



adc_integer_expected  <= integer(volt_db(index)(lane) / (ADC_VOLT_MAX/4096.0));


temp <= (volt_db(index)(lane)) / (ADC_VOLT_MAX/4096.0);
adc_integer_expected  <= integer(temp);




library IEEE, modelsim_lib;
use IEEE.Std_Logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use modelsim_lib.util.all;
library work;
use work.pkg_tool_box.all;
use work.bench_package.all;
use work.func_package.all;
use std.textio.all; 
use std.env.all;
architecture sc_0010 of SC_WRAPPER  is
constant INCR_TH      : integer range 0 to 4095:=  1;
signal   INCR_VOLT    : real    := 0.1;
constant ADC_VOLT_MAX : real    := 3.0;       -- Reference
signal   lane_incr    : integer := 0;
--signal cnt : integer range 0 to ;
signal spy_thresholds     : t_th_x;
signal spy_voltages       : t_voltage_in;
signal spy_adc_cntr       : t_adc_mes;
signal spy_voltage_adc    : t_adc_in;
signal spy_th_comp_rslt   : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
signal spy_ir_spi         : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal spy_mux_addr       : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal spy_en_mux         : std_logic;
--signal spy_adc_miso       : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
--signal spy_adc_model_out  : 

signal th_db              : t_th_x;
signal cnt_clk            : integer := 0;
signal obz                : integer := 0;
signal irl                : integer := 0;
signal irh                : integer := 0;
signal th_comp_rslt       : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal volt_db            : t_voltage_in;
signal voltage_i          : real := 0.0;
signal th_i               : integer range 0 to 4095 := 0;
signal temp               : real := 0.0;
signal volt_mux           : t_adc_in := (others => 0.0);                         -- output coming from the 
--signal addr_mux
--signal data_to_send       : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal sc_ir_spi          : std_logic;
signal bit_cnt            : integer range 0 to 16;
signal ir_spi_reg         : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal ir_signal          : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
--signal adc_model_out      : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
--signal Dout               : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
--signal adc_integer_expected      : integer; 
signal adc_mosi_sample         : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
--signal mux_addr_sc         : std_logic_vector( 2 downto 0);
--signal adc_cntrl_out      : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
signal adc_integer_expected        : integer := 0;
signal adc_value_expected          : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0) := (others => '0');

signal cnt_volt           : integer := 0;
init_signal_spy("/testbench/inst_DUT/p_thresholds"               , "/testbench/inst_scenario/spy_thresholds"  , 0,-1);
init_signal_spy("/testbench/channel_voltage"                     , "/testbench/inst_scenario/spy_voltages"    , 0,-1);
init_signal_spy("/testbench/inst_DUT/adc_chX_data"               , "/testbench/inst_scenario/spy_adc_cntr"    , 0,-1);
--init_signal_spy("/TESTBENCH/g_inst_MUX_MODEL/tb_adc_ainp_chx"  , "/testbench/inst_scenario/spy_adc_cntr"    , 0,-1);
--init_signal_spy("/testbench/tb_adc_miso_chx"                     , "/testbench/inst_scenario/spy_voltage_adc" , 0,-1);
init_signal_spy("/testbench/inst_DUT/comp_th_rslt"               , "/testbench/inst_scenario/spy_th_comp_rslt", 0,-1);
init_signal_spy("/testbench/tb_adc_ainp_chx"                     , "/testbench/inst_scenario/spy_voltage_adc", 0,-1);
init_signal_spy("/testbench/inst_DUT/spi_th_reg"                 , "/testbench/inst_scenario/spy_ir_spi", 0,-1);
--init_signal_spy("/TESTBENCH/g_ins_ADC/tb_adc_miso_chx"         , "/testbench/inst_scenario/spy_adc_miso"    , 0,-1);
--init_signal_spy("/testbench/inst_DUT/MUX_ADDR"                    , "/testbench/inst_scenario/spy_mux_addr", 0,-1);
--init_signal_spy("/testbench/inst_DUT/inst_th_comparator/cnt_lane","/testbench/inst_th_comparator/spy_lane"  , 0,-1);  
--                                                     Process     : allocation
--                                                     Description : Values allocation to the thresholds and the voltages
allocation : process

