

< Before >

set_1 abc def  
set_2 a b c d  
e f g h  
i j k l  
m n o p  
set_3 ghi jek  
set_2 aaa bbb  
ccc ddd  
eee fff  
set_4 1 2 3 4  

< After text process >

set_2 a b c d  
e f g h  
i j k l  
m n o p  
set_2 aaa bbb  
ccc ddd  
eee fff  


awk -v st="set_2" '/^set/ {set=$1} /\$/ && set==st { prnt=1 } prnt==1 { print } !/\$/ { prnt=0 }' file


awk -v st="set_2" '                                # Pass the set to track as a variable st
/^set/ {
set=$1                                     # When the line begins with "set", track the set in the variable set
/\$/ && set==st {                 
prnt=1                                     # When we are in the required set block and the line ends with "/", set a print marker (prnt) to 1                                
prnt==1 { 
print                                       # When the print marker is 1, print the line                                    
!/\$/ { 
prnt=0                                       # If the line doesn't end with "/". set the print marker to 0
}' file


sed -nE '
/^set_2/ {                      ;# if the line starts with "set_2" execute the block
:a                              ;# define a label "a"
/\[[:space:]]*$/! {p; bb}      ;# if the line does not end with "", print the pattern space and exit the block
N                               ;# append the next line to the pattern space
ba                              ;# go to label "a"
}                               ;# end of the block
:b                              ;# define a label "b"
' file




perl -ne 'print if /^set_2/..!/\s*$/' file


awk '!/^[[:blank:]]/ {p = ($1 == "set_2")} p' file
set_2 a b c d
e f g h
i j k l
m n o p
set_2 aaa bbb
ccc ddd
eee fff


awk -F'[[:blank:]]*' '$1 == "set_2" ||  $NF ~ /$/ {print $0;f=1} f && $1 == ""' file
set_2 a b c d
e f g h
i j k l
m n o p
set_2 aaa bbb
ccc ddd
eee fff

这可能对你有用(GNU sed(:

sed ':a;/set_2/{:b;n;/set_/ba;bb};d' file


