








import sys, os, random
from docx import *
entryWorking = [] # The placeholder entries created for the draft gamebook

# Identify all paragraphs with a specific heading style (e.g. 'Heading 2')
def iter_headings( paragraphs, heading ) :
for paragraph in paragraphs :
if heading ) :
yield paragraph

# Open the .docx file
document = Document( 'TestFile.docx' )

# Search document for unique placeholder entries (must have a unique heading style)
for heading in iter_headings( document.paragraphs, 'Heading 2' ) :
entryWorking.append( heading.text )

# Create list of randomized gamebook entry numbers
entryNumbers = [ i for i in range( len ( entryWorking ) + 1 ) ]
# Remove unnecessary entry zero (extra added above to compensate)
entryNumbers.remove( 0 )
# Convert to strings
entryNumbers = [ str( x ) for x in entryNumbers ]

# Identify pre-set entries (such as Entry 1), and remove from both lists
# This avoids pre-set numbers being replaced (i.e. they remain as is in the .docx)
# Pre-set entry numbers must _not_ have the "#" prefix in the .docx
for string in entryWorking :
if string[ 0 ] != '#' :
entryWorking.remove( string )
if string in entryNumbers :
entryNumbers.remove( string )
# Shuffle new entry numbers
random.shuffle( entryNumbers )

# Create tuple list of placeholder entries paired with random entry
reference = tuple( zip( entryWorking, entryNumbers ) )

# Replace placeholder headings with assigned randomized entry
for heading in iter_headings( document.paragraphs, 'Heading 2' ) :
for entry in reference :
if heading.text == entry[ 0 ] :
heading.text = entry[ 1 ]

# Search through paragraphs for placeholders and replace with randomized entry
for paragraph in document.paragraphs :
for run in paragraph.runs :
for entry in reference :
if run.text == entry[ 0 ] :
run.text = entry [ 1 ]

# Save the new document with final entries'Output.docx')


  • python docx中的运行级别内容是什么?。

  • 如何用python 有效替换word文档中的句子



有几个段落级函数可以很好地完成这项工作,可以在python docx的GitHub网站上找到。







import sys, os, random, re
from docx import *

# Identify all paragraphs with a specific heading style (e.g. 'Heading 2')
def iter_headings( paragraphs, heading ) :
for paragraph in paragraphs :
if heading ) :
yield paragraph

def paragraph_replace_text( paragraph, regex, replace_str ) : # Credit to scanny on GitHub
"""Return `paragraph` after replacing all matches for `regex` with `replace_str`.
`regex` is a compiled regular expression prepared with `re.compile(pattern)`
according to the Python library documentation for the `re` module.

# --- a paragraph may contain more than one match, loop until all are replaced ---
while True :
text = paragraph.text

match = text )
if not match :

# --- when there's a match, we need to modify run.text for each run that
# --- contains any part of the match-string.
runs = iter( paragraph.runs )
start, end = match.start(), match.end()

# --- Skip over any leading runs that do not contain the match ---
for run in runs :
run_len = len( run.text )
if start < run_len :
start, end = start - run_len, end - run_len

# --- Match starts somewhere in the current run. Replace match-str prefix
# --- occurring in this run with entire replacement str.
run_text = run.text
run_len = len( run_text )
run.text = "%s%s%s" % ( run_text[ :start ], replace_str, run_text[ end: ] )
end -= run_len  # --- note this is run-len before replacement ---
# --- Remove any suffix of match word that occurs in following runs. Note that
# --- such a suffix will always begin at the first character of the run. Also
# --- note a suffix can span one or more entire following runs.
for run in runs :  # --- next and remaining runs, uses same iterator ---
if end <= 0 :
run_text = run.text
run_len = len( run_text )
run.text = run_text[ end: ]
end -= run_len
# --- optionally get rid of any "spanned" runs that are now empty. This
# --- could potentially delete things like inline pictures, so use your judgement.
# for run in paragraph.runs :
#     if run.text == "" :
#         r = run._r
#         r.getparent().remove( r )
return paragraph

""" NOTE: Replace 'Doc.docx' with your filename """
# Open the .docx file
document = Document( 'Doc.docx' )

# Search document for unique placeholder entries (must have a unique heading style)
entryWorking = [] # The placeholder entries created for the draft gamebook

""" NOTE: Replace 'Heading 2' with your entry number header """
for heading in iter_headings( document.paragraphs, 'Heading 2' ) :
entryWorking.append( heading.text )

# Create list of randomized gamebook entry numbers
entryNumbers = [ i for i in range( len ( entryWorking ) + 1 ) ]

# Remove unnecessary entry zero (extra added above to compensate)
entryNumbers.remove( 0 )

# Convert to strings
entryNumbers = [ str( x ) for x in entryNumbers ]

# Identify pre-set entries (such as Entry 1), and remove from both lists
# This avoids pre-set numbers being replaced (i.e. they remain as is in the .docx)
# Pre-set entry numbers must _not_ have the "#" prefix in the .docx
for string in entryWorking :
if string[ 0 ] != '#' :
entryWorking.remove( string )
if string in entryNumbers :
entryNumbers.remove( string )

# Shuffle new entry numbers
random.shuffle( entryNumbers )

# Create tuple list of placeholder entries paired with random entry
reference = tuple( zip( entryWorking, entryNumbers ) )

# Replace placeholder headings with assigned randomized entry
for heading in iter_headings( document.paragraphs, 'Heading 2' ) :
for entry in reference :
if heading.text == entry[ 0 ] :
heading.text = entry[ 1 ]

for paragraph in document.paragraphs :
for entry in reference :
if entry[ 0 ] in paragraph.text :
regex = re.compile( entry[ 0 ] )
paragraph_replace_text(paragraph, regex, entry[ 1 ])

# Save the new document with final entries'Output.docx')