--HW_RST_N         <= '0'; 
--SW_RST_N         <= '0'; 
--SEL_RSM          <= '0'; 
--PWR_ON           <= '0';
--CH_HERE            <= (others => '1');
--A_MUX              <= (others => '0');
--EN_MUX             <= (others => '0');
CH_HERE(0) <= '1';
CH_HERE(1) <= '1'; --'0' after 500 ns, '1' after 3 us, '0' after 8 us;
CH_HERE(2) <= '1'; --'1' after 500 ns, '0' after 4 us, '1' after 9 us;
STST_N             <= '1';
obz                <= 1000;
irl                <= 2000;
irh                <= 3000;
th_db              <= (others => (others => ( (std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(obz,12))), (std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(irl,12))), (std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(irh,12))) )));
volt_db            <= (others => (others => 0.0));
--mux_addr_sc        <= "010"; -- MUX = 2 at the beginning
--adc_sample         <= '0';
--FORCE_EN            <= (others => '0'); 
xprint("","    *******************************************    ");
xprint("","           SCENARIO 1 : Test ...                   ");
xprint("","    *******************************************    ");
UVLO_N  <= '0';          
wait for 100 ns;       
UVLO_N  <= '1';
wait for 0 ns;
--signal_force("/testbench/inst_DUT/ir_rslt", "0000", 0 ns, freeze, -1 ns, 0);

--for th_i in 0 to 4096/INCR_TH loop
for lane in 0 to 7 loop
for channel in 0 to 3 loop
for threshold in 0 to 2 loop
th_db(channel)(lane)(0) <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned((1000 + lane_incr), 12));
th_db(channel)(lane)(1) <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned((2000 + lane_incr), 12));
th_db(channel)(lane)(2) <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned((3000 + lane_incr), 12));
lane_incr <= lane_incr + 1;
--th_db(channel)(lane)(threshold) <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(increment((to_integer(unsigned(th_db(channel)(lane)(threshold)))), 4096,INCR_TH), 12));
wait for 0 ns;
xprint("->", "th_db("&ToS(channel)&")("&ToS(lane)&")("&ToS(threshold)&") vaut : " &ToS(th_db(channel)(lane)(threshold)));
signal_force("/testbench/inst_DUT/p_thresholds("&ToS(channel)&")("&ToS(lane)&")("&ToS(threshold)&")", ToS(th_db(channel)(lane)(threshold)), 0 ns , freeze , -1 ns , 0);
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;
xprint("-->", "th_db finito");
--end loop;

-- Another process ???
for volt_i in 0 to integer(ADC_VOLT_MAX/INCR_VOLT) loop       -- 3.0/0.1
for lane in 0 to 7 loop
for channel in 0 to 3 loop
--volt_db(channel)(lane) <= increment(volt_db(channel)(lane),ADC_VOLT_MAX,INCR_VOLT);
if(volt_db(channel)(lane) < ADC_VOLT_MAX - INCR_VOLT) then
volt_db(channel)(lane) <= volt_db(channel)(lane) + INCR_VOLT;
volt_db(channel)(lane) <= volt_db(channel)(lane) + INCR_VOLT - ADC_VOLT_MAX;
end if;
wait for 0 ns;
signal_force("/testbench/channel_voltage("&ToS(channel)&")("&ToS(lane)&")", ToS(volt_db(channel)(lane)), 0 ns , freeze , -1 ns , 0);    --TESTBENCH
xprint("->", "volt_db("&ToS(channel)&")("&ToS(lane)&") vaut : " &ToS(volt_db(channel)(lane)));
--xprint("->", "spy_voltage("&ToS(channel)&")("&ToS(lane)&") vaut : " &ToS(spy_voltages(channel)(lane)));
end loop;
end loop;
wait for 0 ns;
--for lane in 0 to 7 loop
--  for channel in 0 to 3 loop
--    if(spy_voltages /= volt_db) then
--      xprint("->", "Data error, the voltages of your ADC are different of what is expected. Try again !");
--      xprint("->", "spy voltage("&ToS(channel)&")("&ToS(lane)&") vaut : " &ToS(spy_voltages(channel)(lane)));
--      xprint("->", "volt_db("&ToS(channel)&")("&ToS(lane)&") vaut : " &ToS(volt_db(channel)(lane)));
--    else
--      xprint("-->", "Voltages spy OK");
--    end if;
--  end loop;
--end loop;
--wait until rising_edge(TICK);       

end loop;      
--wait for 1 us;
--xprint("->", "STST_N assertion");
--ST_ST_N <= '0';
-- wait until ...

