我用sequalize和sqlite3为我的discord bot制作了一个冷却时间数据库。这是为某些命令添加单独的冷却时间,但我得到一个错误,说"id必须是唯一的";即使我将unique: true关闭为unique: false,或者甚至为另一个命令创建一个新的数据库存储。下面是完整的错误:
triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */);
at Database.<anonymous> (C:UsersbradeDesktopBear battlesnode_modulessequelizelibdialectssqlitequery.js:179:27)
at C:UsersbradeDesktopBear battlesnode_modulessequelizelibdialectssqlitequery.js:177:50
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at Query.run (C:UsersbradeDesktopBear battlesnode_modulessequelizelibdialectssqlitequery.js:177:12)
at C:UsersbradeDesktopBear battlesnode_modulessequelizelibsequelize.js:311:28
at async SQLiteQueryInterface.insert (C:UsersbradeDesktopBear battlesnode_modulessequelizelibdialectsabstractquery-interface.js:308:21)
at async model.save (C:UsersbradeDesktopBear battlesnode_modulessequelizelibmodel.js:2432:35)
at async Function.create (C:UsersbradeDesktopBear battlesnode_modulessequelizelibmodel.js:1344:12) {
name: 'SequelizeUniqueConstraintError',
errors: [
ValidationErrorItem {
message: 'id must be unique',
type: 'unique violation',
path: 'id',
value: '250412979835764738',
origin: 'DB',
instance: cooldown {
dataValues: {
id: '250412979835764738',
expiry: 1655869677206,
command: 'hunt',
updatedAt: 2022-06-22T03:42:57.207Z,
createdAt: 2022-06-22T03:42:57.207Z
_previousDataValues: { id: undefined, expiry: undefined, command: undefined },
uniqno: 1,
_changed: Set(3) { 'id', 'expiry', 'command' },
_options: {
isNewRecord: true,
_schema: null,
_schemaDelimiter: '',
attributes: undefined,
include: undefined,
raw: undefined,
silent: undefined
isNewRecord: true
validatorKey: 'not_unique',
validatorName: null,
validatorArgs: []
parent: [Error: SQLITE_CONSTRAINT: UNIQUE constraint failed: cooldown.id] {
errno: 19,
sql: 'INSERT INTO `cooldown` (`id`,`expiry`,`command`,`createdAt`,`updatedAt`) VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5);'
original: [Error: SQLITE_CONSTRAINT: UNIQUE constraint failed: cooldown.id] {
errno: 19,
sql: 'INSERT INTO `cooldown` (`id`,`expiry`,`command`,`createdAt`,`updatedAt`) VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5);'
fields: [ 'id' ],
sql: 'INSERT INTO `cooldown` (`id`,`expiry`,`command`,`createdAt`,`updatedAt`) VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5);'
const { SlashCommandBuilder } = require('@discordjs/builders')
const ms = require('ms')
const { defaultColor } = require('../../command-imports')
module.exports = {
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription('Claim your daily reward.'),
async execute (interaction, Cooldowns) {
let getCooldown = await Cooldowns.findOne({where: {id: interaction.user.id}}) // Finds if user has cooldown
let cooldownTime = getCooldown?.expiry
if(getCooldown && cooldownTime > new Date().getTime()) { // If cooldown is active run this
return interaction.reply({content: `You are still under cooldown! Please wait **${ms(cooldownTime - new Date().getTime(), {long: true})}**`})
} else if (getCooldown) { // If cooldown is expired remove from db and run rest of code
Cooldowns.destroy({where: {id: interaction.user.id, command: 'daily'}})
const claimedDaily = {
color: defaultColor,
description: "You have recieved N/A from your daily reward"
interaction.reply({embeds: [claimedDaily]})
Cooldowns.create({ // Creates 5 minute cooldown for hunt command
id: interaction.user.id,
expiry: new Date().getTime() + (60000 * 5),
command: 'daily'
const { SlashCommandBuilder } = require('@discordjs/builders')
const { errorColor, defaultColor } = require('../../command-imports')
const ms = require('ms')
module.exports = {
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription('Hunt for a chance at finding a bear.'),
async execute(interaction, Cooldowns, Economy) {
let getCooldown = await Cooldowns.findOne({where: {id: interaction.user.id, command: 'hunt'}}) // Finds if user has cooldown
let getUser = await Economy.findOne({where: {id: interaction.user.id}})
if(!getUser) {
getUser = await Economy.create({id: interaction.user.id, coins: 0})
let cooldownTime = getCooldown?.expiry
if(getCooldown && cooldownTime > new Date().getTime()) { // If cooldown is active run this
return interaction.reply({content: `You are still under cooldown! Please wait **${ms(cooldownTime - new Date().getTime(), {long: true})}**`})
} else if (getCooldown) { // If cooldown is expired remove from db and run rest of code
Cooldowns.destroy({where: {id: interaction.user.id, command: 'hunt'}})
let whichExecute = Math.floor(Math.random() * 8) + 1 // 7/8 Chance for coins 1/8 Chance for bears
if(whichExecute <= 7) {
let coinsFound = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1 // Picks random coin amount between 1 - 10
const nothingFound = {
color: errorColor,
description: `No bear was found however you found ${coinsFound} :coin: n You have ${getUser.coins} :coin:` // Displays coins earned and total coins
interaction.reply({embeds: [nothingFound]})
await Economy.update({coins: getUser.coins + coinsFound}, {where: {id: interaction.user.id}}) // Updates user in db
Cooldowns.create({ // Creates 5 minute cooldown for hunt command
id: interaction.user.id,
expiry: new Date().getTime() + (60000 * 5),
command: 'hunt'
else if(whichExecute === 8) {
const bearFound = { // Displays bear found
color: defaultColor,
description: "You found placeholder_beartype :bear:;;"
interaction.reply({embeds: [bearFound]})
Cooldowns.create({ // Creates 5 minute cooldown for hunt command
id: interaction.user.id,
expiry: new Date().getTime() + (60000 * 5),
command: 'hunt'
注意:此代码是为Discord.js v13.7.0和Sequelize v6编写的
- 定义
- 设置
时没有参数,数据库的表将不会被覆盖,因此保留了旧的唯一字段。此外,如果您尝试将Discord ID存储为整数,您可能会遇到Discord ID缩短或四舍五入的问题。
DROP TABLE 'Cooldowns'
为了修复过时的表,您有两个选择。但是,要小心,因为这些是破坏性的操作. 您可以使用以下参数执行sync()
<Sequelize>.sync({ alter: true }); // Alters tables
<Sequelize>.sync({ force: true }); // Forcefully recreates tables
正确存储Discord id
您需要做的就是将Discord id存储为DataTypes.STRING
sequelize.define("User", {
id: {
type: DataTypes.STRING, // Or .TEXT
unique: false
// ...