


while (my $line = <$fh_file_vss_rlrp_inst>) {
chomp $line;
my @columns_line = split('s+', $line);
if( scalar @columns_line == 10 && $columns_line[-1] !~ /X|Y|Z|K/ ) {
print $fh_reduced "$columns_line[1] $columns_line[7] $columns_line[-1]n";
if($inst_count % 10000000 == 0) { 
$date = `date`;
print "Processed $inst_count ... time: $date";


while (my $line = <$fh_file_vss_rlrp_inst>) {
chomp $line;
my @columns_line = split('s+', $line);
my $wip = $columns_line[0];
my $this_inst = $columns_line[0];
my @loc_xyz;
my @loc_ijk;
while (grep(///, $wip)){
if (exists($h_kI_vB{$wip})){ 
push(@loc_xyz, $h_kI_vB{$wip});                         
$wip =~ s//[^/]+$//;
if (exists($h_kI_vB{$wip})){
push(@loc_xyz, $h_kI_vB{$wip});

if (@loc_xyz){
my $loc_block_string;
foreach my $loc ( @loc_xyz){
if (not defined $loc_block_string){
$loc_block_string = "$loc";
} else {
$loc_block_string = $loc_block_string.":$loc";

if(exists $hierarchical_blocks{$this_inst}) {
my @x_y_layer = split(',', $columns_line[1]);
$x_y_layer[0] =~ s/(//;
if(! defined $H_instBlock_coordinates{ $hierarchical_blocks{$this_inst} } ) { 
my @initial_coordinate = ($x_y_layer[0], $x_y_layer[1], $x_y_layer[0], $x_y_layer[1]);
print $fh_log "For inst:$this_inst $hierarchical_blocks{$this_inst}: @initial_coordinaten" ;
@{ $H_instBlock_coordinates{$hierarchical_blocks{$this_inst}} } = @initial_coordinate; 
} else {
my @old_x1_y1_x2_y2 =  @{ $H_instBlock_coordinates{$hierarchical_blocks{$this_inst}} };
my $x1 = $old_x1_y1_x2_y2[0];
my $y1 = $old_x1_y1_x2_y2[1];
my $x2 = $old_x1_y1_x2_y2[2];
my $y2 = $old_x1_y1_x2_y2[3];
if($x_y_layer[0] < $x1) {
$x1 = $x_y_layer[0];
} elsif ($x_y_layer[0] > $x2) {
$x2 = $x_y_layer[0];

if($x_y_layer[1] < $y1) {
$y1 = $x_y_layer[1];
} elsif ($x_y_layer[1] > $y2) {
$y2 = $x_y_layer[1];

my @new_x1_y1_x2_y2 = ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);

print $fh_log "For inst:$this_inst Changing coordinate to block $hierarchical_blocks{$this_inst}: @new_x1_y1_x2_y2n" ;
@{ $H_instBlock_coordinates{$hierarchical_blocks{$this_inst}} } = @new_x1_y1_x2_y2; 


if($inst_count % 1000000 == 0) {
$date = `date`;
print "Processed $inst_count ...time: $daten";





24 / 700,000,000 hour/line
* 60 minute/hour
* 60 s/minute
= 1.2 * 10^(-4) s/line
= 12 μs/line


./prog_a | ./prog_b



./prog_a | ./prog_i | ./prog_b



use strict;
use warnings;
while (<>) {
my @fields = split;
# Using a lookup hash would be faster if you know
# the specific values C<< $fields[9] >> can take.
# Something like the following before the loop:
# C<< my %skip = map { $_ => 1 } qw( X Y Z K ); >>.
# Then, you'd use C<< !$skip{$fields[9]} >>
# instead of a regex match.
if (@fields == 10 && $fields[9] !~ /[XYZK]/) {
my ($x, $y) = split(/,/, substr($fields[7], 1))
print "$fields[1] $x $yn";

if ($. % 10_000_000 == 0) { 
my $ts = localtime();
print STDERR "[$ts] prog_a processed $. lines.n";
use strict;
use warnings;
# Should be safe to use since it's deemed safe enough to enabled by default in Perl 7.
# Allows us to cleanly avoid repeatedly doing the same hash lookup.
# We could use a reference instead of an alias by replacing
#    my $coords = $H_instBlock_coordinates{$block};
# with
#    my $coords_ref = $H_instBlock_coordinates{$block};
# and changing all other instances of
#    $coords
# with
#    ${$coords_ref}
# But this would be a lot more noisy.
use experimental qw( refaliasing );
my %h_kI_vB = ...;
my %hierarchical_blocks;
my %H_instBlock_coordinates;
while (<>) {
my ($this_inst, $x, $y) = split;
# C<< $this_inst >> contains something like C<< a/b/c >>
my @loc_xyz;
my $wip = $this_inst;
while (1) {
# If an existing C<< $h_kI_vB{$wip}) >> won't ever be a false value
# (zero or an empty string), replacing C<< exists($h_kI_vB{$wip}) >>
# with C<< $h_kI_vB{$wip} >> would be a tiny tiny bit faster.
if (exists($h_kI_vB{$wip})) {
push(@loc_xyz, $h_kI_vB{$wip});
# The regex engine is pretty heavy, so while the
# remainder of the loop could be replaced with
# C<< $wip =~ s{/[^/]*z}{} or last; >>, it
# probably wouldn't be as fast.
( my $i = rindex($wip, "/") ) >= 0
or last;
substr($wip, $i, length($wip), "");
if (@loc_xyz) {
my $block = join(":", @loc_xyz);
$hierarchical_blocks{$this_inst} = $block;
# C<< $block >> contains something like C<< d:e:f >>.
# It may have fewer parts than C<< $this_inst >> did.
# C<< $coords >> is an alias for C<< $H_instBlock_coordinates{$block} >>.
my $coords = $H_instBlock_coordinates{$block};
if ($coords) {
if    ($x < $coords->[0]) { $coords->[0] = $x; }
elsif ($x > $coords->[2]) { $coords->[2] = $x; }
if    ($y < $coords->[1]) { $coords->[1] = $y; }
elsif ($y > $coords->[3]) { $coords->[3] = $y; }
print $fh_log "For inst:$this_inst Changing coordinate to block $block: @$coordsn";
} else {
$coords = [ $x, $y, $x, $y ];
print $fh_log "For inst:$this_inst " .                         "$block: @$coordsn";
if ($. % 1_000_000 == 0) {
my $ts = localtime();
print STDERR "[$ts] prog_b processed $. lines.n";