--A_MUX  <= "001" after 62.5 ns, "010" after 938 ns, "011" after 1875 ns, "100" after 2813 ns, "101" after 3751 ns, "110" after 4689 ns, "111" after 5627 ns;
--EN_MUX <= "1111";
--wait for 1 us;
--CH_HERE          <= (others => '1') after 60 ns;
--wait for 50 ns;    
--signal_force("/TESTBENCH/tb_en_mux" , "111111111", 0 ns , freeze , -1 ns , 0);

--wait for 50 * T_Tick;          

wait for 1 ms;   

xprint("**","      END OF SIMULATION       ** "); 

end process allocation;
--                                                            Process     : test
--                                                            Description : Control and verification
-- voltage to adc_model_out
-- adc_model_out to adc_ctrl_out (spy)
-- adc_ctrl_out (spy) to th_comparatot_out (SPI)      
g_inst_ADC_CTRL_test : for index in 0 to 3 generate               -- The four ADC are in parallel so --> generate

test_verif : process           -- ADC_MODEL Sampling
--variable adc_integer_expected        : integer := 0;
--variable adc_value_expected          : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0) := (others => '0');
--variable mux_addr_sc                 :  std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);                             
--variable adc_sample             : std_logic := '0';
-- Data_sampling new name => expected en integer
-- adc_model_out new name => 12 bit expected from voltage
-- adc_model_miso new name => 12 bit sampled from adc_model
--adc_integer_expected <= 0;
for lane in 0 to 7 loop
wait until(falling_edge(SPI_SS_N));
wait for 62.5 ns;         -- wait for one clock pulse
--for channel in 0 to 3 loop
if(EN_MUX = '1') then
volt_mux(index) <= volt_db(index)(to_integer(unsigned(MUX_ADDR)));
volt_mux(index) <= 0.0;
end if;
--CheckValue(volt_mux(index), spy_voltage_adc(index), "Comparison result for the output of the mux, for channel : "&CHANNEL_NAME(index));
--end loop;
------------------------------------------- Check if the MUX value changes at the good time ---------------------------------------
--wait for 62.5 ns;
--mux_addr_sc <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(integer(mux_addr_sc + 1),3));
--CheckValue(MUX_ADDR, mux_addr_sc, "MUX VALUE IN THE SCENARIO is : "&mux_addr_sc &" and the value in the design is : "&MUX_ADDR);
------------------------------------------- Check the value coming from the ADC MODEL ---------------------------------------------
if (EN_MUX = '1') then
temp                  <= (volt_db(index)(lane)) / (ADC_VOLT_MAX/4096.0);
adc_integer_expected  <= integer(temp);
--adc_integer_expected  <= integer(volt_db(index)(lane) / (ADC_VOLT_MAX/4096.0));
wait for 0 ns;
adc_value_expected   <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(adc_integer_expected, 12));
xprint("--", "ADC DATA channel "&CHANNEL_NAME(index)&" lane "&Tos(lane)&" expected value is : "&ToS(adc_integer_expected)&" (="&ToS(adc_value_expected)&")");

