Jfrog Xray Helm在Azure Kubernetes服务上部署失败

我使用官方Jfrog图表在Azure Kubernetes服务上部署了Artifactory: https://github.com/jfrog/charts/tree/master/stable/artifactory


helm upgrade --install xray --set xray.joinKey=50f330cfed7eea5947f5423323146c03 --set xray.jfrogUrl=http://X.X.X.X --namespace xray jfrog/xray

Xray部署能够加入集群,然而,只有Xray -0 Pod失败,状态=CrashLoopBackOff


2022-06-29T17:03:50.372Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [20d064dc265f5e6d] [bootstrap.go:88               ] [main                ] - Router (jfrou) service initialization started. Version: 7.38.0-1 Revision: 89f07fc2b65bad0638539945b1ea3ba9017b068b PID: 230 Home: /opt/jfrog/router
2022-06-29T17:03:50.374Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [20d064dc265f5e6d] [bootstrap.go:91               ] [main                ] - JFrog Router IP:
2022-06-29T17:03:50.375Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [20d064dc265f5e6d] [bootstrap.go:204              ] [main                ] - System configuration encryption report:
shared.newrelic.licenseKey: does not exist in the config file
shared.security.joinKeyFile: file '/opt/jfrog/router/var/etc/security/join.key' - already encrypted
2022-06-29T17:03:50.375Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [20d064dc265f5e6d] [bootstrap.go:96               ] [main                ] - JFrog Router Service ID: jfrou@01g6q7hrg1hac569r9e27yjrxe
2022-06-29T17:03:50.375Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [20d064dc265f5e6d] [bootstrap.go:97               ] [main                ] - JFrog Router Node ID: xray-0
2022-06-29T17:03:50.390Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [20d064dc265f5e6d] [trusted.go:36                 ] [main                ] - System cert pool contents were loaded as trusted CAs for TLS communication
2022-06-29T17:03:50.390Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [20d064dc265f5e6d] [trusted.go:56                 ] [main                ] - Following certificates were successfully loaded as trusted CAs for TLS communication:
2022-06-29T17:03:50.390Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [20d064dc265f5e6d] [trusted.go:36                 ] [main                ] - System cert pool contents were loaded as trusted CAs for TLS communication
2022-06-29T17:03:50.390Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [20d064dc265f5e6d] [trusted.go:56                 ] [main                ] - Following certificates were successfully loaded as trusted CAs for TLS communication:
2022-06-29T17:03:50.472Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [20d064dc265f5e6d] [join_executor.go:117          ] [main                ] - Cluster join: Trying to rejoin the cluster
2022-06-29T17:03:50.525Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [20d064dc265f5e6d] [join_executor.go:206          ] [main                ] - Cluster join: Successfully joined the cluster
2022-06-29T17:03:50.527Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [20d064dc265f5e6d] [trusted.go:36                 ] [main                ] - System cert pool contents were loaded as trusted CAs for TLS communication
2022-06-29T17:03:50.527Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [20d064dc265f5e6d] [trusted.go:56                 ] [main                ] - Following certificates were successfully loaded as trusted CAs for TLS communication:
2022-06-29T17:03:50.538Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [20d064dc265f5e6d] [mtls_client.go:221            ] [main                ] - Detected mTLS configuration change, resetting users and certificates cache expiry to 1m40s
2022-06-29T17:03:50.540Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [20d064dc265f5e6d] [registry_handler.go:77        ] [main                ] - Persisted local services: []
2022-06-29T17:03:50.542Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [                ] [logger.go:58                  ] [main                ] - Starting provider aggregator.ProviderAggregator {}
2022-06-29T17:03:50.543Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [                ] [logger.go:58                  ] [main                ] - Starting provider *file.Provider {"directory":"/opt/jfrog/router/var/data/router/traefik/routes","watch":true}
2022-06-29T17:03:50.544Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [                ] [logger.go:58                  ] [main                ] - Starting provider *traefik.Provider {}
2022-06-29T17:03:50.678Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [20d064dc265f5e6d] [local_topology.go:116         ] [main                ] - Required service types: [jfxr jfxana jfxidx jfxpst jfob]
2022-06-29T17:03:50.678Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [20d064dc265f5e6d] [main.go:49                    ] [main                ] - Router (jfrou) service initialization completed in 0.307 seconds. Listening on port: 8082
2022-06-29T17:03:50.678Z [jfrou] [WARN ] [0853b27442453374] [local_topology_helper.go:65   ] [main                ] - Missing required services: [jfxr jfxana jfxidx jfxpst jfob]
2022-06-29T17:06:45.699Z [jfrou] [WARN ] [3bb36f6cd428c3a6] [local_topology.go:274         ] [main                ] - Readiness test failed with the following error: "required node services are missing or unhealthy"
2022-06-29T17:06:47.720Z [jfrou] [WARN ] [7dbaaf720b7399c6] [external_topology.go:126      ] [main                ] - restart needed, the node has no registered services
2022-06-29T17:06:48.771Z [jfrou] [WARN ] [0a7f307c1e6bffbb] [local_topology_helper.go:65   ] [main                ] - Missing required services: [jfxr jfxana jfxidx jfxpst jfob]
Terminate signal received, attempting a graceful shutdown
2022-06-29T17:06:49.323Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [20d064dc265f5e6d] [application.go:72             ] [main                ] - Received OS signal: terminated
2022-06-29T17:06:49.323Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [20d064dc265f5e6d] [main.go:54                    ] [main                ] - Shutting down
Checking if process is alive (attempt #1 / 30)...
2022-06-29T17:06:49.328Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [                ] [logger.go:90                  ] [main                ] - I have to go...
2022-06-29T17:06:49.328Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [                ] [logger.go:90                  ] [main                ] - Stopping server gracefully
2022-06-29T17:06:49.328Z [jfrou] [ERROR] [                ] [server_entrypoint_tcp.go:188  ] [main                ] - accept tcp use of closed network connection
2022-06-29T17:06:49.328Z [jfrou] [ERROR] [                ] [server_entrypoint_tcp.go:533  ] [main                ] - Error while starting server: accept tcp use of closed network connection
2022-06-29T17:06:49.328Z [jfrou] [ERROR] [                ] [server_entrypoint_tcp.go:188  ] [main                ] - accept tcp [::]:8082: use of closed network connection
2022-06-29T17:06:49.328Z [jfrou] [ERROR] [                ] [server_entrypoint_tcp.go:533  ] [main                ] - Error while starting server: accept tcp [::]:8082: use of closed network connection
2022-06-29T17:06:49.328Z [jfrou] [ERROR] [                ] [server_entrypoint_tcp.go:188  ] [main                ] - accept tcp use of closed network connection
2022-06-29T17:06:49.328Z [jfrou] [ERROR] [                ] [server_entrypoint_tcp.go:533  ] [main                ] - Error while starting server: accept tcp use of closed network connection
Process 230 is still running
2022-06-29T17:06:49.828Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [                ] [logger.go:90                  ] [main                ] - Server stopped
2022-06-29T17:06:49.828Z [jfrou] [INFO ] [                ] [application.go:80             ] [main                ] - JFrog Router stopped

