

z=[']'What type of humans arrived on the Indian subcontinent from Africa?', 'When did humans first arrive on the Indian subcontinent?', 'What subcontinent did humans first arrive on?', 'Between 73000 and what year ago did humans first arrive on the Indian subcontinent?',kingdoms were established in Southeast Asia?Indianized']']


z= [['What type of humans arrived on the Indian subcontinent from Africa?', 'When did humans first arrive on the Indian subcontinent?', 'What subcontinent did humans first arrive on?', 'Between 73000 and what year ago did humans first arrive on the Indian subcontinent?','kingdoms were established in Southeast Asia?Indianized']]



[[x for x in re.split(r'[^a-z0-9?]{2,}', s, flags=re.I) if x] for s in z]


[['What type of humans arrived on the Indian subcontinent from Africa?',
'When did humans first arrive on the Indian subcontinent?',
'What subcontinent did humans first arrive on?',
'Between 73000 and what year ago did humans first arrive on the Indian subcontinent?',
'kingdoms were established in Southeast Asia?Indianized']]


import re
re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9 ]+', '', mystring)