r语言 - 使用bam()与family = betar的GAM错误


我注意到14个月前这里报告了一个类似的错误,似乎没有达成一致的解决方案-建议给Simon Wood发邮件。



m3 <- bam(pt10 ~ 
org.type +
region +
s(year) + 
s(year, by = org.type) +
s(year, by = region), 
data = error, 
method = "fREML", 
family = betar(link="logit", eps = 0.1),
select = T)
Warning messages:
1: In estimate.theta(theta, family, G$y, linkinv(eta), scale = scale1,  :
step failure in theta estimation
2: In wt * LS :
longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
3: In muth * (log(y) - log1p(-y)) :
longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
4: In -lgamma(theta) + lgamma(muth) + lgamma(theta - muth) - muth *  :
longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
5: In -lgamma(theta) + lgamma(muth) + lgamma(theta - muth) - muth *  :
longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
6: In -lgamma(theta) + lgamma(muth) + lgamma(theta - muth) - muth *  :
longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
7: In prior. weights * y :
longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
8: In 2 * wt * (-lgamma(theta) + lgamma(muth) + lgamma(theta - muth) -  :
longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
m3 <- bam(pt10 ~ 
org.type +
region +
s(year) + 
s(year, by = org.type) +
s(year, by = region), 
data = error[1:20500,], 
method = "fREML", 
family = betar(link="logit", eps = 0.1),
select = T)



m3 <- bam(pt10 ~ 
org.type +
region +
s(year) + 
s(year, by = org.type) +
s(year, by = region), 
data = error[20400:20501,], 
method = "fREML", 
family = betar(link="logit", eps = 0.1),
select = T)


m3 <- bam(pt10 ~ 
org.type +
region +
s(year) + 
s(year, by = org.type) +
s(year, by = region), 
data = error[10000:20501,], 
method = "fREML", 
family = betar(link="logit", eps = 0.1),
select = T)
Warning messages:
1: In wt * LS :
longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
2: In muth * (log(y) - log1p(-y)) :
longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
3: In -lgamma(theta) + lgamma(muth) + lgamma(theta - muth) - muth *  :
longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
4: In -lgamma(theta) + lgamma(muth) + lgamma(theta - muth) - muth *  :
longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
5: In -lgamma(theta) + lgamma(muth) + lgamma(theta - muth) - muth *  :
longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
6: In prior.weights * y :
longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
7: In 2 * wt * (-lgamma(theta) + lgamma(muth) + lgamma(theta - muth) -  :
longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
8: In bgam.fit(G, mf, chunk.size, gp, scale, gamma, method = method,  :
algorithm did not converge




r$> .Machine$double.eps*100                                                     
[1] 2.220446e-14

所以你截断所有的响应值到间隔[eps, 1-eps](即任何y < epsy > 1-eps分别被重置为eps1 - eps)。我想这导致了拟合算法的问题,并且它遇到了没有预料到的情况。如果在[eps, 1-eps]范围之外有相当数量的值,你将把所有这些值堆积在范围的极限上,我怀疑这会导致数据的细微变化导致拟合算法中的数值问题。

