

interface Car {
carBrand: string;
carColor: 'black' | 'blue';
colorId?: string;



interface BaseCar {
carBrand: string;
carColor: "black" | "blue";
colorId: string;
type Car<T> = T extends "black" ? Omit<BaseCar, "colorId"> : BaseCar;
const blueCar: Car<"blue"> = {
carBrand: "tesla",
carColor: "blue",
colorId: "123",
const blackCar: Car<"black"> = {
carBrand: "honda",
carColor: "black",
// @ts-expect-error
const blueCarWithoutId: Car<"blue"> = {
carBrand: "tesla",
carColor: "blue",
const blackCarWithId: Car<"black"> = {
carBrand: "honda",
carColor: "black",
// @ts-expect-error
colorId: "123",
type CarColors = "black" | "blue";
// create generic that passed color as asgument
interface Car<C extends CarColors = "black"> {
carBrand: string;
carColor: C;
colorId: string;
// create conditional type that omits carColor when color is black
type ColoredCar<C extends CarColors = "black"> = C extends "blue" ? Car<"blue"> : Omit<Car, "carColor">;
// use agrument blue to require color
const myCar: ColoredCar<"blue"> = {
carBrand: "bmw",
carColor: "blue",
colorId: "123"
// otherwise it is omitted 
const myCar2: ColoredCar = {
carBrand: "bmw",
colorId: "123"
