Windows cmd.exe命令传递的Perl系统函数在某些情况下需要双引号

Windows cmd.exe命令'type\Test\hello.txt'必须用双引号括起来,Perl system((函数才能正确执行。我没有在或在Windows上使用双引号的要求在任何地方都有记录吗

以下示例代码演示了在版本为2004(OS Build 19041.867(的Windows 10 Pro服务器上使用命令perl myperlperlsystest在Windows命令提示符窗口中运行时的问题,Perl版本为v5.26.3

$cmd='type Testhello.txt' ;   # Set Windows DOS command to be executed
system('ECHO '.$cmd) ;          # Display command to be executed
system($cmd) == 0               # Execute command - note "Testhello.txt not found" error but with $? == 0
or die "system("$cmd") failed: $?!" ;
if ($? == -1) {print "system("$cmd") failed to execute: $!!n"}
elsif ($? & 127) {printf "system("$cmd") child died with signal %d, %s coredumpn",
($? & 127),  ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without' ; exit}
elsif ($? != 0) {printf "system("$cmd") child exited with value %dn", $? ; exit}
$cmd='"'.$cmd.'"' ;             # Surround command string in double quotes
system('ECHO '.$cmd) ;          # Display command to be executed
system($cmd) == 0               # Execute command - note that command succeeds
or die "system("$cmd") failed: $?!" ;
if ($? == -1) {print "system("$cmd") failed to execute: $!!n"}
elsif ($? & 127) {printf "system("$cmd") child died with signal %d, %s coredumpn",
($? & 127),  ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without' ; exit}
elsif ($? != 0) {printf "system("$cmd") child exited with value %dn", $? ; exit}
$cmd='type Test10hello.txt' ; # Set Windows DOS command to be executed
system('ECHO '.$cmd) ;          # Display command to be executed -  note that "type Teshello.txt" is echoed
system($cmd) == 0               # Execute command - note "Testhello.txt not found" error but with $? == 0
or die "system("$cmd") failed: $?!" ;
if ($? == -1) {print "system("$cmd") failed to execute: $!!n"}
elsif ($? & 127) {printf "system("$cmd") child died with signal %d, %s coredumpn",
($? & 127),  ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without' ; exit}
elsif ($? != 0) {printf "system("$cmd") child exited with value %dn", $? ; exit}
system('"ECHO '.$cmd).'"' ;     # Display command to be executed (with ECHO command in double quotes)
$cmd='"'.$cmd.'"' ;             # Surround command string in double quotes
system($cmd) == 0               # Execute command
or die "system("$cmd") failed: $?!" ;
if ($? == -1) {print "system("$cmd") failed to execute: $!!n"}
elsif ($? & 127) {printf "system("$cmd") child died with signal %d, %s coredumpn",
($? & 127),  ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without' ; exit}
elsif ($? != 0) {printf "system("$cmd") child exited with value %dn", $? ; exit}



当参数通过系统外壳执行时,结果会受到其怪癖和功能的影响。参见";CCD_ 3";详细信息请参阅perlop。





my @commands = (
'type Testhello.txt',
q("type Testhello.txt")
'type Test10hello.txt',
foreach my $command ( @commands ) {
try_it( $command );
sub try_it  {
my( $cmd ) = @_;
system('ECHO '.$cmd); 
system($cmd) == 0               # Execute command
or die qq(system("$cmd") failed: $?!) ;
if ($? == -1) {
print qq(system("$cmd") failed to execute: $!!n);
elsif ($? & 127) {
printf qq(system("$cmd") child died with signal %d, %s coredumpn),
($? & 127),  ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without' ; 
elsif ($? != 0) {
printf qq(system("$cmd") child exited with value %dn), $? ; 
