

class Generator:
def __init__(self, n):
self.current = 0
self.limit = n
self.end_reached = False
def next(self):
if self.current == self.limit:
self.end_reached = True
if self.end_reached:
return None
# Here the point is to have an example where 
# the variable could potentially store a very large 
# object.  Will Python's garbage collection, or whatever,
# wisely use space, or could this be dangerous for 
# the computer's memory?
out = [i for i in range(self.limit)]
self.current += 1
return out
example = Generator(a_really_big_number)
count = 0
while not example.end_reached:
count += 1


我想这是无关紧要的,但我在Windows 10计算机上运行,使用VSCode IPythonNotebooks。Python 3.8.13。


class CProd_Generator:
'''Generator for the Cartesian product of a list of sets (but sets are represented as lists).'''
def __init__(self, setList):
if len(setList) == 0:
raise Exception("Empty setList on construction")
self.setList = setList
self.current_index = [0 for i in range(len(setList))]
self.max_index = [len(setList[i])-1 for i in range(len(setList))]
self.end_reached = False
def step(self, property):
'''Get next element to be generated, if it satisfies the property.'''
sl = self.setList
ci = self.current_index
mi = self.max_index
n = len(sl)
out = tuple([sl[i][ci[i]] for i in range(n)])
i = 0
while ci[i] == mi[i]:
ci[i] = 0
if (i:=i+1) == n:
self.end_reached = True
if i < n:
ci[i] += 1
if property(out):
return out
return None

def next(self, property=lambda x: True):
while not self.end_reached:
if (out := self.step(property)) != None:
return out
return None

def reset(self): 
self.current_index = [0 for i in range(len(self.setList))]
self.end_reached = False



