



$ brew reinstall wget --with-debug
Usage: brew reinstall [options] formula
Uninstall and then install formula using the same options it was originally
installed with, plus any appended brew formula options.
Unless HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP is set, brew cleanup will then be run for
the reinstalled formulae or, every 30 days, for all formulae.
-d, --debug                      If brewing fails, open an interactive
debugging session with access to IRB or a
shell inside the temporary build directory.
-s, --build-from-source          Compile formula from source even if a
bottle is available.
-i, --interactive                Download and patch formula, then open a
shell. This allows the user to run
./configure --help and otherwise
determine how to turn the software package
into a Homebrew package.
--force-bottle               Install from a bottle if it exists for the
current or newest version of macOS, even if
it would not normally be used for
--keep-tmp                   Retain the temporary files created during
-f, --force                      Install without checking for previously
installed keg-only or non-migrated
-v, --verbose                    Print the verification and postinstall
--display-times              Print install times for each formula at the
end of the run.
-q, --quiet                      Suppress any warnings.
-h, --help                       Show this message.
Error: invalid option: --with-debug

运行brew edit wget并添加--enable-debug,保存,然后运行brew install --build-from-source wget
