
我在windows 10上安装了最新版本的anaconda with pip。我通过使用streamlit hello启动streamlit来确认安装。但是当我想在vs code或空闲shell中导入streamlit时,它会给出这个错误:

Traceback(最近一次调用):文件"C:UsersHPAppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython310website2.py&quot将streamlit导入为stModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'streamlit'

确保你选择了正确的Python解释器:ctrl+shift+P在vscode上打开命令栏并输入&;Python Select interpreter &;。搜索anancondaconda,您应该有一个可用的口译员列表。选择一个适合你需要的。

看起来您已经在不同的路径/虚拟环境中安装了python和anaconda,并且您已经在PC中安装了python(程序文件)。你还在虚拟环境中安装了streamlit。然后,您必须首先通过conda activate <virtial_env_name>激活虚拟环境。如果您不记得在创建时给vir_env指定的名称,您可以通过conda列出可用的vir_env名称。

尝试导入streamlit的IDLE应该是与您正在使用的默认python解释器一起安装的IDLE。在vs code中,你也使用默认值。所以你必须通过vs code终端或vs code命令面板激活虚拟环境,点击ctrl+shift+P并输入python select interpreter


1. Create a folder say c:myproject
You can do this on other drives.
2. Open your powershell and cd or Change Directory to that folder
3. PS c:myproject>python --version
to see if you have python installed and what version
4. PS c:myproject>python -m venv venv
Creates venv folder for your virtual environment under
c:myproject with python installed.
You only need to create this once.
5. PS c:myproject>./venv/scripts/activate
That will activate your virtual environment, always do this if not
yet activated.
6. (venv) PS c:myproject>python -m pip install -U pip
to update your pip
7. (venv) PS c:myproject>pip install streamlit
That will install streamlit in the venv folder.
You can now open c:myproject with your vs code or
other editor and write codes in say app.py.
8. (venv) PS c:myproject>streamlit run app.py
to run your streamlit app



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