------------------------------------------- Check the value coming from the ADC CONTROLER and compare it with the ADC MODEL's value   ----------------
for adc_bit in 0 to 14 loop
wait until(rising_edge(ADC_SCK));
if ((2 <= adc_bit) and (adc_bit < 14) ) then
adc_mosi_sample(adc_bit - 2) <= ADC_MISO_CH(index);
end if;
end loop;
wait for 10 ns;
CheckValue(spy_adc_cntr(index),adc_value_expected, "ADC_MODEL output result for Channel : "&CHANNEL_NAME(index)&".");
CheckValue(spy_adc_cntr(index),adc_mosi_sample,"ADC CTRL output result for channel : "&CHANNEL_NAME(index)&".");

end if;
end loop;
--CheckValue(spy_adc_cntr(index), adc_value_expected, "Comparison result for Channel "&CHANNEL_NAME(index)&" ADC_CONTROLER output");
end process test_verif;
end generate g_inst_ADC_CTRL_test;
spi_process : process
wait until (SPI_SS_N = '1');
wait for 10 ns;

for lane in 0 to 7 loop
for th in 0 to 11 loop
case th is
When 0  => th_comp_rslt(th) <= bool_to_std(adc_value_expected >= th_db(0)(lane)(0));  -- irl_CHANNEL_A 
When 1  => th_comp_rslt(th) <= bool_to_std(adc_value_expected <= th_db(0)(lane)(1));  -- irh_CHANNEL_A
When 2  => th_comp_rslt(th) <= bool_to_std(adc_value_expected >= th_db(0)(lane)(2));  -- obz_CHANNEL_A
When 3  => th_comp_rslt(th) <= bool_to_std(adc_value_expected >= th_db(1)(lane)(0));  -- irl_CHANNEL_B
When 4  => th_comp_rslt(th) <= bool_to_std(adc_value_expected <= th_db(1)(lane)(1));  -- irh_CHANNEL_B
When 5  => th_comp_rslt(th) <= bool_to_std(adc_value_expected >= th_db(1)(lane)(2));  -- obz_CHANNEL_B
When 6  => th_comp_rslt(th) <= bool_to_std(adc_value_expected >= th_db(2)(lane)(0));  -- irl_CHANNEL_C
When 7  => th_comp_rslt(th) <= bool_to_std(adc_value_expected <= th_db(2)(lane)(1));  -- irh_CHANNEL_C
When 8  => th_comp_rslt(th) <= bool_to_std(adc_value_expected >= th_db(2)(lane)(2));  -- obz_CHANNEL_C
When 9  => th_comp_rslt(th) <= bool_to_std(adc_value_expected >= th_db(3)(lane)(0));  -- irl_CHANNEL_D
When 10 => th_comp_rslt(th) <= bool_to_std(adc_value_expected <= th_db(3)(lane)(1));  -- irh_CHANNEL_D
When 11 => th_comp_rslt(th) <= bool_to_std(adc_value_expected >= th_db(3)(lane)(2));  -- obz_CHANNEL_D
xprint("->", "th_comp_rslt("&ToS(th)&") vaut : " &ToS(th_comp_rslt(th)));
--xprint("->", "th_db("&ToS(index)&")("&ToS(lane)&")("&ToS(th)&") vaut : " &ToS(th_db(index)(lane)(th)));
end case;
wait for 0 ns;
--wait until rising_edge(MCLKIN);
ir_signal(0) <= th_comp_rslt(0) and th_comp_rslt(1);
ir_signal(1) <= th_comp_rslt(3) and th_comp_rslt(4);
ir_signal(2) <= th_comp_rslt(6) and th_comp_rslt(7);
ir_signal(3) <= th_comp_rslt(9) and th_comp_rslt(10);
wait for 0 ns;
--CheckValue(spy_th_comp_rslt, th_comp_rslt, "Comparison result for IR_SPI(16 bits) ");       --&CHANNEL_NAME(index)&Tos(lane)&" "&TH_NAME(th));
end loop;

ir_spi_reg <= ir_signal(3) & th_comp_rslt(11 downto 9) &
ir_signal(2) & th_comp_rslt( 8 downto 6) &
ir_signal(1) & th_comp_rslt( 5 downto 3) &
ir_signal(0) & th_comp_rslt( 2 downto 0);
CheckValue(spy_ir_spi, ir_spi_reg, "IR result for lane number : " &ToS(lane));
end loop;
wait for 1 ms; 
end process spi_process;
--end generate g_inst_ADC_CTRL_test;

--output_latched : process
--end process;
end sc_0010;

