
machine[c++] = 0xee;
// xor r13, r13
machine[c++] = 0x4d;
machine[c++] = 0x31;
machine[c++] = 0xed;
// mov r13b,BYTE PTR [rbx+r12*1+0x2]
machine[c++] = 0x46;
machine[c++] = 0x8a;
machine[c++] = 0x6c;
machine[c++] = 0x23;
machine[c++] = 0x02;
// shl r13,0x10
machine[c++] = 0x49;
machine[c++] = 0xc1;
machine[c++] = 0xe5;
machine[c++] = 0x10;
// or r14,r13
machine[c++] = 0x4d;
machine[c++] = 0x09;
machine[c++] = 0xee;
// xor r13, r13
machine[c++] = 0x4d;
machine[c++] = 0x31;
machine[c++] = 0xed;
// mov r13b,BYTE PTR [rbx+r12*1+0x1]
machine[c++] = 0x46;
machine[c++] = 0x8a;
machine[c++] = 0x6c;
machine[c++] = 0x23;
machine[c++] = 0x01;
// shl r13,0x18
machine[c++] = 0x49;
machine[c++] = 0xc1;
machine[c++] = 0xe5;
machine[c++] = 0x08;
// or r14,r13
machine[c++] = 0x4d;
machine[c++] = 0x09;
machine[c++] = 0xee;
// xor r13, r13
machine[c++] = 0x4d;
machine[c++] = 0x31;
machine[c++] = 0xed;
// mov r13b,BYTE PTR [rbx+r12*1]
machine[c++] = 0x46;
machine[c++] = 0x8a;
machine[c++] = 0x2c;
machine[c++] = 0x23;
// or r14,r13
machine[c++] = 0x4d;
machine[c++] = 0x09;
machine[c++] = 0xee;
// mov r13b,BYTE PTR [rbx+r12*1+0x3]
machine[c++] = 0x45;
machine[c++] = 0x89;
machine[c++] = 0x77;
machine[c++] = x*4;
end = c;
void movMemRxRy(unsigned char opcode, unsigned char x, unsigned char y) {
start = c;
// xor r14, r14
machine[c++] = 0x4d;
machine[c++] = 0x31;
machine[c++] = 0xf6;
// xor r13, r13
machine[c++] = 0x4d;
machine[c++] = 0x31;
machine[c++] = 0xed;
// xor r12, r12
machine[c++] = 0x4d;
machine[c++] = 0x31;
machine[c++] = 0xe4;
// r12d,DWORD PTR [r15+0xc] (atual)
machine[c++] = 0x45;
machine[c++] = 0x8b;
machine[c++] = 0x67;
machine[c++] = 0x4*x;
// mov r14d,DWORD PTR [r15+4*Y]
machine[c++] = 0x45;
machine[c++] = 0x8b;
machine[c++] = 0x77;
machine[c++] = 0x4*y;
// mov DWORD PTR [rbx+r12*1], r14b
machine[c++] = 0x46;
machine[c++] = 0x88;
machine[c++] = 0x34;
machine[c++] = 0x23;
// mov r14d,DWORD PTR [r15+4*Y]
machine[c++] = 0x45;
machine[c++] = 0x8b;
machine[c++] = 0x77;
machine[c++] = 0x4*y;
// shl r14d, 0x8
machine[c++] = 0x41;
machine[c++] = 0xc1;
machine[c++] = 0xee;
machine[c++] = 0x08;
// mov BYTE PTR [rbx+r12*1+0x1],r14b
machine[c++] = 0x46;
machine[c++] = 0x88;
machine[c++] = 0x74;
machine[c++] = 0x23;
machine[c++] = 0x01;
// mov r14d,DWORD PTR [r15+4*Y]
machine[c++] = 0x45;
machine[c++] = 0x8b;
machine[c++] = 0x77;
machine[c++] = 0x4*y;
// shl r14d, 0x10
machine[c++] = 0x41;
machine[c++] = 0xc1;
machine[c++] = 0xee;
machine[c++] = 0x10;
// mov BYTE PTR [rbx+r12*1+0x2],r14b
machine[c++] = 0x46;
machine[c++] = 0x88;
machine[c++] = 0x74;
machine[c++] = 0x23;
machine[c++] = 0x02;
// mov r14d,DWORD PTR [r15+4*Y]
machine[c++] = 0x45;
machine[c++] = 0x8b;
machine[c++] = 0x77;
machine[c++] = 0x4*y;
// shl r14d, 0x18
machine[c++] = 0x41;
machine[c++] = 0xc1;
machine[c++] = 0xee;
machine[c++] = 0x18;
// mov BYTE PTR [rbx+r12*1+0x2],r14b
machine[c++] = 0x46;
machine[c++] = 0x88;
machine[c++] = 0x74;
machine[c++] = 0x23;
machine[c++] = 0x03;
end = c;
for (k= 0; k < (88 - (end-start)); k++) {
machine[c++] = 0x90;
end = c;
mov Rx, mem[Ry]:
mov r12d, dword ptr [r15+4y]
mov r12d, dword ptr [rbx+r12]
mov DWORD PTR [r15+4x],r12d
jmp nextInstruction
Mov mem[Rx], Ry:
mov r12d,DWORD PTR [r15+4*y]
mov r14d,DWORD PTR [r15+4*x]
mov DWORD PTR [rbx+2*x],r12d
jmp nextInstruction
感谢Peter Cordes和fuz帮助发现了这些问题。