

Scanner guess = new Scanner (;
Random hundred = new Random ();
System.out.println ("Welcome to Magic Number!");
System.out.println ("I'm thinking about a number between 0-100. You have 10 rounds to guess the right number.");
System.out.println ("Good Luck!");
int number = hundred.nextInt(101);
while (true) {
System.out.println ("What is the number i'm thinking about?");
int guess1 = guess.nextInt();
if (guess1 > number) {
System.out.println ("The number you gueesed is higher than the number i'm thinking about!"); 
} else if (guess1 < number) {
System.out.println ("This number you guessed is lower than the number i'm thinking about!");
} else if (guess1 == number) {
System.out.println ("Congratulations! You've read my mind!");



int numberOfTimes = 10;
while (numberOfTimes > 0) {
System.out.println ("What is the number i'm thinking about?");
int guess1 = guess.nextInt();
if (guess1 > number) {
System.out.println ("The number you gueesed is higher than the number i'm thinking about!"); 
} else if (guess1 < number) {
System.out.println ("This number you guessed is lower than the number i'm thinking about!");
} else if (guess1 == number) {
System.out.println ("Congratulations! You've read my mind!");
